von BK-Nils | 03.10.2022 | eingestellt unter: Warhammer / Age of Sigmar, Warhammer 40.000

GW: Wochenvorschau mit Elfen, Riesen und Space Marines

Kommenden Samstag gehen zwei neue Bücher für Warhammer Age of Sigmar in die Vorbestellung, außerdem findet der WarhammerDay 2022 statt mit einer exklusiven Figur und in der Horus Heresy rollt ein Panzer auf die Schlachtfelder.

Sunday Preview – Celebrate Warhammer Day and the Rise of the Lumineth Realm-lords

Next Saturday is Warhammer Day, a massive celebration of all things Warhammer. This year it’s the 35th anniversary of Warhammer 40,000, commemorated with a jaw-dropping new miniature. There are also new releases for the Lumineth Realm-lords and Warhammer: The Horus Heresy. Here are the week’s highlights.

Warhammer 40.000

Bayard’s Revenge

Games Workshop Sunday Preview – Celebrate Warhammer Day And The Rise Of The Lumineth Realm Lords 1

Celebrate the start of Orktober with this stunning diorama, featuring an Ork Nob receiving an emergency tracheotomy from his best friend, the Emperor’s Champion! Bayard’s Revenge is the stunning commemorative miniature for this year’s Warhammer Day to celebrate 35 years of Warhammer 40,000.

Games Workshop Sunday Preview – Celebrate Warhammer Day And The Rise Of The Lumineth Realm Lords 2

Based on a classic piece of artwork, this mini-diorama is a must-have for collectors, painters, and gamers – its level of detail and multiple textures make it a fun challenge to paint, and you can even use it as an Emperor’s Championon the tabletop.

Bayard’s Revenge is available to pre-order from the 8th, and you’re guaranteed to get one as long as you order before the 23rd of October.

Warhammer Age of Sigmar

Battletome: Lumineth Realm-lords

Games Workshop Sunday Preview – Celebrate Warhammer Day And The Rise Of The Lumineth Realm Lords 3

Unleash the light of the Lumineth Realm-lords upon the Mortal Realms with their new battletome. The book is packed with lore and background on the aelves of Hysh, and new and updated rules for using them in games of Warhammer Age of Sigmar. It includes warscrolls and pitched battle profiles for every Lumineth Realm-lords unit, plus painting guides to help you get your miniatures looking great.

Battletome: Lumineth Realm-lords will also be available in an incredible limited edition format, featuring a soft-touch cover, gold gilt edge pages, and a red ribbon bookmark – with only 700 available.

Vanguard: Lumineth Realm-lords

Games Workshop Sunday Preview – Celebrate Warhammer Day And The Rise Of The Lumineth Realm Lords 4

Start a Lumineth Realm-lords army – or add to an existing one – with their new Vanguard box. Lead your force into battle with the expert magics of the Scinari Cathallar, and anything that survives your magical onslaught can be chopped up by your Vanari Bladelords, run through by Vanari Auralan Wardens, or picked off at range with Vanari Auralan Sentinels.

Warscroll Cards: Lumineth Realm-lords

Games Workshop Sunday Preview – Celebrate Warhammer Day And The Rise Of The Lumineth Realm Lords 5

Keep track of your rules in the heat of battle with warscroll cards for the Lumineth Realm-lords. There are 25 cards for the units in the battletome, one for the faction-specific terrain, and three for the faction-specific Endless Spells. There are also 35 tokens to keep track of your aetherquartz, grand strategies, battle tactics, and more.

Lumineth Realm-lords Dice

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These 20 blue-and-white dice are perfect for when you need to randomly generate a number between ‘1’ and ‘6’ – very orderly, just the way the Hyshians like it. They’re themed for your army, with the Lumineth Realm-lords symbol on the 6.

Battletome: Sons Of Behemat

Games Workshop Sunday Preview – Celebrate Warhammer Day And The Rise Of The Lumineth Realm Lords 7

The Sons of Behemat stomp into the current edition of Warhammer Age of Sigmar with their glorious new battletome. It’s packed with the destructive history of the offspring of Behemat – the gargants – as well as new and updated warscrolls, pitched battle profiles, and new Path to Glory rules.

As with the Lumineth Realm-lords battletome, it’s available in a stupendous limited edition with a soft touch cover. Act fast, as there are only 500 copies available. Alternatively, you can pick up the standard issue battletome.

King Brodd

Games Workshop Sunday Preview – Celebrate Warhammer Day And The Rise Of The Lumineth Realm Lords 8

Lead your army to victory with the high priest of Behemat, King Brodd. He’s one of the toughest beings in the Mortal Realms, able to take a huge amount of punishment and deal it back in spades. He can also support the rest of your army with three unique prayers.

This kit can also build the Kraken-eater, Gatebreaker, and Warstomper Mega-Gargants – or the new Beast-smasher Mega-Gargant – each of which can be hired as a mercenary by a different Grand Alliance.

