von BK-Pascal | 03.04.2022 | eingestellt unter: 3D-Druck, Fantasy, Patreon

Highland Miniatures: April Patreon Preview

Im April wird es magisch für die Patreons von Highland Miniatures.

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Good evening, guys!

Hope you’ve had a great weekend. Today we want to show you the first previews of the upcoming April 2022 Release and also, we want to talk about what you will see this next month: the School of Magic! ☀️☀️

Remember that the School of Magic was the winner option from the poll we did a couple of weeks ago to choose the next releases in Highlands Miniatures! You can see the results of the poll HERE.

So… The April 2022 Release, the School of Magic, will be composed of:

1. The Houses of Magic: eight (8) custom and unique great mages with different powers and aesthetic, one mage for each magic house.

2. Two (2) battle mages on horse and one (1) battle mage on foot

3. The Cosmological Engine and two (2) cosmological apprentices. You will be able to place this engine on top of the chariot from the Arcane Cannon.

4. Merzhin Ambroaz, the High Wizard of Sunland: one (1) high mage on pegasus.

Let’s talk a little bit about the Houses of Magic! In total, there are eight Houses of Magic for each different arcane magic power controlled by the mages of Sunland:

The House of Fire: this House is mainly focused on powerful spells and lethal fire magic attacks to break the moral of the enemy and to decimate their armies.

The House of Cosmology:this House is mainly focused on the study of the heaven and sky in order to discover the secrets of the Universe and seeking the divination. Also, they can control celestial bodies and launch them over the enemy lines, causing great damage in the enemy formations.

The House of Light: this House represent the goodness and purity of the arcane magic, being one of the first houses founded by the great mages and wizards of the Empire of Sun. Their power is mainly focused on protective and booster spells, but they can also concentrate the power of the light into a mighty lightning bolt that can pierce even the toughest skin or armour.

The House of Alchemy: the seeking of the transmutation of metal was one of the main objectives of the scientist and mages of the Empire of Sun, and highly required by the Emperor himself to transform the simple copper into brilliant gold. The mages of this House can enchant the metal to increase its strength and power or to do the opposite thing.

The House of Nature: the mages of this House, also called “druids”, have the deepest connection with the nature: the forest and mountains, the lakes and the wild animals. They can use their power to connect their minds with the sensitive nature in order to achieve their requirements and designs.

The House of Healing: this House is mainly focused on protective, curative and booster spells. The greatest mages of this House can even heal the deepest wounds and save soldiers from the certain death.

The House of Darkness: the mages of this House use the Darkness to create illusions, blind their enemies, curse them and trick them to follow their own doom. You have to be very careful if a Mage of Darkness is around you, nothing is what is seems to be…

The House of Necromancy: the darkest power taught in the School of Magic. The Mages of Necromancy are in touch with the forces of the afterlife and the main Death. They can open the portals of the underworld and let the forces of terror break through the battlefield.

This upcoming release is going to be… magic! It is going to be also very difficult to sculpt. Sculpting clothes is probably one of the most difficult things to sculpt because of their shape, the wrinkles and the soft interaction with the rest of the body and other elements. We are trying to do our best with these miniatures because they are totally covered on clothes, but we are really happy with the results so far!

In the preview images you can see the first four mages for the Houses of Magic. This time the miniatures won’t be modular due to their design, and some of them will come attached to their rocky elements on top of the base because it is part of the main design of the miniature. In other cases, they will be totally separated from the custom elements on top of the base, like the Mage of Healing that comes separated from the magic spell.

However, they will come separated from the round or square base, as always, so you will be able to place them in your favourite base.

Hope you like them guys, we read you as always!

Quelle: Highland Miniatures auf Patreon


Brückenkopf-Redakteur und Miniature-Painting-Streamer. Wiedereinstieg ins Hobby 2015 nach sehr langer Pause. Spielt Warhammer 40k, SAGA, Star Wars Legion, Summoners uvm.

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  • Man merkt, das sie auch immer besser werden. Super schöner Release, vor allem die Zauberer. Auch wenn ich kein Imperium spiele, werde ich mir die dennoch holen.

  • Die Zauberer find ich super! Erinnern stark an die alten GW-Zauberer und haben doch ihren eigenen Charme. Passen ja perfekt zum (alten) Imperium! 🙂

  • Schade, dass sie die Bestienlehre weggelassen haben und stattdessen Nekromantie genommen haben. Somit fehlt ein Klassiker.

  • Die Celestial Engine werde ich komplett samt Wagen und Akolythen kaufen, sobald sie auf Etsy verfügbar wird.
    Man muss ja das GE Modell nicht 2x haben 😀

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