von BK-Pascal | 04.06.2022 | eingestellt unter: Crowdfunding, Science-Fiction

Heresylab: Heresygirl 3.5 Kickstarter

Heresy Labs haben einen neuen Kickstarter gestartet.



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This should give you an idea of the high details of the models, and size comparison with other company models.

I apologize in advance if not giving credit to the artists, as this is a collection of images. If you are the author please contact me and I will share it with credits.

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Stretch Goals

This campaign will be very straight and simple, as it is only to fund new stock for our store.

1000€ – New miniature unlocked

2000€ – New miniature unlocked

3000€ – Additional model for Tier Colonel and General (now they get 11 models)

4000€ – Additional model for Tier Colonel and General (now they get 12 models)

5000€ – New miniature unlocked

6000€ – We will clean and pre-support 10 most requested models

more coming…

Pledge Levels


Private – Pledge gets 1 resin miniature of your choice – no stretch goals.

Based on the model selected this will give you a 37% to 60% discount on MRSP.

Specialist – Pledge gets 2 resin miniature of your choice – no stretch goals.

Based on the model selected this will give you a 38% to 61% discount on MRSP.

Corporal – Pledge gets 3 resin miniature of your choice – no stretch goals.

Based on the model selected this will give you a 39% to 62% discount on MRSP.

Sergeant -Pledge gets 4 resin miniature of your choice – no stretch goals.

Based on the model selected this will give you a 40% to 63% discount on MRSP.

Chief – Pledge gets 5 resin miniature of your choice – no stretch goals.

Based on the model selected this will give you a 41% to 64% doscount on MRSP.

Warrant – Pledge gets 6 resin miniature of your choice – no stretch goals.

Based on the model selected this will give you a 42% to 65% discount on MRSP.

Lieutenant – Pledge gets 7 resin miniature of your choice – no stretch goals.

Based on the mdoels selected this will give you a 43% to 66% discount on MRSP.

Captain – Pledge gets 8 resin miniature of your choice – no stretch goals.

Based on the models selected this will give you a 44% to 67% discount on MRSP.

Major – Pledge gets 9 resin miniature of your choice – no stretch goals.

Based on the models selected this will give you a 45% to 68% discount on MRSP.

Colonel – Pledge gets 10 resin miniature of your choice + stretch goals.

Based on the models selecetd this will give you a 46% to 69% discount on MRSP.

General – Pledge gets 10 resin + digital version of the chosen miniatures + stretch goals. This perk is over 84% discount on the MRSP.


Private – 1 STL file of your choice form the ones unlocked.

Chief – 5 STL files of your choice form the ones unlocked.

Colonel – All the digital files form the KS + stretch goals. We guarantee that for this pledge we will have a minimum of 30 models. Even if we don’t unlock them all.




Estimated Delivery

Delivery will be quite fast both for the resin and STL files as they are all ready to go.

Resin production will take 30 to 45 days to complete and get here. STL files will be shared as soon as they are ready. Time may vary based on number of models released and number of pledges involved.

Quelle: Heresy Lab auf Kickstarter


Brückenkopf-Redakteur und Miniature-Painting-Streamer. Wiedereinstieg ins Hobby 2015 nach sehr langer Pause. Spielt Warhammer 40k, SAGA, Star Wars Legion, Summoners uvm.

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  • Die letzten paar KS waren Katastrophen vom Handling. Und es sieht nicht so aus als hätten sie was dazu gelernt.

    Hier ist dringend angeraten nur zu kaufen was sofort verfügbar ist.

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