von BK-Pascal | 13.03.2022 | eingestellt unter: 3D-Druck, Fantasy, Patreon

Lord of the Print: März Patreon

Lord of the Print haben wieder einige Drachen und andere Monstrositäten in ihr STL-Paket für ihre Patreons gepackt.


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March Release – Swarm of the Vouivre

“ A scathing cry resounded between the pines of the forest of Al’Getern, the mother gave birth several decades ago. Her last egg, the Alpha’s, must not hatch, traveler. If it hatches it will be the end of the regions all around the Izul’ka mountain range and after yours. The drones are making rounds, don’t get spotted, or the soldiers will arrive in large numbers. The higher you climb, the more likely you are to encounter the feithered; their claws are demonic. Fight your way into the nest, annihilate the threat before it grows and destroy the primordial egg, the Alpha. “

Hey ! We hope you’re all fine. The time has come for the wyverns to be talked about. It’s a classical theme and we take an incredible pleasure to do that kind of mythical pieces !

We cross our fingers that you will appreciate, it is always a bet to touch creatures very ingrained in the common spirit and with so many expectations. We really worked hard on the dynamism, on the identity of each model and coherence.

If you haven’t already seen, yesterday we published the results of the 5th edition of the painting contest “ The Golden Brush „. Congratulations again everyone !

Content of Swarm of the Vouivre :

– 3 Vouivre Drones ( Dive, Liftoff, Walking )

– 3 Vouivre Soldiers ( Roar, Sting, Watching )

– 1 Vouivre Matriarch

– 3 Vouivre Babies ( Curious, Standing, Nest )

– 2 Rukh ( Male & Female )

Children of the Scale content :

– Tarhun : Half Dragon heavy soldier

– Kriv : Dragonborn Wizard

Take care !!

Cheers !

Lotp Team

Quelle: Lord of the Print auf Patreon


Brückenkopf-Redakteur und Miniature-Painting-Streamer. Wiedereinstieg ins Hobby 2015 nach sehr langer Pause. Spielt Warhammer 40k, SAGA, Star Wars Legion, Summoners uvm.

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