von BK-Nils | 05.09.2022 | eingestellt unter: Herr der Ringe, Warhammer / Age of Sigmar, Warhammer 40.000

GW: Große Wochenvorschau

Kommenden Samstag gibt es bei Games Workshop eine bunte Mischung an Neuheiten, mit Battle of Osgiliath geht es nach Mittelerde, die Schlachtfelder der fernen Zukunft erzittern unter einem klassischen Panzer und in den Tiefen des Nethermaze taucht mit den Gorechosen of Dromm eine neue Bande auf.

Sunday Preview – Join the Battle for Middle-Earth With Next Week’s Pre-Orders

The Lord of The Rings Battle of Osgiliath

Games Workshop Sunday Preview – Join The Battle For Middle Earth™ With Next Week’s Pre Orders 1

Recreate the epic battle between the forces of Gondor and Mordor with the incredible new boxed set for the Middle-earth Strategy Battle Game. It contains 54 miniatures, including stunning new sculpts for Faramir, Madril, Damrod, Gothmog, and Gothmog on Warg. Accompanying these heroes are 12 Warriors of Minas Tirith, 12 Rangers of Gondor, 24 Morannon Orcs, and a Mordor Troll.

Games Workshop Sunday Preview – Join The Battle For Middle Earth™ With Next Week’s Pre Orders 2 Games Workshop Sunday Preview – Join The Battle For Middle Earth™ With Next Week’s Pre Orders 3

There are also two sets of Gondor Ruins for you to create your own Osgiliath battlefield. Can you hold this ancient city for the forces of Good, or will you claim it in the name of Sauron?

Games Workshop Sunday Preview – Join The Battle For Middle Earth™ With Next Week’s Pre Orders 4

The box also contains an updated rules manual, a booklet containing the game profiles for the miniatures and scenarios, dice, and a range ruler, giving you everything you need to start playing.

The Battle of Osgiliath has a very special advanced pre-order. It’s going to be available to order from the 10th of September until 8am BST on the 26th of September. Orders placed in this window should arrive before Christmas.

Rohan Battlehost

Games Workshop Sunday Preview – Join The Battle For Middle Earth™ With Next Week’s Pre Orders 5

Ride for ruin and the world’s ending with this Middle-earth Strategy Battle Game battlehost. It includes Éomer mounted and on foot, 24 Warriors of Rohan, and six Riders of Rohan. Launch lightning raids with the riders, who can use their throwing weapons before making a thunderous charge. Please note that this product has been slightly delayed in the USA and Canada, so will be available to pre-order at a slightly later date in those regions.

Mordor Battlehost

Games Workshop Sunday Preview – Join The Battle For Middle Earth™ With Next Week’s Pre Orders 6

Join the forces of the Dark Lord with this incredible box. It features the Witch-king of Angmar mounted and on foot, 24 Mordor Orcs, and six Warg Riders. Overwhelm your enemies with the horde of Orcs while you harry them with the fast-moving Wargs.

Isengard Battlehost

Games Workshop Sunday Preview – Join The Battle For Middle Earth™ With Next Week’s Pre Orders 7

Help bring the machinations of the white wizard to fruition. This battlehost contains Saruman mounted and on foot, Gríma, a Palantir on plinth, 24 Uruk-hai Scouts, and 20 Uruk-hai Warriors. Cast powerful spells with Saruman before cutting down your enemies with the brutal Uruk-hai. Please note that this product has been slightly delayed in the USA and Canada, so will be available to pre-order at a slightly later date in those regions.

Minas Tirith Battlehost

Games Workshop Sunday Preview – Join The Battle For Middle Earth™ With Next Week’s Pre Orders 8

Fight for the White City with Gandalf the White and Peregrin Took mounted and on foot, 24 Warriors of Minas Tirith, and six Knights of Minas Tirith. Bring ruin to your enemies with Gandalf’s magic, perform a devastating charge with the knights, and stab someone in the knee with Pippin.

Each of these battlehost boxes is a great way to start a brand new army or to easily add to an existing force. For each one, you’ll be able to download free rules so you can get started playing as quickly as possible.

