von BK-Nils | 16.08.2022 | eingestellt unter: Warhammer / Age of Sigmar, Warhammer 40.000

GW: Wochenvorschau und League of Votann Preview

Kommenden Samstag erzittern die Reiche der Sterblichen bei Warhammer Age of Sigmar unter einem Ansturm an Neuheiten, im Großen Bruderkrieg wird auch der Himmel vor Kämpfen nicht verschont und  für die League of Votann gibt es eine neue Preview auf die mächtigen Anführer in Form der Kâhl.

Sunday Preview – Black Library Heroes on the Page and the Tabletop Amid an Arcane Cataclysm

Next weekend, two Black Library characters each get their first full-length books alongside new miniatures. Let’s look at the hobby highlights for the next seven days.

Warhammer Age of Sigmar

Drekki Flynt and The Arkanaut’s Oath

Games Workshop Sunday Preview – Black Library Heroes On The Page And The Tabletop Amid An Arcane Cataclysm 1

First encountered in the pages of White Dwarf, then in short stories The Lost Karak and Krenkha Gorgona, the roguish Kharadron Overlords captain Drekki Flynt is starring in his first full-length novel – The Arkanaut’s Oath. This self-proclaimed genius has been given an ultimatum by his nemesis, but can the dashing duardin overcome terrible storms, grot pirates, and fearsome air-beasts to tell the tale?

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Guy Haley’s novel is available in hardback, ebook, and audiobook editions, and is accompanied by a stunning new miniature of our protagonist. Armed with his custom scatter gun and an axe-skyhook combo – not to mention his cutting wit – Drekki is pretty handy in a fight. His rules will be available to download for free from Warhammer Community next week, so you can use him in your games of Warhammer Age of Sigmar.

Cado Ezechiar and The Hollow King

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The tragic vampire Cado Ezechiar is getting the same treatment as Drekki, with an inaugural novel and a similarly incredible miniature. On the tabletop, he’s a threat to other heroes with that lethal greatsword and a selection of haunted rings, while his elegant armour protects him from all but the worst reprisals.

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On the page, John French’s novel The Hollow King follows the star of Beasts and Tower of Empty Mirrors on his path of revenge against the forces of Chaos. Can he navigate through a web of deceit while remaining bound to his code and obsession for vengeance? Find out in hardback, ebook, and audiobook formats.

Arcane Cataclysm

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The next Warhammer Age of Sigmar battlebox features the Lumineth Realm-lords taking on the Disciples of Tzeentch in a battle for control of the winds of magic. The box includes two brand new miniatures – the Scinari Enlightener can share her pain with her enemies while the updated Curseling is a potent fusion (literally) of warrior and mage.

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Arcane Cataclysm includes five Vanari Bladelords, five Vanari Dawnriders, 10 Vanari Auralan Sentinels, three Tzaangor Enlightened on Discs of Tzeentch, 10 Tzaangors, and 20 Kairic Acolytes. Either force is a great way to kick off a new army or add to an existing one. Finally, the box also includes a campaign booklet with lore and rules, a 56-page Core Rules book, a token sheet, and warscroll cards for the units.


Warhammer Age of Sigmar: Warcry

Centaurion Marshal

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Warcry: Heart of Ghur hit shelves yesterday, and the first reinforcements are already approaching the Gnarlwood. The Centaurion Marshal is an Ally that any Chaos warband can field. Armed with a devastating quartet of gladiatorial weapons, they can also join your Slaves to Darkness army for Warhammer Age of Sigmar with a free warscroll, which we’ll be giving away on Warhammer Community this week.

Chaos Legionnaires

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The chosen of Be’lakor march into the heart of Ghur in the name of their dark master. These elite Chaos fighters hit hard and can take a real beating. Along with eight new miniatures, this set includes the fighter and ability cards to use in games of Warcry – and like the Centaurion, they’ll also be getting Warhammer Age of Sigmar rules.

