von BK-Nils | 28.11.2022 | eingestellt unter: Necromunda, Warhammer 40.000

GW: Wochenvorschau mit 40k und Necromunda

Kommenden Samstag gibt es die Battleforce Boxen für Warhammer 40.000, außerdem rasen die Escher Cutters durch die Weiten der Aschewüsten Necromundas.

Sunday Preview – Warhammer 40,000 Battleforces and Necromunda Goons and Goodies

They said it couldn’t be done, but the Emperor willed it, and so it has been done – more Battleforce boxes are ready to ship out, flanked by a bunch of Necromunda releases. Let’s get stuck in.

Warhammer 40.000

Battleforce: Adeptus Mechanicus – Elimination Maniple

Games Workshop Sunday Preview – Warhammer 40,000 Battleforces And Necromunda Goons And Goodies 1

Belisarius Cawl has packed himself up in a battleforce that’s full of surprises. And by surprises, we mean horrible guns and killer robots from humanity’s past. This box comprises 20 miniatures, including the Archmagos Dominus himself and more than enough death-dealing cyborgs.

Battleforce: Imperial Knights – Chainbreaker Lance

Games Workshop Sunday Preview – Warhammer 40,000 Battleforces And Necromunda Goons And Goodies 2

This clutch of Knights is a perfectly sized army project – it’s just a handful of miniatures, after all… The Chainbreaker Lance contains four Armiger-class knights led by Canis Rex, a legendary steed piloted by the equally epic Sir Hekhtur. For those of a less Freeblade persuasion, Canis Rex can also be constructed as any Questoris-class Knight.

Battleforce: Thousand Sons – Court of The Crimson King

Games Workshop Sunday Preview – Warhammer 40,000 Battleforces And Necromunda Goons And Goodies 3

Magnus the Red is the 41st Millenium’s premiere big scarlet-skinned chap, at least until his very angry brother turns up. Joining him are 23 of his sons – 20 dusty Rubric Marines and three Exalted Sorcerers living their best arcane life.

Battleforce: Death Guard – Council of The Death Lord

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Refusing to be outdone by his brother – magicians are always putting on a show – Mortarion arrives with a rotten assortment of Death Guard. 14 Plague Marines invite double blessings from Nurgle, while the Pale King has even snuck in a clutch of indomitable Blightlord Terminators.

Battleforce:  Adepta Sororitas – Sanctorum Guard

Games Workshop Sunday Preview – Warhammer 40,000 Battleforces And Necromunda Goons And Goodies 5

Anyone who had nuns in big metal jumpsuits on their Christmas bingo card is going to be rubbing their hands with glee at the Sanctorum Guard battleforce, which contains 23 saintly miniatures. Morven Vahl spearheads a cohort of six Paragon Warsuits, while a complement of Celestian Sacresants and a Battle Sister squad give you more zealots than you can shake a brazier at.

Battleforce: Adeptus Custodes – Watchers of The Gate

Games Workshop Sunday Preview – Warhammer 40,000 Battleforces And Necromunda Goons And Goodies 6

Our true love might have given us five gold rings this year, but it’s not a patch on this auric battleforce absolutely packed with 22 Custodes – including Captain-General Trajann Valoris, who is kind of a big deal. This absolute wall of warriors features the Vertus Praetors on their roaring dawneagle jetbikes, adding valuable tactical flexibility.

Battleforce: Imperial Fists – Bastion Strike Force

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Fans of chunky Gravis armour have 19 reasons to be happy with this Imperial Fists battleforce. Tor Garadon is backed up by the full faith and credit of 15 Heavy Intercessors, three Aggressors, and two Imperial Fists upgrade sprues.

Battleforce: Raven Guard – Ravenstrike Battle Force

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It’s hard enough to be stealthy when you’re a nine-foot tall super soldier, but how about the challenge of going covert with not one but two Invictor Tactical Warsuits? If anyone would know how to pull that off, it’s Raven Guard Chapter Master Kayvaan Shrike, who also leads a squad of Reivers, a trio of Eliminators, and a Phobos-armoured Librarian for a total of 17 miniatures ready for an ambush.

Adeptus Mechanicus – Technoarcheologist

Games Workshop Sunday Preview – Warhammer 40,000 Battleforces And Necromunda Goons And Goodies 9

The Technoarchaelogist – once seen in the Escalation expansion for Warhammer Quest: Blackstone Fortress** – is being released on his own for the first time. An HQ choice for the Adeptus Mechanicus, these bold explorers specialise in keeping units shooting while they search for artefacts – they can even guide Servitors through more complex field research. And with six Kataphrons in the Elimination Maniple box, this pistol-packing surveyor is the perfect companion piece.

