Lost Hobbyist: August Patreon Preview
Beim Lost Hobbyist gibt es im August sehr betagte Barbaren als STL-Datein für Patreonunterstützer.
Hi Hobbyists,
Here are the pictures for the senior Barbarians.
It turned out to be quite a large multi-part kit.
To save some time, I can no longer make aditional one-piece miniatures.
It just took too long to support all the multipart files and the characters and the soccer team.
But to simplify the printing process, I created folders with the parts needed for each barbarian.
This allows you to easily print and assemble your character without having to search through the multi-piece set.Pictures of the Football Team will follow in the next Days.
They will be named „the Hacking Hunchbacks“.I am working on the supports right now.
And than I will sculp good old father DEATH.
I hope you like them.
Happy printing,
Quelle: Lost Hobbyist auf Patreon
Die „Graue Horde“!!!
Von der Scheibenwelt kommend, echt super umgesetzt. 🤣😂🤣