Warcry Compendium

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The Warcry Compendium pulls together the fighter profiles and faction abilities for warbands from Grand Alliance Order, Grand Alliance Destruction, Grand Alliance Death, and Grand Alliance Chaos in a single grand tome. With over 800 profiles to reference in your games, it’s an ideal guide to using your Warhammer Age of Sigmar miniatures in Warcry.

Aeronautica Imperialis

Warhammer: The Horus Heresy – Aeronautica Imperialis Rulebook

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Aeronautica Imperialis comes to the Age of Darkness! This book provides the complete Aeronautica Imperialis rules and eight classic scenarios to play through, along with complete rules for the Legiones Astartes air fleets, the human pilots of the Divisio Aeronautica, and the Legio Custodes’ deadly Ares Gunship – allowing you to bring dogfights to life in the skies of the Horus Heresy.

It also includes background on the legendary aerial combats that took place during the Horus Heresy – in particular the Fall of Vanaheim – plus visual guides to the heraldry of each Legion, and Legion-specific aircraft upgrades for all 18 Space Marines Legions.

Vanaheim Area of Engagement

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Recreate the bitter fighting in the skies above Vanaheim with these double-sided, hex-marked gaming boards for Aeronautica Imperialis. One side is covered with dense orbital hives while the other features a vast stretch of frozen canyons – which will your airforce dominate?

Legiones Astartes Aircraft Cards

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Keep track of your Xiphon Interceptors, Thunderhawk Gunships, Storm Eagles, and Fire Raptor Gunships with this card pack, which includes cards for aircraft, upgrades, optional weapons, ground defences, ace abilities, and the new Legion-specific upgrades.

Divisio Aeronautica Aircraft Cards

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If you prefer to send regular humans to fight in the galaxy’s biggest civil war, these cards are great for keeping facts and figures at your fingertips in the heart of battle. There are aircraft cards for Thunderbolts, Marauder Destroyers, Marauder Bombers, Lightnings, and Avenger Strike Fighters. There are also upgrade cards, weapon cards, ground defence cards, and ace ability cards.

Lead Your Kinhost From the Front With the Skill, Determination, and Giant Fist of a Leagues of Votann Kâhl

Even the most level-headed Hearthkyn Warriors and battle-ready Cthonian Beserks need a stern voice at their backs from time to time, so when an Oathband marches to war it’s the job of the Kâhl to lead them to victory.

Games Workshop Lead Your Kinhost From The Front With The Skill, Determination, And Giant Fist Of A Leagues Of Votann Kâhl 1

Appointed from among the Leagues’ most skilled and dependable warriors, these generals are the final authority over an individual Oathband. Subordinate only to their Kindred’s ruling Votannic Council, the Kâhls back up decades of hard-won experience with rigorously drilled combat skills, and the Leagues’ signature advanced weaponry.

This is the first time we’ve seen a Kin in red armour.  He’s from the Ymyr Conglomerate, while that classic teal colour we’ve seen so far are from the Greater Thurian League. We’ll have more on these and the other sub-factions of the Leagues of Votann soon…

Games Workshop Lead Your Kinhost From The Front With The Skill, Determination, And Giant Fist Of A Leagues Of Votann Kâhl 2

On the tabletop, these stalwart HQ choices are the core around which the Leagues of Votann’s war machine revolves, directing assaults while smacking their foes with the business end of a plasma axe. Their most important role, however, is to cast the Eye of the Ancestors over their foes – marking out priority targets and ensuring the most dangerous enemies are the first to feel the wrath of the Kin.

This is a multipart kit with options for heads, weapons, and equipment, so you can tailor your commander to a particular battlefield role. We can’t say exactly what all the weapons do yet – but a volkite-and-power-fist combo can’t be bad.

Games Workshop Lead Your Kinhost From The Front With The Skill, Determination, And Giant Fist Of A Leagues Of Votann Kâhl 3

There’s more to come from the Leagues of Votann, so join us next week to see who’ll be hefting your Kinhost’s heavy weapons.

