von BK-Nils | 09.05.2022 | eingestellt unter: Herr der Ringe, Warhammer / Age of Sigmar

GW: Wochenvorschau mit AoS und Herr der Ringe

Kommenden Samstag geht es bei Games Workshop in die Reiche der Sterblichen und in den Norden von Mittelerde.

Sunday Preview – Witch-aelves, Spectral Hordes, and the Defence of The North

No sooner has Warhammer Fest Online ended (catch up on it all here if you somehow missed out on the biggest reveal event of the year) than another Sunday Preview appears. We’ve got lots to show you this week, so sit back and enjoy!

Warhammer Age of Sigmar

Battletome: Nighthaunt

Games Workshop Sunday Preview – Witch Aelves, Spectral Hordes, And The Defence Of The North 1

Nagash’s spectral legions are back, and they’re more tortured than ever in their latest battletome. Trapped in undying service to the Supreme Lord of the Undead, they will stop at nothing to swell his ranks by slaughtering his foes. Battletome: Nighthaunt contains everything you need to bring this army to unlife on the tabletop, including battle traits, Path to Glory rules, all the warscrolls, and a sheet of tokens to help you keep track of your terrifying abilities.

You can also show your unbreakable allegiance to Nagash with a limited collector’s edition, which comes with a soft-touch cover, a red ribbon marker, gilt page edges, and gold foil blocking to show off that spooky artwork.

Battletome: Daughters of Khaine

Games Workshop Sunday Preview – Witch Aelves, Spectral Hordes, And The Defence Of The North 2

Over in the world of the corporeal, Morathi’s bloodthirsty daughters – and her handful of sons – are getting ready to massacre all those who stand in the way of her rise to power. Discover the story of her apotheosis and bring her cults to the tabletop with Battletome: Daughters of Khaine, which is full new and updated rules, lore, abilities for the six temples of Khaine, a bloody Path to Glory campaign, and more.

You can make sure Morathi’s wrath doesn’t fall on you by picking up the collector’s edition with its soft-touch cover and gold foil blocking, gilt page edges and a blood-red ribbon marker.

Please note that the Daughters of Khaine will also be receiving a full set of Warscroll Cards. However, these have been slightly delayed – we will let you know in good time when they’re due to be released.

Awlrach the Drowner

Games Workshop Sunday Preview – Witch Aelves, Spectral Hordes, And The Defence Of The North 3

Crash your tide of spectral terror into the enemy with Awlrach the Drowner. In life, this betraying boatman dragged folk to their deaths in the briny deep, and he continues his watery hobby in undeath. Luckily your ghosts are immune to drowning, so they can hitch a ride as he paddles through the underworlds and straight into your foe’s front line.

Craventhrone Guard

Games Workshop Sunday Preview – Witch Aelves, Spectral Hordes, And The Defence Of The North 4

Ranged support for your Nighthaunt army is also arriving in the form of the Craventhrone Guard. Cursed always to kill whatever the Craven King himself wishes to dispatch, these kill-stealing spectral marksmen can even fire their ethereal bolts right through terrain – no one can hide from their wrath.

Ethereal Court

Games Workshop Sunday Preview – Witch Aelves, Spectral Hordes, And The Defence Of The North 5

If the word craven is popping up too often for your liking, you can instil some (ghostly) backbone into your tormented hordes with the Ethereal Court, which collects three mighty heroes – the Knight of Shrouds on Ethereal Steed, a Spirit Torment, and a Guardian of Souls. These have been away from the range for a while, so grab them to bolster your terrifying forces.

Vanguard: Idoneth Deepkin

Games Workshop Sunday Preview – Witch Aelves, Spectral Hordes, And The Defence Of The North 6

Next up, start a brand new Warhammer Age of Sigmar army – or reinforce an existing one – with Vanguard: Idoneth Deepkin, which comes with an entire soul-plundering force.

This raiding party consists of 15 miniatures – with a hero and battleline meaning you can use it as an army in a box. Hard-hitting eyeless Namarti Thralls are guided by the mystical prowess of an Isharaan Soulscryer, backed up by a fierce Akhelian Allopex and a trio of eel-riding Akhelian Isharaan Guard, which can also be built as Morrsarr Guard for extra flexibility.

Vanguard: Fyreslayers

Games Workshop Sunday Preview – Witch Aelves, Spectral Hordes, And The Defence Of The North 7

Prefer a little heat? Vanguard: Fyreslayers is an eruption of duardin flesh, axes, and ur-gold. It’s the perfect start for your Lodge – or recruit new warriors for your army.

26 hot-headed miniatures – including a hero and battleline – form a fiery core to this force. A Battlesmith chronicles the stories of the Fyreslayers to lead 20 axe-toting Vulkite Berzerkers and five ferocious Hearthguard Berzerkers – who can be built instead as the indomitable Auric Hearthguard.

