von BK-Bob | 22.11.2022 | eingestellt unter: Fantasy, Patreon

Highlands Miniatures: Sons of Ymir Vol.4

Das vierte Mal sind die Zwerge bei Highlands Miniatures unterwegs.

Highlands Miniatures Sons Of Ymir Vol 4 1 Highlands Miniatures Sons Of Ymir Vol 4 2 Highlands Miniatures Sons Of Ymir Vol 4 3 Highlands Miniatures Sons Of Ymir Vol 4 4 Highlands Miniatures Sons Of Ymir Vol 4 5 Highlands Miniatures Sons Of Ymir Vol 4 6 Highlands Miniatures Sons Of Ymir Vol 4 7 Highlands Miniatures Sons Of Ymir Vol 4 8 Highlands Miniatures Sons Of Ymir Vol 4 9 Highlands Miniatures Sons Of Ymir Vol 4 10 Highlands Miniatures Sons Of Ymir Vol 4 11 Highlands Miniatures Sons Of Ymir Vol 4 12 Highlands Miniatures Sons Of Ymir Vol 4 13 Highlands Miniatures Sons Of Ymir Vol 4 14

Sons of Ymir Vol.4

Hi guys! ⚔️

We have created this post to summarize this November 2022 Release in Highlands Miniatures, the ‘heaviest’ Sons of Ymir release till current date, composed of a full Dwarf Artillery Set, a new Dwarf Lord and the strongest unit of all, the Dwarf Huscarls Unit.

Now it is time to work on the December 2022 Release, where we will see some of the most expected miniatures for the Sons of Ymir including female dwarfs (!!), a Christmas Miniature for all of you and a big announcement, the new fantasy race that will come to Highlands Miniatures in 2023. Stay tuned to know more about it!

Yesterday we also showcased our more recent human miniatures, the Knights of Mergenheim, that will be yours if we hit and maintain the 1750 Patreon Goal till the second of December (2nd December).

Remember, the November 2022 Release is composed of:

  • Six (6) Dwarf Huscarls Core Miniatures
  • Three (3) Dwarf Huscarls Command Group
  • One (1) Dwarf Sea Lord
  • One (1) Dwarf Cannon
  • One (1) Dwarf Organ Gun
  • One (1) Dwarf Flamethrower
  • Six (6) Dwarf Artillery Crew
  • One (1) Dwarf Artillery Barricade

All the files are now ready to download from the Drive Archive. In the preview images you can see some printed examples of the miniatures.

As always, after the month ends, we will send the files through our MyMiniFactory store to your patron emails. Remember to redeem the files and link them to your MMF account because after the month ends, the files will be removed from the Drive Archive!

👉🏻Do you want to join our Discord Server to talk about the future releases and the miniatures in general? CLICK HERE

Hope you like it guys, we read you as always! ❤️

Quelle: Highlands Miniatures auf Patreon


Seit 2010 im Hobby. Aktuelle Projekte: Warhammer Fantasy/Old World (Imperium, Bretonen, Tiermenschen, Skaven, Gnome), Blood Bowl (Gnome, Echsenmenschen), Warcry, Summoners (Erde, Tod), Bolt Action (Briten), Herr der Ringe (Harad)

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