Elrond, Master of Rivendell

Games Workshop Sunday Preview – Join The Battle For Middle Earth™ With Next Week’s Pre Orders 9

Lead the Elven forces into battle with Elrond, the Master of Rivendell. This mighty warrior and legendary leader comes both on foot and mounted – perfect to lead a charge from the Knights of Rivendell. He’s accompanied into battle by a High Elf Warrior bearing the banner of Gil-galad, who inspires nearby fighters to even greater glories.

Ruins of Middle-earth

Games Workshop Sunday Preview – Join The Battle For Middle Earth™ With Next Week’s Pre Orders 10

Expand your Middle-earth scenery collection with these classic pieces. It’s great for adding to the scenery in the Battle of Osgiliath boxed set to create a board for fighting even larger battles. Alternatively, you could create dioramas based on your favourite scenes from the movies.

Rivendell Dice Set

Games Workshop Sunday Preview – Join The Battle For Middle Earth™ With Next Week’s Pre Orders 11

Elrond may have the Foresight of the Eldar, but even he can’t see what you’re going to roll when you pick up the dice. Surely, these eight dice, which feature a Rivendell helm on the ‘6’ will roll well enough to ensure victory for your Elves.

Garrison of Dale Dice Set

Games Workshop Sunday Preview – Join The Battle For Middle Earth™ With Next Week’s Pre Orders 12

Alternatively, if you’re part of the Garrison of Dale, you’ll want to grab these dice for those times you need to make an incredibly unlikely hit roll, such as when trying to shoot down a dragon.

Final Fate of the Witch-king

Games Workshop Sunday Preview – Join The Battle For Middle Earth™ With Next Week’s Pre Orders 13

Add this classic scene to your collection next week on a Made to Order basis. It perfectly captures the pivotal moment from The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King as the arrogant Witch-king of Angmar discovers the literal truth about the prophecy that no man can kill him. The diorama also includes three bases so you can use the Witch-king, Éowyn, and Merry in your games.

The Horus Heresy

Deimos Pattern Predator Battle Tank

Games Workshop Sunday Preview – Join The Battle For Middle Earth™ With Next Week’s Pre Orders 14

Based on the classic Deimos Rhino STC, the Predator battle tank is versatile enough to handle anything the Age of Darkness can throw at it. Select from a predator cannon, graviton cannon, Gravis lascannon, or volkite macro-saker as your turret-mounted weapon and heavy bolters, heavy flamers, volkite culverins, or lascannons on your sponsons. With a raft of optional pintle-mounted weaponry on top, you’ll be able to take out any foes.

Heavy Weapons Upgrade Set – Heavy Flamers, Multi-meltas, and Plasma Cannons

Games Workshop Sunday Preview – Join The Battle For Middle Earth™ With Next Week’s Pre Orders 15

Following the heavy bolters and missile launchers set, you can now upgrade your Mark VI Space Marines with even more heavy weapon options. Heavy flamers are great for clearing swathes of enemy infantry, multi-meltas are perfect for destroying vehicles, and plasma cannons are ideal for taking out more heavily-armoured troops.

Heavy Weapons Upgrade Set – Volkite Culverins, Lascannons, and Autocannons

Games Workshop Sunday Preview – Join The Battle For Middle Earth™ With Next Week’s Pre Orders 16

Or you can finish off your Legion Heavy Support Squads with these weapons. The lascannon is the definitive weapon for taking out enemy tanks at long range, the autocannon is a flexible gun that can take out lighter vehicles or tougher troops, and the volkite culverin will help you to take out enemy hordes.

Warhammer: The Horus Heresy – Age of Darkness Reference Cards

Games Workshop Sunday Preview – Join The Battle For Middle Earth™ With Next Week’s Pre Orders 17

Finally for the Age of Darkness are these reference cards. Keep track of your Reactions, Psychic Powers, Psychic Weapons, and Core Warlord Traits in the heat of battle with these 24 cards.

Warhammer 40.000

Games Workshop Sunday Preview – Join The Battle For Middle Earth™ With Next Week’s Pre Orders 18

Hot on the heels of Codex: Chaos Daemons come these datacards. Inside the pack, you’ll find 43 Stratagems, 25 Psychic Powers, and 20 Warp Storm effect cards. These cards are the ideal way to master the twisted powers of the warp and bring ruin to the material realm.

