von BK-Herr Kemper | 20.03.2022 | eingestellt unter: Infinity

Infinity: Raveneye Details

Corvus Belli teilt mehr Details zu Raveneye.

CB Raveneye 1

Infinity’s first big moment of the year is here: Infinity: Raveneye pre-order!

180 years into the future, the Human Sphere faces a new challenge from the alien threat of the Evolved Intelligence and its Combined Army with the assault on the Raveneye Orbital Complex that has opened the way to the Morat Aggression Forces’ deployment in the Durgama region and has furthered the Combined Army’s conquests on Concilium Prima, the political heart of the Human Sphere.

Raveneye presents a breakthrough and change in the history of the Infinity Universe that will be continued in narrative campaigns, special missions and also in ITS.  This book also includes a set of 3 narrative missions that allow you to recreate this event at the gaming table.

This great release coincides with Adepticon where, at last, we can meet again with our players.

To celebrate it, we offer you a spectacular pre-order with offers and unique and exclusive miniatures that you will only be able to get from March 21st to April 4th.

Visit us at Adepticon or get them in our online shop or in your favorite shop.

Want to know more? Read on and remember Pre-order starts on Monday 21st March!


Armies: PanOceania/ Military Orders/ Ariadna/ Kosmoflot/ Nomads/ Corregidor/ Combined Army/ Morat.


CB Raveneye 2Infinity Raveneye 2

The assault on the Raveneye Orbital Complex, a defensive military compound disguised as a communications relay station, has been the key to opening the way for the Morat Aggression Forces’ deployment in the Durgama region, and has furthered the Combined Army’s conquests on Concilium Prima, the political heart of the Human Sphere. What could possibly be so important to the almighty leader of the Combined Army? Or could it be just another smokescreen to divert the attention of the Concilium Coordinated Command?

Raveneye offers a more in-depth look at the background of Military Orders (PanO), Ariadna (Dawn planet and Kosmoflot), Corregidor (Nomads), the Morat (E. Combined) and NA2 (mercenaries), as well as new troops for these armies, with special emphasis on Morat.

With this book we will learn about the fall of the monastery-fortress of Strelsau, the second death of Joan of Arc, the re-foundation of the Teutonic Order, the sacrifice of Corregidor’s Satellite Module and his oath to Never Forget, the new territories of Ariadna both on the planet and in space, and how Morat history and society is determined by their violent, warlike and slave-like character making them the most feared race in the galaxy.

It also includes three narrative scenarios recreating the assault on this orbital station that can be played in campaign mode or independently. Plus 4 painting tutorials for Military Order Cruisers, Corregidor Intruders, Kosmoflot Para-Commandos and Morat Vanguard Infantry.

Connect now and lead your elite force into the most dangerous war zones of the Human Sphere!


Armies: Combined Army/ Morat Aggression Forces


The brutal and resolute Morat Aggression Forces never withdraw and are capable of completely razing a battle field rather than losing it. Considered a plague by the rest of the universe, the Morat are the militaristic race par excellence. These aggressive and violent aliens have become the main shock force of the Combined Army, above all other species in service of the Evolved Intelligence.

Morat Aggression Forces Action Pack 1 Morat Aggression Forces Action Pack 11 Morat Aggression Forces Action Pack 9 Morat Aggression Forces Action Pack 4 Morat Aggression Forces Action Pack 8 Morat Aggression Forces Action Pack 3 Morat Aggression Forces Action Pack 2 Morat Aggression Forces Action Pack 10 Morat Aggression Forces Action Pack 7 Morat Aggression Forces Action Pack 6 Morat Aggression Forces Action Pack 5

This box includes 9 models, which are all of them new designs and new sculpts for the Morat army:

  • 3 Morat Vanguard Infantry (Combi Rifle), the Morat line troopers;
  • 1 Kaitok (Chain Rifle +2B, Flammenspeer), a heavy infantry in a servopowered armor;
  • 1 Zerat (Hacker), an infowar specialist infiltrator;
  • 1 Raktorak (Vulkan Shotgun), the reliable veteran NCO; 1 Rasyat (Spitfire), a paratrooper bringing death from the sky;
  • 1 Dartok Hacker (Combi Rifle, Pitcher), the Morat cyberwarrior;
  • 1 Kyosot (Submachine Gun), a lethal shock trooper.

This Action Pack contains all the miniatures you need to compose a Morat Army List in the Combined Army and start collecting an army of the most savage alien force in the Infinity Universe.


Armies: Military Orders/ Kosmoflot/ Corregidor/ O-12/ Starmada.

Free with Infinity: Raveneye!

