von BK-Pascal | 12.07.2022 | eingestellt unter: Fantasy, Patreon

Lord of the Print: Juli Patreon Preview

Lord of the Print haben im Juli wieder ein Stl-Paket für Patreonunterstützer zusammengestellt.

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July Release – Siren’s song

„Storms swell over the Inniro Archipelago. 120 miles southwest of the Umbral Coast, deep into the Ouryan Sea a sizable fishing vessel, The Muscle, is trapped by these sudden onset winds and storms. The waves batter their sides, their nets tangle into a mess, one man falls overboard, and is lost to the black waters that swarm the ship. Captain Voltair rallies his men, calls out to them to not fear the depths. A small swell such as this could not sink this vessel. The men attempt to pull their nets up, bring down the sails to prevent ripping, all seemingly in vain as the typhoon beats down on them like a fist from the gods. As the men are looking over the side for their lost comrade, they all speak of horrors circling below. Masses of tentacles, longer than the entire ship, crabs reaching up with claws from the murky depths, one is even almost compelled to jump ship to embrace a siren’s song before being restrained by his comrades. The men are tired, their faces sting from the rain being shot down onto them. One man runs to the captain and yells something into his ear, the words being lost to the rest of the men from the gale force winds deafening them.

The captain takes a deep breath and announces, “Rocks off the bow! Prepare to swim!”

As the boat lurches forwards, splinters fly through the air, and Captain Voltair and his three dozen men leap into the cold depths of the Ouryan.“

Hey ! We hope you are all doing well. Finger crossed that the temperature on your side of the planet is warm because the new release is refreshing. It’s been a while since we visited the seabed together, so we put a lot of energy into preparing these big seafood platters for you !! We hope that you will enjoy it as much as it was super fun to get back to this kind of theme 😀

Can’t wait to see the colors that you are going to give to these seashells !

Siren’s Song content :

– Fin Toad x1

– Kraken x1

– Mermaids x3 poses

– Rayman x10poses with 8 variations

– Crab Wader x2 poses

– Torescargot x1

– Whales x3 poses

Quelle: Lord of the Print auf Patreon


Brückenkopf-Redakteur und Miniature-Painting-Streamer. Wiedereinstieg ins Hobby 2015 nach sehr langer Pause. Spielt Warhammer 40k, SAGA, Star Wars Legion, Summoners uvm.

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