Mancrusher Gargant

Games Workshop Sunday Preview – Celebrate Warhammer Day And The Rise Of The Lumineth Realm Lords 9

Got even more men you need to crush? Add a Mancrusher Gargant to your army with this highly customisable kit, and get ready to stomp, kick, and ‘eadbutt your way to victory. They can be used as a battleline option in Sons of Behemat armies, or as an Aleguzzler Gargant with the Gloomspite Gitz or a Chaos Gargant in a Beasts of Chaos force.

Mancrusher Mob

Games Workshop Sunday Preview – Celebrate Warhammer Day And The Rise Of The Lumineth Realm Lords 10

What’s scarier than a Mancrusher Gargant? Three of them! Unleash the might of the Mancrusher Mob – led by a Bullstomper, they’ll easily smash their way through enemy units. This box includes three Mancrushers, which can alternatively be assembled as Chaos Gargants or Aleguzzler Gargants, and comes with loads of optional extras so you can personalise each of your models.

Sons Of Behemat Dice

Games Workshop Sunday Preview – Celebrate Warhammer Day And The Rise Of The Lumineth Realm Lords 11

Finally, you can also get a set of faction dice for your Sons of Behemat. Each of these 20 dice features a footprint symbol on the 6 face – perfect for letting your enemies know when they’ve been stomped.

Warhammer The Horus Heresy

Land Raider Proteus

Games Workshop Sunday Preview – Celebrate Warhammer Day And The Rise Of The Lumineth Realm Lords 12

Planning an army for Warhammer: The Horus Heresy, but can’t decide between a tank and a transport? Why not have both in one chassis! The Land Raider Proteus has that classic 1980s look, and can be built as the 12-capacity Carrier with an assault ramp, or as the Explorator, which sacrifices seats for sensors and speed. The plastic kit includes twin-linked heavy bolters, twin-linked heavy flamers, and twin-linked lascannons as hull-mounted weapons, along with a selection of pintle-mounted weaponry and optional equipment.

Warhammer 40.000 ist unter anderem bei unseren Partnern Fantasywelt und Taschengelddieb erhältlich.

Warhammer: Age of Sigmar ist unter anderem bei unseren Partnern Fantasy-In und Minyarts erhältlich.

Quelle: Games Workshop


Nils, Redakteur bei Brückenkopf-Online. Seit 2001 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop: DSA Armalion. Aktueller Fokus liegt auf Skirmish-Systemen und Warhammer 40.000. mehr auf https://www.instagram.com/nerdydutchman/

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  • Irgendwer auf YouTube hat bemängelt, dass die Garganten alle die gleichen Beine haben …
    So ein Müll, jetzt kann ich es nicht mehr „ent-sehen“ oder ignorieren.

    • Die basieren halt alle auf dem mind. 15 Jahre alten Riesenmodell. Da sind lediglich ein paar Bitze zugekommen, und 50-60% Preissteigerungen.
      Ich fand den damals schon extrem hässlich (und nicht auf die coole Art) und mittlerweile gibt es wesentlich bessere Optionen von anderen Herstellern (u.a. Mantic. Reaper oder Para Bellum) teilweise sogar wesentlich günstiger.

      • Nicht mal was dazugekommen, alles was man auf den Bildern sieht war auch damals schon im Gußrahmen.

    • Und der Chef-Gargant entstammt einer ganz anderen Spezies. Drei Finger, drei Zehen, deutlich anderer Körperbau… macht irgendwie nicht so dolle Sinn.

      • Die Mancrusher sind alle das gleiche Modell wie auch schon zu WH-Fantasy Zeiten. Die Mega-Garganten sind jetzt erst „kürzlich“ dazu gekommen und dürften in etwa doppelt so groß sein.
        Zuletzt hat ein Doppelpack Mancrusher 105,-€ gekostet, was pro Modell glaube ich sogar ersparnis brachte, gegenüber den vorherigen Einzelpreise von ~60€
        Die Mega Garganten sind etwas größer als ein Knight soweit ich mich recht erinnere und für mein Empfinden mit zuletzt 155-€ schon teuer gewesen… mal schauen, was die Box jetzt mit +2 Optionen kosten soll….

  • Was genau hat sich das jetzt geändert? Ist da ein Gussrahmen mehr drin oder was? Ich versteh nicht ganz..

    • Wenn Du den großen Riesen meinst, dort sollten jetzt fünf statt bisher drei verschiedene Modellvarianten möglich sein. Neben dem oben gezeigten Boss war in den Vorschauen noch ein dunkelhäutiger Riese zu sehen.

      • jetzt musste ich aber schon sehr grinsen, als ein dunkelhäutiger Riese ist also eine Bauoption und ich hätte gedacht das ist eine bemal Variante 😉

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