Warhammer 40.000 ist unter anderem bei unseren Partnern Fantasywelt und Taschengelddieb erhältlich.

Warhammer: Age of Sigmar ist unter anderem bei unseren Partnern Fantasy-In und Minyarts erhältlich.

Quelle: Games Workshop


Nils, Redakteur bei Brückenkopf-Online. Seit 2001 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop: DSA Armalion. Aktueller Fokus liegt auf Skirmish-Systemen und Warhammer 40.000. mehr auf https://www.instagram.com/nerdydutchman/

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  • Das sind einige für mich interessante Sachen dabei. So z.B. Die Lady of Vines jetzt schon abseits der nunmehr vergriffenen Skaven vs. Sylvaneth Box. Aber auch die Sonderminis zu den Büchern gefallen mir sehr gut.

    Die Tzeentch vs. Luminewth Box kommt also endlich auch und ist vom Inhalt her gar nicht mal schlecht (das war die Skaven vs. Sylvaneth Box auch nicht), aber da ich nur die neue Lumineth Zauberin als Mini haben will, warte ich hier auf den Stand Alone Release.

    Der in der Vorschau gezeigte Thain für die Votanner ist auch ok – hat aber eben den typischen taktischen Felsblock unter sich. Immerhin gibt es pro Arm mindestens zwei Waffenoptionen.

  • Da sind tolle Sachen dabei. Der Chaos-Zentaure ist auf meiner „Haben Will!“-Liste und vielleicht gönne ich mir auch die „Arcane Cataclysm“-Box – da sind tatsächlich nur Sachen drin, die mir gefallen. Der Rest ist gut, aber nichts was ich haben müsste.

  • Ich schaue da drüber und kein „Will ich“-Reflex regt sich. mir. Eher… Enttäuschung (und ich will jetzt nicht ausführen warum, sonst kriege ich hier wieder nur unangenehme Posts drunter).

    Lieben Gruß

    • Von mir bekommst du so ein freundlich-respektvolles nicken.
      So cowboy mäßig stell es dir vor.

  • Die AoS Sachen finde ich außer den skaven nur furchtbar unangenehm.

    Bei den space Zwergen hingegen bin ich mir noch nicht ganz schlüssig um ehrlich zu sein.

    Ein paar Sachen find ich schon ansprechend, aber dann wieder andere wie zum Beispiel diese „Trikes“ schrecklich.

    Komisch finde ich auch das Artwork, der Zwerg sieht das aus wie ein primaris.

    Vielleicht werd ich mir was für killteam holen von den jungs.
    Wahrscheinlich aber eher für deadzone.

  • Den Vampir finde ich ziemlich cool und für Skaven habe ich eine Schwäche. Die Warcry Chaos Legionäre will ich mögen, aber tun Sie leider so gar nicht.

  • Nee, nicht besonderes dabei, mit Fantasy bin ich durch.. und die 40K Zwerge spechen mich überhaupt nicht an! 😞

  • Mist, muss ich doch mal wieder kommentieren:
    Ich hätte gern dass der Centaurion mir gefällt, weil ich ein großer Warcry-Fan bin aber, verdammt nochmal, vier Arme sind einfach zwei zu viel. So wirkt das Ding einfach unübersichtlich.
    Was mich aber noch mehr ärgert: wo bleibt das Warcry-Regelbuch??? Das Kompendium werd ich mir holen klar, liegt dann halt erstmal mehr oder weniger nutzlos rum, weil ich die neuen Regeln noch nicht hab. Ist das ein (ziemlich dämlicher) Versuch mehr von den neuen (und deutlich zu hoch bepreisten) Boxen los zu werden? Einfach nur ärgerlich. 😡

  • Der Aeronautica release findet in den social Media kaum Beachtung.
    Die Kartenpacks werde ich mir aber holen. Ggf noch ein paar Marine Flieger holen um ggf ein paar trainingsmatches unter Spage Marines abzubilden

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