Auric Runefather on Magmadroth

Games Workshop Sunday Preview – Witch Aelves, Spectral Hordes, And The Defence Of The North 8

This tide of doughty duardin also brings with it the Auric Runefather on Magmadroth, who is being sold separately for the first time. The kit can alternatively be used to build an Auric Runeson or Runesmiter on Magmadroth – and whichever two heroes you don’t mount on a giant fire-breathing lizard can also be built on foot.

Nighthaunt Warscroll Cards and Dice

Games Workshop Sunday Preview – Witch Aelves, Spectral Hordes, And The Defence Of The North 9

“Rolling the bones” takes on a new meaning with these spooky Nighthaunt dice, which come in an ethereal teal with ghost-white pips and the Nighthaunt logo on the 6 faces.

And keep all your tactics and rules to hand with this pack of warscroll cards covering every unit and Endless Spell in Battletome: Nighthaunt – plus 30 tokens for tracking your Nighthaunt abilities, spells, grand strategies, and more, or suffer a fate worse than death – forgetting rules at a crucial juncture!

Middle-Earth Strategy Battle Game

Games Workshop Sunday Preview – Witch Aelves, Spectral Hordes, And The Defence Of The North 10

The Defence of the North expansion lands in the storied world of Middle-earth, taking players through pivotal events in the Northern Realms. This packed rules supplement contains new profiles for the heroes and villains who fought in the north, new army lists, 22 enthralling narrative play scenarios that can be linked together into a campaign, and six Legendary Legions that give you fresh ways to forge an army.

You can pre-order this now in hardback and eBook editions to decide the fate of the North for yourself.

On top of that, there’s a massive selection of Middle-earth products heading to Made to Order.

Middle-earth Made to Order

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Bolster your nefarious forces of Evil with a whole heap of goblins, including the Warg Marauder shock cavalry, a malevolent Dragon, Moria Goblin heroes like Ashrâk, Drûzhag, Durbûrz, and Grôblog, and some supremely skilled Easterling Mounted Commanders.

The side of Good isn’t left out – reinforcements are also heading their way.

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Stalwart Dwarves join the fray in the form of the Khazad Guard and Captains of Erebor, who are more than a match for any enemy in Middle-earth – no matter their height – while the Lake-town Captains command the forces of Dale against Evil.

Games Workshop Sunday Preview – Witch Aelves, Spectral Hordes, And The Defence Of The North 21

Need a vast battlefield to play out the conflict between Good and Evil? The Fortress of Dol Guldur set is a collection of six modular Ruins of Dol Guldur kits, allowing you to construct an ominous fortress or sprawling set of ruins to battle over and within.

Easterling Dice Set

Games Workshop Sunday Preview – Witch Aelves, Spectral Hordes, And The Defence Of The North 22

Conquer the North in style with these luxurious red and brass dice to match the gleaming armour of the Easterling forces. They have been cast with a pearlised metallic effect, and feature the Easterling’s icon on the 6 face.

White Dwarf

White Dwarf 476

Light the incense and praise Slaanesh, issue 476 of White Dwarf is here, and it brings a new Tome Celestial for the Hedonites who worship the Prince of Pleasure, giving you new things to do with all those Depravity points…

Games Workshop Sunday Preview – Witch Aelves, Spectral Hordes, And The Defence Of The North 23

There are also rules and missions for using sentries in Kill Team, four new fighters for you to add to your games of Warcry, Crusade rules for falling to Chaos in Warhammer 40,000, and all your favourite articles and features. How incredibly decadent!

Warhammer: Age of Sigmar ist unter anderem bei unseren Partnern Fantasy-In und Minyarts erhältlich.

Quelle: Games Workshop


Nils, Redakteur bei Brückenkopf-Online. Seit 2001 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop: DSA Armalion. Aktueller Fokus liegt auf Skirmish-Systemen und Warhammer 40.000. mehr auf https://www.instagram.com/nerdydutchman/

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      • Das ist einfach nichts was die sich wünschen bzw. nicht schon zuhauf haben.

        Abgesehen davon das fyreslayer eh schon dringend zwei weitere einheitsboxen, sprich 2-4 neue Einheiten brauchen (haben ja bisher effektiv auch nur 2 Boxen dafür) wäre es schöner gewesen mehr von den elitären reinzupacken statt 2 Mal Vulkites.

        Dazu ist der Magmadroth ja jetzt plötzlich gut und nun kommt er aus deren starter Box raus?

        Halt unschön.

  • Sentries in Kill Team….hm…was könnte das heißen? Wilde Spekulationen bitte schön 🙂 Denke sawas stationäre Waffenstellungen die man mit aufstellen kann.

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