Knight Models: Weitere Batman Previews
Knight Models erklären den Penguin aus der neuen Starterbox für Batman.
I hope you are having a good weekend! This time I bring you the miniature of the new The Penguin fully painted.As you can see, the result is spectacular, and we are sure that it fits perfectly with its new faction of Organized Crime.Now it’s your turn, tell me, how would you paint this new The Penguin, considering that he doesn’t frequent the sewers any more due to his new social position?write in the comments what colors you would use to give it a more mafia touch.
Have a good weekend!
Finally, here are the rules for the new Penguin model. This new model of The Penguin is a Sidekick, and, as we have already said in previous posts, it differs from the previous ones in his faction. This time his faction is organized crime.As always, The Penguin will give you more money for your team (with the “Business Agent” rule) and give you some control traits, like “Order“, “Lieutenant (Carmine Falcone (The Batman))”! and Handyman to place additional Suspects.He’s tough enough (it’s not a joke) to dominate the game, „with Protect Me!“ and his Willpower/Strength which will generally last until the end of the game.
Quelle: Knight Models auf Facebook
Was ich bis jetzt gesehen habe, gefällt mir sehr gut. Ich hoffe so bald wie möglich den Rest der Box zu sehen. Jeden Tag eine Mini, am nächsten Tag die bemalte Version und am Tag darauf die Karte, ist mir fast zu langsam 😉
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Ein Ladenbesitzer der gerne auf Messen unterwegs ist hat mir mal erzählt, dass diese irrsinig schönen Promos nur auf der einen Seite überhaupt bemalt sind 😀