von BK-Nils | 07.02.2022 | eingestellt unter: Herr der Ringe, Warhammer / Age of Sigmar, Warhammer 40.000

GW: Wochenvorschau mit Warcry und Made-to-Order

Kommenden Samstag kommt ein ganzer Schwung an Neuheiten, mit dem Tome of Champions 2021 für Warcry, sowie einem ganzen Schwung an Klassikern als Made-to-Order für Warhammer 40.000 und Herr der Ringe.

Sunday Preview – Dominate the Eightpoints and Middle-earth with Next Week’s Pre-orders

Next week will bring with it a whole host of cool pre-orders, taking us from the Bloodwind Spoil to Middle-earth, via the depths of the underhive.

Warhammer Age of Sigmar Warcry

The new Tome of Champions for Warcry contains tons of new and updated content for whichever way you prefer to play this skirmish game set in the Mortal Realms – so whether you like open play, narrative play, matched play, or campaign play, there’s something here for you. Along with points updates for every Grand Alliance, there are new fated quests, narrative campaigns, new branching quests, and a tournament pack to make organising a Warcry event easier than ever.

Games Workshop Sunday Preview – Dominate The Eightpoints And Middle Earth™ With Next Week’s Pre Orders 1

This year’s book also contains comprehensive rules for using Warhammer Underworlds characters in Warcry. So, if you’ve ever dreamed of adding the fighters from Spiteclaw’s Swarm, Mollog’s Mob, or The Grymwatch to your forces, now you can!

Along with Tome of Champions, you’ll be able to pre-order five new Warcry warbands. Each contains a varied selection of fighters and the cards you need to field them in your games.

The swift and deadly Daughters of Khaine can turn an enemy fighter into crystal with just a glance, while the stoic Lumineth Realm-lords can bring down foes with the guidance of a sharp-eyed scryhawk. The depraved Slaanesh Sybarites can move and strike as they slay enemies, allowing these narcissistic warriors to cleave through multiple fighters. The imposing Thunderstrike Stormcast Eternals can call down falling stars to damage even the mightiest of foes, and the cunning Kruleboyz are deadly at a distance with their man-skewer bolts.

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Each of these kits is a quick way to create a warband, and they are perfect for both new and experienced Warcry players alike.

Warhammer 40.000

Hot on the heels of the new Codex: T’au Empire is a range of classic T’au Ethereals being Made to Order. All four are great options to lead your army, inspiring nearby forces and calling down the Invocations of the Ethereals to overcome any who would stand against the Greater Good.

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These Ethereals are only available to order for nine days, so act fast to get your hands on them.

Middle-Earth Strategy Battle Game

Speaking of Made to Order, several classic Middle-earth sets are also making a comeback next Saturday. The Moria Goblin Shaman adds magic to your scurrying army, transfixing foes before your horde overwhelms them, while the Armoured Moria Goblins offer a variety of weapons with which to dispatch any foe. The Easterling Warriors Warband creates a wall of blades for your enemies to break against – especially with the support of their new heroes.

For the forces of Good, Lorien Elf Archers are perfect skirmishers thanks to their skilful archery and evasion, especially led by Galadriel, Protectress of Lothlorien, who can unleash a variety of powerful spells. Haldir’s Elves with Swords and Haldir’s Elves with Bows are perfect for recreating the defenders from Helm’s Deep, and the Captain of Dale can perform a Heroic March to drive the Warriors of Dale forward unto victory.

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These miniatures all return for a limited time. This is a great opportunity to complete your Middle-earth collection or grab some unique sculpts for a painting project.


You can build an entire underhive sector with this gigantic box, which includes a whopping 106 pieces of terrain and accessories. Give your gangers something to fight over, around, and through with multi-layered terrain that lets your fighters battle up flights of stairs and blow open doors.

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While the set makes a stunning underhive sector, you could also use it to create an abandoned outpost or a long-forgotten city on your battlefield for games of Warhammer 40,000 or The Horus Heresy.

White Dwarf

Games Workshop Sunday Preview – Dominate The Eightpoints And Middle Earth™ With Next Week’s Pre Orders 20

February’s White Dwarf is absolutely packed with incredible hobby content. This month’s issue features rules for fielding the sinister Aeldari from Craftworld Altansar in your games of Warhammer 40,000, updated rules for Beasts of Chaos in Warhammer Age of Sigmar – including a new Path to Glory – and a guide to making banners for your Titans in Adeptus Titanicus.

Warhammer 40.000 ist unter anderem bei unseren Partnern Fantasywelt und Taschengelddieb erhältlich.

Warhammer: Age of Sigmar ist unter anderem bei unseren Partnern Fantasy-In und Minyarts erhältlich.

Quelle: Games Workshop


Nils, Redakteur bei Brückenkopf-Online. Seit 2001 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop: DSA Armalion. Aktueller Fokus liegt auf Skirmish-Systemen und Warhammer 40.000. mehr auf https://www.instagram.com/nerdydutchman/

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  • Bin mal sehr auf die Preise der MTO gespannt, vor allem die Goblins. Aus Nostalgiegründen und weil sie mir immer noch gefallen würde ich schon gerne schwach werden, aber nicht um jeden Preis.

  • Oh, ich mag das Galadrielmodell ja sehr. Vom Rest ist eigentlich sonst nichts dabei, aber mal gucken…

  • Das hatten sie nicht viel langweiliger und uninteressanter hinbekommen,hätten sie sich Mühe gegeben. Da is ja mal gar nix interessantes dabei…

    • Ja, da warte ich schon lange drauf. Die Schnittstelle Underworlds / Warcry so lange NICHT zu bedienen, ist so GW untypisch 😀
      Da ich bei KillTeam schon mit dem Necromunda-Gelände arbeite, lockt mich das Set auch, aber das tut Gelände sowieso immer.

  • Flashpoint Nachmund…?
    (siehe WhiteDwarf Deckblatt)

    Was soll das denn bedeuten? Verstehe ich da nur einen englischen Bezug nicht, oder ist das nach dem guten alten GW-Motto „random german word + random another german word = super hardcore“

    • Da gibt es kein Bezug. Einfach eine interessante Namensgebung für englische Muttersprachler.
      Wie Du schon geschrieben hast: -> super hardcore

  • Meine Güte sieht das Gelände vielleicht klobig und langweilig aus. 🙁
    Wenn GW schon Gelände aus den 80ern macht, sollten sie wenigenstens auch die Preise aus dem Jahrhundert nehmen…! 😉

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