von BK-Bob | 23.04.2022 | eingestellt unter: Fantasy

Lucid Eye Publications: Shadows of Centralis Bundle

Lucid Eye Publications veröffentlichen eine exklusive Miniatur für John Wombats Shadows of Centralis.

LEP Shadows Of Centralis Rule Book

Shadows of Centralis Rule Book – 25,00£

“The Old Ones were, the Old Ones are, and the Old Ones shall be. Not in the spaces we know, but between them. They walk serene and primal, undimensioned and to us unseen.” HP Lovecraft.

Shadows of Centralis is a dynamic 28mm (1:64) scale tabletop wargame which fuses elements of fantasy, science fiction, and horror.

With a unique slant on fantasy and science fiction tropes, and providing richly detailed background stories, Shadows of Centralis is an immersive strategy wargame which offers players the opportunity to field a range of different armies. From the nightmarish Undead, resurrected from peaceful slumber by foul necromancy, to the pious Konstrato Empire, from the barbarous Yalif hordes to the technologically advanced Lords, in total, there are fifteen different armies to choose from.

Designed to be flexible and to encourage greater inclusivity, Shadows of Centralis can be played with as few as 20 – 30 models per side, through to players taking part in largescale battles with hundreds of models involved. With innovative gaming features and numerous races to choose from, Shadows of Centralis offers both experienced wargamers and newcomers to the hobby exciting and challenging tabletop conflicts.

Complete with several different scenarios, full rules, and fifteen comprehensive army lists, this 400-page A5 book contains all the information needed to play a game of Shadows of Centralis. So, choose your god, gather your troops, grab your dice and tape measure, and enter into the strange, dark world of the Orb.

Book contains

• Foreword by Rick Priestley

• Introduction to Shadows of Centralis

• Details of Centralis Portas and the gods

• Map and history of the Orb

• Full rules

• 6 different scenarios

• 15 army lists; Damned, Dwarfs, Elves, Fiends, Followers of the Eye, Goblins, Hag Elves, Konstrato Empire, Lords, Orcs, Order of Ophelia, Samurai, Servants of Extinction, Undead, Yalif

• Featured model manufacturers; Diehard Miniatures, Gripping Beast Ltd, Warlord Games, Foundry Miniatures Ltd, Warmonger Miniatures, Goblinmaster Limited, Lucid Eye Publications, Mantic

Shipping 29th April 2022

LEP R'lyeh, Acolyte Of Rooth

R’lyeh, Acolyte of Rooth – 6,50£

R’lyeh, Acolyte of Rooth

Lucid Eye’s exclusive Shadows of Centralis miniature, only available from Lucid Eye. Featured within Shadows of Centralis.

Contains one 28mm white metal miniature. Provided with a display base. Designed by Steve Saleh.

Shipping April 29th

LEP Shadows Of Centralis Rule Book & Exclusive Miniature Bundle

Shadows of Centralis Rule Book & Exclusive Miniature Bundle – 30,00£

Shadows of Centralis Rule Book & Exclusive Miniature Bundle

Book contains

• Foreword by Rick Priestley

• Introduction to Shadows of Centralis

• Details of Centralis Portas and the gods

• Map and history of the Orb

• Full rules

• 6 different scenarios

• 15 army lists; Damned, Dwarfs, Elves, Fiends, Followers of the Eye, Goblins, Hag Elves, Konstrato Empire, Lords, Orcs, Order of Ophelia, Samurai, Servants of Extinction, Undead, Yalif

• Featured model manufacturers; Diehard Miniatures, Gripping Beast Ltd, Warlord Games, Foundry Miniatures Ltd, Warmonger Miniatures, Goblinmaster Limited, Lucid Eye Publications, Mantic

Also contains

R’lyeh, Acolyte of Rooth

Lucid Eye’s exclusive Shadows of Centralis miniature, only available from Lucid Eye. Featured within Shadows of Centralis.

Contains one 28mm white metal miniature. Provided with a display base. Designed by Steve Saleh.

Shipping 29th April

Quelle: Lucid Eye Publications


Seit 2010 im Hobby. Aktuelle Projekte: Warhammer Fantasy/Old World (Imperium, Bretonen, Tiermenschen, Skaven, Gnome), Blood Bowl (Gnome, Echsenmenschen), Warcry, Summoners (Erde, Tod), Bolt Action (Briten), Herr der Ringe (Harad)

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    • Ist halt eine Zusammenstellung von Regeln, Hintergrundgedöns, Armeelisten und Modellgalerie. Da kommt halt was zusammen!

    • @BZ:
      Und wieviel Seiten hätte ein AoS Regelbuch oder ein 40k Regelbuch in das zusätzlich noch 15 Codex-/Armeebücher eingearbeitet wären?
      Wenn es gut lesbar sein soll, inklusive Bilder und Grafiken, bekommt man auf eine A5 Seite auch nicht so viel Material, das sollte man bei 400 Seiten auch bedenken.

  • Hört sich schon interessant an. Scheint schön pulpy zu sein und warum nicht mal was mehr Hintergrund ins Regelbuch hauen, kostet trotzdem nur knapp 2/3 vom gleich großen, aber ohne Codizes nicht spielbaren 40k-Regelwerk. Samurai stoßen mir etwas sauer auf, da hätte man sich vllt. besser auch einen bekloppten Namen überlegt, aber cool sind sie ja schon. Sehr nervig dass es keine PDF Version zu geben scheint? Aber irgendwann wollte ich eh mal bei Lucid Eye bestellen…

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