Warhammer Quest

Warhammer Quest: Cursed City – Nemesis (web exclusive)

Games Workshop Sunday Preview – Warhammer 40,000 Battleforces And Necromunda Goons And Goodies 10

The quest to save Ulfenkarn comes to an end with the final expansion for Warhammer Quest: Cursed City. Nightwars will bring your heroes’ gruelling journey to a close with new quests, new enemies, and new ways to use your Soulblight Gravelords collection. You’ll need the previous expansion, and the required miniatures to play.


Escher Cutters

Games Workshop Sunday Preview – Warhammer 40,000 Battleforces And Necromunda Goons And Goodies 11

Dominate the ash wastes with these new skimmer mounts for Escher gangs. This kit includes four fast-flying machines which Leaders, Champions, and Prospects can ride. There are head and hair options for the riders, along with a choice of twin-linked heavy stubbers, grenade launchers, or plasma guns.

You can find rules for using Escher Cutters in The Aranthian Succession – Cinderak Burning.

Escher Tactics Cards and Ash Wastes Dice

Games Workshop Sunday Preview – Warhammer 40,000 Battleforces And Necromunda Goons And Goodies 12

There are two sets of Escher Tactics Cards coming out – one for vehicles, and another for your battles in the underhive. Both contain 18 Escher-specific cards and eight blank cards to keep track of your gangers and vehicles. The Escher Vehicle Tactics Cards contain new cards to use in the ash wastes, while the Escher Gang Tactics set is a reprint of a previous set, and the eight Escher-themed dice are coloured in stylish purple with luxurious golden ink. You get three regular D6s, three Necromunda injury dice, an ammo die, and a scatter die.

Warhammer 40.000 ist unter anderem bei unseren Partnern Fantasywelt und Taschengelddieb erhältlich.

Quelle: Games Workshop


Nils, Redakteur bei Brückenkopf-Online. Seit 2001 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop: DSA Armalion. Aktueller Fokus liegt auf Skirmish-Systemen und Warhammer 40.000. mehr auf https://www.instagram.com/nerdydutchman/

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  • In den AoS Boxen sind durchschnittlich mehr Minis, aber die 40k Boxen haben mehr finanziellen Wert. Wenn der Preis auch bei 170€ liegt, sind die der bessere Deal.
    Sehen wir dann heute Mittag.

    • Zeigt halt wie teuer manches bewertet ist. Knights box ist gut, custodes natürlich auch.

      Imperial Fists hat 3 aggressors, einen Charakter und effektiv 15 leicht glorifizierte taktische mit etwas größeren Boltern. Das ist schon etwas derb.

      • Knights und Custodes haben auch den größten Rabatt.

        Marines und 1kSons kommen da aber knapp dran, DG ist etwas schlechter und Schwestern und Mechanicus haben fast 10% weniger ‚Wert‘.

        Die Fists Box hat echt überteuerten Inhalt.

        Ach ja, die 170€ sind bestätigt.

  • Cursed City Nemesis. Der Abschluss einer lachhaft schlechten Serie!

    Ich habe nach echt langem Warten nun seit einigen Wochen die Grundbox hier und habe mir die letzte Erweiterung direkt beim Fachhändler vorbestellt… Der hat zu wenige bekommen, ich hab keine mehr abgekriegt und nachbestellt werde konnte es nicht mehr. Auf der GW Homepage war es auch direkt ausverkauft.

    Man ich bin echt sauer auf GW und bereue, dass ich mir das Grundspiel noch geholt habe. Ich hätte lieber die Finger von der ganzen Serie lassen sollen. Das nervt mich echt total!

    • geht mir ähnlich. Aber versuche es von der Guten seite zu sehen: da sind ein paar umwerfende Minis drin die unterschiedlichsten Zwecken dienen können. leider sit die Luft so raus, dass ich erstmal null antrieb habe das eigentliche Spiel anzugehen, wozu man ja möglichst alles fertig haben sollte (also ich…weil ich Zwänge habe 😅) aber ich sehe mich schon alles irgendwelchen Warcry Banden oder anderen Fantasy skirmish systemen zuordenen und es dabei belassen.

      Ja, aber das Cursed City Desaster ist das schlimmste VÖ Debakel, dass mir zu GW in der jüngeren Vergangenheit einfällt. Dabei war es so vielversprechend.

  • Ist schon bekannt wann die 40K Boxen erscheinen sollen?
    Die von Age of Sigmar gibt es ja seit Samstag zum vorbestellen.

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