von BK-Christian | 28.06.2022 | eingestellt unter: Crowdfunding, Science-Fiction

Heresy Miniatures: 28mm Sci Fi Kickstarter

Heresy Miniatures suchen auf Kickstarter Käufer für Sci-Fi Minis.

HM 28mm Sci Fi Civilian, Troopers, Operatives And Mechs 1

This campaign is to raise the funds to bring back into production a rather nice, if slightly eclectic mix of sci-fi 28mm miniatures that were produced by Jed Norton, formerly of the now-defunct Antenociti’s Workshop. It’s a briliant little range of various civilian, law enforcement, assassin, trooper and government operative types that was last marketed under the banner of Fate Amenable To Change (aka FATC). 

I am raising the funds to pay for the new moulds (a dozen needed for the figures in this campaign, 30-odd for the whole range), and the metal to cast them with, which is not cheap at the moment! metal prices have gone up a lot but I want to get Jed his money asap and don’t want to rely on a 3rd party caster to do these for me, I will do the work myself for maximum turnaround speed. I have 20 years experience moulding and casting miniatures in white metal and high production quality standards!

You can find the initial miniatures I wish to bring back into production in the images below – apologies for lack of large photographs, this is because when Antenociti’s Workshop suddenly went into administration earlier this year, all access to the original files was lost and I don’t have painted figures yet,  just the master castings . Some of the larger pieces will be too expensive in metal at current prices, and will be produced in polyurethane resin instead  but mostly al these figures will be white metal. Figures may vary from the pictures slightly as I am in the process of improving some of the details, giving them bums or chests or elbows where needed, reducing the number of parts down on some of the needlessly multi-part civilians, and general little tweaks to improve the end product.

I only intend to run this campaign for the first half of the range as I don’t want to overload my schedule – I’m a one-man business and it’s better to kickstart only as many models as I can definitely get out by Christmas! I am aiming for October shipping for the metal figures involved. If there is a large demand for the resin figures such as the Komodo, later pledges may overrun into Christmas and The New Year as resin takes ages to cast by hand.


  • All of the figures will be supplied unpainted and unassembled with blank plastic or resin bases.  They will require superglue to assemble, They should be undercoated with a suitable primer, before painting with your favourite acrylic paints.
  • Shipping will be charged after the campaign, when your pledge is ready to ship, please don’t add it now!
  • All new replacement moulds are expected to be completed by September ready for casting and packing in time for October 2022
  • This campaign will not begin to ship until October 2022, i.e.after the previous campaign (28mm Ghouls Zombies and Goblins) has successfully completed (expected to be completed in August) but you can add a pledge from this one to one from that that one if you are still awaiting a pledge and I will combine shipping from the two campaigns into one box. Let me know if you wish to do this via the private messaging system!


HM 28mm Sci Fi Civilian, Troopers, Operatives And Mechs 2


HM 28mm Sci Fi Civilian, Troopers, Operatives And Mechs 3

Komodo Mech Suit – suitable for use in 28mm or 15mm as you prefer! Comes with 4 gun options and 2 forearm manipulator options. Resin kit. Add to your pledge for £16

This is a multi-part figure kit that needs superglue and pinning at the very least – it comes with a choice of 4 guns and 2 forearms to select from. It comes with a 32mm blank resin base.

Resin kits take time to cast by hand so please bear with me if this proves massively popular! the first 50 should be done by October, hence the Wave 1 allocation in the Rewards section.

The Komodo is large enough to work in 28mm or in 15mm ranges! Here are some comparison pictures with other manufacturer figures, made by Agis Neugebauer

HM 28mm Sci Fi Civilian, Troopers, Operatives And Mechs 4 HM 28mm Sci Fi Civilian, Troopers, Operatives And Mechs 5


HM 28mm Sci Fi Civilian, Troopers, Operatives And Mechs 6


HM 28mm Sci Fi Civilian, Troopers, Operatives And Mechs 7 HM 28mm Sci Fi Civilian, Troopers, Operatives And Mechs 8 HM 28mm Sci Fi Civilian, Troopers, Operatives And Mechs 9 HM 28mm Sci Fi Civilian, Troopers, Operatives And Mechs 10 HM 28mm Sci Fi Civilian, Troopers, Operatives And Mechs 11 HM 28mm Sci Fi Civilian, Troopers, Operatives And Mechs 12


HM 28mm Sci Fi Civilian, Troopers, Operatives And Mechs 13

 HOVERBIKES & RIDERS – Miri & Samanda

HM 28mm Sci Fi Civilian, Troopers, Operatives And Mechs 14 HM 28mm Sci Fi Civilian, Troopers, Operatives And Mechs 15


HM 28mm Sci Fi Civilian, Troopers, Operatives And Mechs 16 HM 28mm Sci Fi Civilian, Troopers, Operatives And Mechs 17 HM 28mm Sci Fi Civilian, Troopers, Operatives And Mechs 18 HM 28mm Sci Fi Civilian, Troopers, Operatives And Mechs 19

Vulcanine Hounds

HM 28mm Sci Fi Civilian, Troopers, Operatives And Mechs 20


At £5000, the Drones will be unlocked!

HM 28mm Sci Fi Civilian, Troopers, Operatives And Mechs 21 HM 28mm Sci Fi Civilian, Troopers, Operatives And Mechs 22 HM 28mm Sci Fi Civilian, Troopers, Operatives And Mechs 23


You may add anything you like to your pledge from the Heresy website shop – the easiest way to do this is to make an account/log in on the shop, place an order and choose ‚add to kickstarter‘ as the shipping option  – I will add the figures to whatever pledge you make on here. when your figures are ready to ship!

Here are a selection of figures that you can add on here as an example:


HM 28mm Sci Fi Civilian, Troopers, Operatives And Mechs 24

Die Kampagne läuft noch 5 Tage und ist finanziert.

Quelle: 28mm Sci Fi Civilian, Troopers, Operatives and Mechs


Chefredakteur und Betreiber von Brückenkopf-Online. Partner und Spieldesigner bei NeverRealm Industry. Seit 2002 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop Warhammer Fantasy (Dunkelelfen). Aktuelle Projekte: Summoners (alle Fraktionen), Deathmatch, Deadzone/Firefight (Asterianer und Enforcer), diverse Raumschiffe und allerlei Mechs.

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  • Heresy hat mal wieder ein paar schöne Sachen in Petto! Ist der Inspector ganz rechts John Cena? 😛
    Allerdings frage ich mich ob beim Hoverbike Miri die Figur samt Bike tatsächlich von diesem dünnen Bein getragen werden kann.
    Ich seh das schon biegen/brechen.
    Da landen einige Sachen auf meiner Wunschliste.
    Leider keine Info ob EU-frindley, von daher ist der KS nix für mich, warte ich eben bis die regulär in deutschen Shops verfügbar sind.

  • Immer schön, wenn alte Ranges ein neues Zuhause finden.
    Die „28mm“-Figuren beim Komodo müssten von McVey sein und zumindest die Restic-Variante aus dem KS war sehr klein, vlt eher 25mm?

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