von BK-Pascal | 14.03.2022 | eingestellt unter: 3D-Druck, Fantasy, Patreon

Highland Miniatures: März Patreon

Highland Miniatures haben wieder ein STL-Paket für ihre Patreons zusammengestellt.


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Hi guys! ⚔️

We have created this post to summarize this March 2022 Release in Highlands Miniatures: the Sunland Militia. This month includes:

1. The Sunland Militia Unit: seven (7) core male Sunland Militia miniatures, three (3) core female Sunland Militia miniatures, one (1) Sunland Militia captain, one (1) Sunland Militia musician and one (1) Sunland Militia bannerman. The Sunland Militia Unit comes with modular heads and weapons, including swords, maces, axes, bows and one-handed crossbows. You will be able to create a melee Sunlan Militia unit or a bow/crossbow Sunland Militia unit, combined with the rest of the release.

2. The Sunland Militia Bowmen Unit:4 core specific Sunland Militia miniatures that come with specific bowmen poses and modular heads.

3. The Sunland Crossbowmen Unit: 6 core Sunland crossbowmen miniatures with modular heads and specific crossbowmen poses.

All the files are now ready to download from the Drive Archive. As always, after the month ends we will send the files through our MyMiniFactory store to your patron emails. Remember to redeem the files becasue after the month ends, they will be removed from the Drive Archive!

Quelle: Highland Miniatures auf Patreon


Brückenkopf-Redakteur und Miniature-Painting-Streamer. Wiedereinstieg ins Hobby 2015 nach sehr langer Pause. Spielt Warhammer 40k, SAGA, Star Wars Legion, Summoners uvm.

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