von BK-Nils | 12.04.2022 | eingestellt unter: Blood Bowl / Fantasy Football

GW: Wochenvorschau auf Blood Bowl Norse Team

Kommenden Samstag erreicht eine neue Mannschaft aus dem hohen Norden die Blood Bowl Stadien der Alten Welt, mit den Norse Team und es gibt eine kleine Preview.

Sunday Preview – Beer, Brutality, and Blood Bowl

A new Blood Bowl team joins the carnage on the pitch next week.

From the frozen north they come, bringing booze, boars, and brutality to the Blood Bowl playing field – prepare to face the Norscans!

Norsca Rampagers

Games Workshop Sunday Preview – Beer, Brutality, And Blood Bowl 1

Norse teams may have a reputation for preferring post-game celebrations to actually playing Blood Bowl, but they are incredibly potent on the astrogranite. Their tough Berserkers and frenzied Ulfwerners can punch holes in opposing lines, allowing the nimble Valkyries to score. The adorable Beer Boars are great at giving the team a mid-match pick-me-up, but be careful – even a Snotling will fancy their chances in a block against your porcine pal.

All the rules you need to get your Norse team onto the tabletop can be found in the latest issue of Spike! Journal.* There are also hints and tips, background, and lore, and all your favourite in-world columns – plus new rules for using Norse players in Dungeon Bowl. It’s available in physical and digital formats.

Spike! Magazine

Games Workshop Sunday Preview – Beer, Brutality, And Blood Bowl 2

There are plenty of accessories for your new team, too. The Norse Team Card Pack features handy reference cards for your players, as well as bespoke special play cards, such as Armoured Boar! Make sure to grab a set of Norse Team Dice, with a stylish dragon-ship design that’ll have Nuffle smiling on your rolls.

Meanwhile, the double-sided Norse Pitch and Dugouts are sure to give your team the home-field advantage – or in this case, home-frozen-lake advantage. There are special rules for playing on an icy surface – we hope your team can keep their footing, especially when you flip to the other side and the ice starts to crack…

Games Workshop Sunday Preview – Beer, Brutality, And Blood Bowl 3 Games Workshop Sunday Preview – Beer, Brutality, And Blood Bowl 4

Star Players and Big Guys

Forge World are also getting in on the Norse fun, with a range of new players. The Yhetee adds more punching power to your team – unleash them on opponents to clear a path to the endzone for the rest of your side.

Games Workshop Sunday Preview – Beer, Brutality, And Blood Bowl 5

If you prefer showmanship to savagery, there’s the most stylish Yhetee ever to grace a Blood Bowl pitch (and five-time beard of the year winner) Skrorg Snowpelt. Not only is he great at ripping the arms off opposing players, but he can also pump up the crowd when he does so, inspiring your entire team.

Games Workshop Sunday Preview – Beer, Brutality, And Blood Bowl 6

Thorsson Stoutmead has earned a reputation on the Blood Bowl pitch for throwing his barrel of beer at opposing players. Thankfully, referees are happy to turn a blind eye to his antics, so you can knock down opponents from distance.

Games Workshop Sunday Preview – Beer, Brutality, And Blood Bowl 7

Finally, Ivar Eriksson is the complete package – a talented Star Player who starts with the Block, Guard, AND Tackle skills, which should help you turn the tide of any game. He’s also bringing back legwarmers, which is definitely a positive in our book.

Games Workshop Sunday Preview – Beer, Brutality, And Blood Bowl 8

The Yhetee is a Big Guy for Norse teams alone, while the three Star Players can also be fielded by Dwarf, Halfling, Human, Imperial Nobility, Old World Alliance, and Ogre teams.

All of these new Blood Bowl miniatures and accessories will be available to pre-order from Saturday.

Und dann gab es noch eine kleine Preview für Blood Bowl.

Trample the Blood Bowl Pitch With the Rambunctious Rumbelow Sheepskin

What’s making those menacing hoofbeats? Is it a Thundertusk? Is it a Bull Centaur? No, it’s Rumbelow Sheepskin and his cantankerous pet ram.

That’s right – Blood Bowl’s new hotness is a deadly combination of Halfling and bloodthirsty ovine. As the first Halfling Star Player to be released since 1990, ewe’ll definitely want to add this unique player to your team.

Games Workshop Trample The Blood Bowl Pitch With The Rambunctious Rumbelow Sheepskin 1

As a Blocker, Rumbelow is famed for terrorising the Blood Bowl pitch. He tightly grips the reins of Longshanks, the dangerous ram he rides into play, who is all too eager to leap head-first towards the opposition. This stylish sheep even has his own custom helmet in a true show of team spirit!

Games Workshop Trample The Blood Bowl Pitch With The Rambunctious Rumbelow Sheepskin 2

You can pull the wool over your opponent’s eyes with the pair’s unique ability, the aptly named Ram, which allows Longshanks to trample any rivals knocked down by the Block action once per game.

Games Workshop Trample The Blood Bowl Pitch With The Rambunctious Rumbelow Sheepskin 3

This dynamic duo can play for teams associated with the Halfling Thimble Cup, Old World Classic, or Worlds Edge Superleague, and they’re the perfect recruits if you’re looking to ram through a few touchdowns.

Quelle: Games Workshop


Nils, Redakteur bei Brückenkopf-Online. Seit 2001 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop: DSA Armalion. Aktueller Fokus liegt auf Skirmish-Systemen und Warhammer 40.000. mehr auf https://www.instagram.com/nerdydutchman/

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  • Auf dieses Team freue ich mich richtig. Der Innovationspreis geht hierfür sicherlich an GW, aber wenn ein klassisches Thema sauber umgesetzt wird, bin ich sehr zufrieden.

      • Genau – ich habe hier das ’nicht‘ vergessen. Was ich zum Ausdruck bringen wollte – manchmal bin ich froh, wenn es einfach ’nur‘ das gibt, was die Stereotypen zu diesem Thema hergeben und nicht noch irgendwas drauf gesetzt wird.

  • Selbst bei aller Liebe zu comichaften Übertreibungen/Verfremdungen, aber dieses Schaffell sieht aus wie der missglückte Versuch ein Gehirn zu modellieren. Oder ein Teller Spaghetti.

    Da sieht Bellmach von Greebo Games doch um einiges gekonnter aus.
    Über einen direkten Preisvergleich breiten wir hierbei zusätzlich lieber den Mantel des Schweigens.

  • Weiß jemand von euch zufällig etwas darüber, ob es spezielle Regeln für das Team beim Blitz Bowl geben wird?

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