Knight Models: Neue Batman FAQs
Knight Models haben die FAQs zu Batman aktualisiert und bieten neue Objective Cards zum testen an.
We have new FAQs!
Sometimes unforeseen situations arise while playing the game and, to solve those situations, here is the latest version of the FAQs for Batman Miniature Game.
Even more doubts can arise in the middle of a game. That is why you have at your disposal the following email to contact us
Test objective cards!
Do you want to test Batman Miniature Game cards? From Knight Models we want to give our players the opportunity to test the new additional objective cards that we’ve created for each crew.What should be tested?We want to test a change in BMG. Additional cards must be added to the regular cards totaling 30 cards, including the cards of each character. In these 30 cards there must be a maximum of 5 general cards.It’s time for us to unite our skills to create objective cards that allow us to improve the game.To get them you must download them on our blog at the following link.You can send your feedback to and we will keep you in mind for future corrections and game improvements.
Thank you for your collaboration!
Quelle: Knight Models auf Facebook