CB Raveneye 4Infinity Raveneye 3 Infinity Raveneye 4

Raveneye Officers are the communications-monitoring techs of the Raveneye Orbital Complex. All of them are qualified communications and systems engineers who have been trained in naval gunnery too. Raveneye Officers have completed intensive tactical training for naval operations, particularly counter-boarding, so they are ready to join the crew of any battleship, be it with Starmada or with the allied fleet of the Concilium Coordinated Command.

Even being from the O-12’s Starmada, this comms and orbital gunnery specialist is a good addition to the army lists of the three allies of O-12 in the Raveneye Orbital Complex.

Get now this exclusive miniature!


Armies: Combined Army/ Morat Aggression Forces.


Tyrok Hunter Event Exclusive Edition 4 Tyrok Hunter Event Exclusive Edition 3 Tyrok Hunter Event Exclusive Edition 2 Tyrok Hunter Event Exclusive Edition 1

The Tyrok are among the most renowned Morat hunters. The Tyrok know that hunting is not only about killing, but also about tracking and stalking your prey, knowing that the final outcome of the hunt is death and, even though they do not enjoy killing, they certainly have a knack for it. The prey, be it any MegaBeast, should always be respected, but never feared, because a Tyrok hunter will always be more dangerous and lethal than any creature.

Hunters that deploy forwardly and are equipped with weapons capable to take down any MegaBeast that crossed their path. A must-have for any Morat or Combined Army player.

Add an exclusive miniature on your gaming table!


Armies: Combined Army/ Morat Aggression Forces/ Shasvastii Expeditionary Force.


A Zabuk is returning triumphant with her trophy: the head of an escaped slave. However, she doesn’t know that this head belongs to a Speculo Agent who had taken the place of a human administrative clerk without anyone’s knowledge. The secrets contained in this Shasvastii agent’s Cube could be a triumph for the Shasvastii in front of their leader, the EI. But first the raiding party led by Hasht must secure the Zabuk’s trophy, and that’s something that neither Anyat nor her team will abide.

Dire Foes 10 Slave Trophy 5 Dire Foes 10 Slave Trophy 3 Dire Foes 10 Slave Trophy 4 Dire Foes 10 Slave Trophy 2 Dire Foes 10 Slave Trophy 1

This box includes 3 miniatures: Treitak Anyat, Corax Hasht and a Zabuk Morat Slaver.

With this box you can not only expand your collection of Infinity miniatures, but you will get new options for your army—giving them personality with these two heroes—and also a Morat model that can be used as a Morat trooper or as HVT, a neutral model to play missions and scenarios.



Morat Aggression Forces Action Pack + Dire Foes = Tyrok Hunter Event Exclusive Edition for FREE


For a limited time only, get this special bundle and get the Tyrok Hunter Event Exclusive Edition miniature for free!

CB Raveneye 7

Don´t miss it!


In addition to this, and only during the pre-order, orders in an amount of 190€ or more will receive Free shipping throughout the entire catalog on the online store!

This is the perfect time to get everything you want for your favorite wargame!




Infinity ist unter anderem bei unseren Partnern Fantasy-In, Fantasywelt, Minyarts und Taschengelddieb erhältlich.

Community-Link: O-12.de

Quelle: Corvus Belli

BK-Herr Kemper

Mostly Harmless. Im Hobby seit den 80ern..... Spielt: Infinity (Nomads & Aleph), Warmachine (Khador & Mercs), BattleTech (Alpha Strike), 7TV Adventures, In Her Majesty's Name, Dust, Batman TMG

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  • Bis auf die Vaguards mit ihren fehlenden Handgelenken, gefällt mir das Redesign ganz gut.
    Die Dire Foe Box ist in sofern ungewöhnlich das nur CA Modelle enthalten sind, die Story dazu ist auch witzig. Ich hoffe das ist ein neuer Trend.
    Das Buch kommt mir leider recht teuer vor, zumal der Officer mich jetzt nicht so triggert.

    • Ja, der Officer haut mich auch nicht so um, da ich aber alles Bücher von Infinity seit der ersten Edition habe, höre ich damit jetzt auch nicht auf😬.
      Von den Figuren finde ich die Dire foes Box großartig und den Hunter.
      Und vom Fluff her finde ich es gut das sich die CA Fraktionen jetzt auch Mal untereinander zoffen.

  • Ich bin ja schon Morat-Fan, aber die neue Box gefällt mir gar nicht. Speziell die Morat Vanguards sehen jetzt, mit ihren armfreien Körperpanzern aus wie Orks, die eine Knarre gefunden haben, und nicht wie eine Hightech-Kriegerrasse aus. Bis auf die Zerat-Hackerin gefällt mir ehrlich kein einziges in der Box. Die Dire Foes und die Limited sind wiederum cool, aber der Action Pack ist für mich ein Ausfall.

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