von BK-Bob | 02.01.2022 | eingestellt unter: 3D-Druck, Crowdfunding

Lair of the Werewolf: STL Kickstarter

Neil Billings ist mit einem Rudel Werewölfe mit passenden Gelände auf Kickstarter unterwegs.

Lair of the Werewolf


STL files for a 3d printable werewolf lair, full of werewolves.

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Welcome to the „Lair of the Werewolf“ Kickstarter campaign, a 3d printable werewolf lair that happens to be full of werewolves.

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This campaign features two sets – a miniatures set and a terrain set.

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The Miniatures

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The miniatures set consists of 5 werewolves. They all come pre-supported. Unsupported and Lychee files will also be included. The mini’s are printed separate from their bases.

The Terrain

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The terrain consists of 10 standalone rock formations that can be assembled to make a ring. Another piece can be added to make the archway over the entrance. The tiled base is made from 24 pieces. The ruined tower is another three pieces. Also included is a small pile of bones. The terrain files are not pre-supported.

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Werewolf ruined tower

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Stand-alone Rock Formations

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Rock formations from a different angle

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Tiled base

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Small pile of bones

Werewolves and Terrain

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The stl files have been scaled for 28mm miniatures but, as with all 3D printable files, you have the ability to scale them up or down to suit your gaming needs. Due to their size the werewolves also look good at 32mm scale.

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All the miniatures were printed using an SLA printer, an Elegoo mars 2 Pro and used eSUN water washable resin.

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The terrain was printed using an ender 3 pro and used eSUN PLA+ filament.

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NZ $10 – Werewolves Miniatures Set

Pledging NZ $10  will get you the werewolves miniatures set. This will include the stl files for 5 pre-supported werewolves and any miniatures stretch goals that get unlocked during the campaign. Unsupported files and lychee files will also be included.

Approximately US $6.74, UK £5.08, Euro €5.97

NZ $45 – The Lair Terrain Set

Pledging NZ $45 will get you the terrain set. This set will include stl files for 10 rock formations, an archway, a printable base, a wolf themed ruined tower and a small pile of bones. Also included will be any terrain stretch goals that get unlocked during the course of the Kickstarter Campaign.

Approximately US $30.34, UK £22.88, Euro €26.89

NZ $52 – Werewolves and Lair

Pledging NZ $52 will get you both sets. Why not get both sets? You’ll have a set of werewolves and a place for them to hang out, play games and eat passers by. Yum.

Approximately US $35.06, UK £26.44, Euro €31.07

Stretch Goals:

NZ $1000 – A Larger Bone Pile – Terrain Set

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Werewolves are hungry beasts, they leave piles of bones all over the place..

NZ $2000 Boulder field – Terrain Set


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Need some scatter terrain? This boulder field goes hand in hand with the rocky terrain of the werewolf lair.

NZ $3000 Werebear – Miniatures Set

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Friend or foe to the werewolves? That’s up to you.

NZ $4000 Archway and Pillar – Terrain Set

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Some more fun with rocks.

NZ $5000 Rockslide – Terrain Set

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Want someone trapped in the lair? Cave in the entrance!

NZ $7000 Werewolf Hunter – Miniatures Set

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Werewolves should be easy to hunt, right?

NZ $9000 Rock Pool – Terrain Set

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Are you a thirsty dirty werewolf? Sort yourself out in this rock pool!

Werewolf shown for scale

NZ $11,000 Ruined Tower Extension – Terrain Set

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Make the ruined tower taller, great for looking around the countryside, at night under a full moon.

NZ $13,000 Pack of Direwolves – Miniatures Set

Like wolves but bigger.

Currently a work in progress.

NZ $15,000 Trees – Terrain Set

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Just the roots and trunks, as that’s what’s most practical for gaming.

NZ $17,000 Undamaged Tower – Terrain Set

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Prefer towers with less holes?

Die Kampagne ist bereits finanziert und läuft noch 6 Tage.

Quelle: Lair of the Werewolf


Seit 2010 im Hobby. Aktuelle Projekte: Warhammer Fantasy/Old World (Imperium, Bretonen, Tiermenschen, Skaven, Gnome), Blood Bowl (Gnome, Echsenmenschen), Warcry, Summoners (Erde, Tod), Bolt Action (Briten), Herr der Ringe (Harad)

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