von BK-Pascal | 05.11.2022 | eingestellt unter: Fantasy, Patreon

Lost Kingdom Miniatures: November Patreon

Die Mumien sind zurück. Lost Kingdom Miniatures haben für den November wieder ein STL-Paket für Patreons zusammengestellt.


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Hello everybody!

Here we bring you the PREVIEW for the month of NOVEMBER. This month we have come up to finish our army of Secon Dinasty. So we have listened to you and prepared several multi-component regiments with their command groups so you can combine them as you like. We have also added the command group of the damned and a couple of spectacular heroes.

We are especially proud of these models and we have put all our dedication and love into them, so we hope you like them a lot!

November release:

– Hathor, Beduin Sorcerer on Rhinoceros ( 50x100mm rectangular base, 50×160 oval base).

– Seb, Headless Sorcerer (25x50mm square base, 30x60mm oval base)

– Khnum Archers (25x25mm square base, 25mm round base).

– Khnum Archers CG (25x25mm square base, 25mm round base)

– Khnum Riders (25x50mm square base, 30x60mm oval base)

– Khnum Riders CG (25x50mm square base, 30x60mm oval base)

– Hurus Spearmen (25x25mm square base, 25mm round base)

– Hurus Spearmen CG (25x25mm square base, 25mm round base)

– Hurus Riders (25x50mm square base, 30x60mm oval base)

– Hurus Riders CG (25x50mm square base, 30x60mm oval base)

– Damned regiment CG (25x25mm square base, 25mm round base)

They will be available around November 10-11, WITH and WITHOUT supports 😉

Quelle: Lost Kingdom Miniatures auf Patreon


Brückenkopf-Redakteur und Miniature-Painting-Streamer. Wiedereinstieg ins Hobby 2015 nach sehr langer Pause. Spielt Warhammer 40k, SAGA, Star Wars Legion, Summoners uvm.

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  • Bei den Musikern frag ich mich ob es auch funktioniert hätte anstatt den Seilen as Saiten, einfach die Supports stehen zu lassen. Dann wären die vielleicht nicht ganz so dick geworden.

  • Echt hübsch und ne nette Ergänzung zu ihrer Range, v.a. endlich mehr Kavallerie. 🙂 Wenn auch etwas spät…

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