von BK-Christian | 22.11.2022 | eingestellt unter: Crowdfunding, Terrain / Gelände

Mantic Games: Terrain Crate 3

Der neue Kickstarter von Mantic Games ist da.

TerrainCrate 3 – Trees, Ruins and Scatter 

Say goodbye to tired old model railway trees and flimsy bits of scatter terrain.

TC3 will make your gaming table as good as your miniatures!

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This campaign will bring an incredible range of plastic trees and futuristic structures to enhance your gaming – and bring your tabletop to life!

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TerrainCrate allows you to dress your favorite grim dark or far, far away alien planet with an array of beautiful modular trees and a huge selection of great scatter terrain at fantastic value for money!

When selecting your Crate, you can choose any combination from the two Crates below – so feel free to go double trees OR double scatter. You’ll get an gigantic amount of terrain right from the start…but remember with plenty of stretch goals to unlock, these crates will only get bigger!

Forest Crate

In this Tree-mendous Crate you get enough plant life to make several dense woods and set a fantastic landscape for your table.

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Battlefield Scatter Crate

Every sci-fi wargamer knows how important ruins, rubble and scatter can be to not only set the scene and build immersion but also blocking line of sight and providing all important cover. This Crate is packed to the brim with Gothic walls, rubble and scatter terrain.

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Our first two TerrainCrate Kickstarter projects were a huge success and, thanks to your support, we were able to make a massive range of affordable, unbreakable, plastic scenery that allowed gamers to create the dungeon of their dreams, bring their RPGs to life or produce a fantasy or historical battlefields worth fighting over.

Now we’re moving out of the dungeon, and striding across the battlefields of future to bring you terrain suitable for all the major Sci-Fi wargames games – and a selection of fantasy games too! Be it Firefight, Deadzone, Star Wars Legion, Infinity, D&D, Kings of War or even 40k, TerrainCrate is the perfect companion to bring any tabletop gaming experience to life.

Tooling hundreds of pieces of scenery is a huge undertaking – and that’s why we’re asking for your support! In return you’ll get boxes crammed full of incredibly detailed TerrainCrate goodness at an amazing price. With this Kickstarter, you’ll get terrain that’s:

Fantastic! – made from PVC plastic the TerrainCrate pieces will not only be tough enough for the rigors of intense and repeated gaming – but the tree will look like no terrain you have ever bought before!

From Giant Mushrooms…

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…to giant Alien Jungles…

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Yet the ruins are effortlessly compatible with whatever buildings you have already on your gaming table!

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Effortless! – all the trees have common fittings – so they can be quickly built – with infinite possible configurations… And all the pieces come pre-coloured in brown or grey, so can be put straight on the table, though painting can be done very quickly (see video in reviews).

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The Ruins and Scatter terrain can be used straight from the box to bring your tabletop to life in seconds.

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Useful! – we’ve created TerrainCrate to be compatible with all the major game systems – so the barricades can act as defensible positions, the walls can mark the corners of buildings, the trees can be any height – and easily up to over 5″ – and the whole collection works as well on a claustrophobic, scenery heavy skirmish game, an RPG table – or a huge 6×4 gaming table!

Lots of Terrain! Both the ‚Battlefield Scatter‘ and the ‚Forest‘ crates come with heaps of plastic in every crate. We know if you are improving your gaming table you want to do it in one – and both crates come with over 50 pieces of plastic, with lots of variety – and that is before we hit any stretch goals.

TerrainCrate 3 will bring your battlefield to life – so please help us bring the background to the foreground.

Optional Extras:

Here you can find great value optional extras to add to your pledge and let you finish off your dream gaming table – or add templates to mean you never have a rules argument again (well about your terrain at least!)!

We made these items optional because we know some backers might have a table already, while others might not need templates – but we know EVERYONE needs lots of trees – so we built the core pledge options around the crates themselves – and then left the options to pick and mix according to your specific requirements.

To add an optional extra to your pledge, increase the total amount of your pledge by the cost of the item.

What’s more, if you only want to buy an optional extra (rather than a full Crate) just choose ‚pledge with no reward‘ and add the required amount. You’ll be able to choose the optional extra you want in the pledge manager after the campaign has finished.

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Once the campaign has finished, we’ll collect the total funds and within a few weeks you’ll receive something called the Pledge Manager. The Pledge Manager will be credited with any extra money you’ve pledged during the campaign and you can then choose which optional extras you want to add.

Stretch Goals:

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Don’t take our word for how awesome TerrainCrate is! Below you can watch a selection of reviews, interviews and videos, including some great reviews for the original TerrainCrate kickstarters.


Shipping is NOT included in your pledge and will be calculated/charged once the campaign has completed. We recommend waiting until the pledge manager to add the exact amount required (remember that add-ons will need to be included).

We currently estimate that the average shipping costs for the crates will be approximately:

  • UK: £7-10 (depending upon the number of crates and add-ons you select)
  • USA (shipping hub): £22 – £35 (depending upon the number of crates and add-ons you select)
  • Europe (shipping hub): £15 – £25 (depending upon the number of crates and add-ons you select)
  • Europe (Non EU countries) £18 – £28 (depending upon the number of crates and add-ons you select)
  • Canada (shipping hub): £25 – £40 (depending upon the number of crates and add-ons you select)
  • Australia/New Zealand (shipping hub): £25 – £40 (depending upon the number of crates and add-ons you select)
  • Rest of World: £30 – £45 (depending upon the number of crates and add-ons you select)

All optional extras will have their shipping calculated and charged in the Pledge Manager after the campaign has finished.

Please note, we are unable to ship physical products to these countries: Argentina, Brazil, Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, Syria, South Africa, Kazakhstan and Afghanistan. We are also unable to ship to PO boxes. These pledges will be refunded.

Die Kampagne ist finanziert und läuft noch 14 Tage.

Quelle: Terrain Crate 3


Chefredakteur und Betreiber von Brückenkopf-Online. Partner und Spieldesigner bei NeverRealm Industry. Seit 2002 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop Warhammer Fantasy (Dunkelelfen). Aktuelle Projekte: Summoners (alle Fraktionen), Deathmatch, Deadzone/Firefight (Asterianer und Enforcer), diverse Raumschiffe und allerlei Mechs.

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  • Finde ich super und gebe dafür Geld aus. Auf jeden Fall deutlich besser als Bäume für Modelleisenbahnen zu nutzen.
    Mir gefällt auch die Diversität sowie Modularität, mit welcher die Pflanzen kommen, das eröffnet einem viele Möglichkeiten zur Base- als Spielfeldgestaltung. Ich bin gespannt was noch so alles kommen wird. Das Sci-Fi Scatter Terrain ist auch nett.

  • Ich bin auch dabei. Es ist am Ende auch nicht viel teurer als jemanden zu finden, der einem was ähnliches druckt, bei den Mauern wahrscheinlich sogar günstiger. Es ist nicht überladen und lässt sich deshalb wahrscheinlich recht schnell bemalt. Das ist für mich bei Gelände schon wichtig.

  • Kann ich jetzt auch nichts damit anfangen. Aber seit dem 3D-Druck Zeitalter bleib ich eh lieber bei Fantastic Plants&Co.

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