Warhammer Underworlds

Games Workshop Sunday Preview – Join The Battle For Middle Earth™ With Next Week’s Pre Orders 19

A new warband enters the Nethermaze seeking to desecrate it with blood in the name of Khorne. This is a control-style warband that gains Blood Tithe tokens whenever they cause or take a wound, which they can then spend on unique actions. They come with their own Rivals deck, so you can play them straight out of the box, and come with universal cards that can be used by any Warhammer Underworlds warband.

Deadly Depths Rivals Deck

Games Workshop Sunday Preview – Join The Battle For Middle Earth™ With Next Week’s Pre Orders 20

Head deeper into the Nethermaze with this new Rivals deck. It can be used by any warband in the game from those introduced in Shadespire to the Gorechosen of Dromm – simply open the pack, shuffle the cards, and you’re ready for your game of Warhammer Underworlds. This deck is for any players who like to strike from the shadows and win games with a little bit of cunning rather than just brute force.

White Dwarf

White Dwarf 480

Games Workshop Sunday Preview – Join The Battle For Middle Earth™ With Next Week’s Pre Orders 21

This month’s White Dwarf celebrates the summer of skirmish gaming and is packed with articles on Warcry and Kill Team. There’s also a free Warhammer 40,000 map campaign based around exploring a Necron tomb complex, the first part of a massive Warhammer: The Horus Heresy battle report, and more.

Warhammer 40.000 ist unter anderem bei unseren Partnern Fantasywelt und Taschengelddieb erhältlich.

Warhammer: Age of Sigmar ist unter anderem bei unseren Partnern Fantasy-In und Minyarts erhältlich.

Middle Earth ist unter anderem bei unserem Partner Minyarts erhältlich.

Quelle: Games Workshop


Nils, Redakteur bei Brückenkopf-Online. Seit 2001 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop: DSA Armalion. Aktueller Fokus liegt auf Skirmish-Systemen und Warhammer 40.000. mehr auf https://www.instagram.com/nerdydutchman/

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  • Bei der Osgiliath-Box wird’s stark vom Preis anhängen ob ich die wegen der 5 neuen Minis kaufe.

  • Der Deimos Pattern Predator für Heresy ist schon länger auf meiner Liste. Schön, dass er jetzt endlich rauskommt.

    Die Sachen von HdR interessieren mich ehrlicherweise gar nicht – aber sicher gibt es noch ein paar Fans von dem System, die jetzt zuschlagen. Denn schlecht sehen die Fraktionsboxen nicht aus.

  • Wollte ja mal mit Mordor anfangen, da würde sich das Hauptset oder zumindest das Fraktionsset mal lohnen. Mal gucken was dir Kosten.
    Aber bei GW heißt es ja wirklich, dass der Fernkampf in den Boxen für die Guten Jungs und nicht für die Bösen Jungs ist. 😀
    Sieht man bei AOS auch.

  • Also die Bemalung von Final Fate of the Witch-king finde ich im Sinne einer Präsentation eines Premium Herstellers echt unter aller Kanone. Mag vielleicht am Sculpt liegen, aber das wäre ja auch nicht direkt ein Kaufargument. Selbst wenn man den Preis außer acht lassen würde, motiviert mich das nicht zum Kauf.

    Die Battlehosts finde ich ganz interessant, hauptsächlich jedoch für andere Systeme wie SAGA AoM oder OPR. Da ist der Preis natürlich ausschlaggebend.

    • Nunja, das ist die originale Bemalung von 2003. In den 20 Jahren hat sich was Studiobemalung angeht echt viel getan. Trotzdem ist mir damals schon aufgefallen dass die HDR Figuren gefühlt einen schlechteren Malstandard aufwiesen als von WHF und WH40k. Ich weiß gar nicht ob da ein anderes Malteam rangesetzt wurde.

  • Ich finds‘s schön, dass HDR mal in einer Woche nen Hauptrelease bekommt.
    Schätze, die meisten längeren Spieler haben das Meiste und nur einen eingeschränkten Bedarf an den Sammelboxen, aber vielleicht zieht es ja noch mehr neue Spieler an, fänd ich schön (ändert aber nix daran, das sie mal an die Plastiktrupps ransollten).

  • Reddit spricht. Bitte beachtet, dass es sich dabei um Preise in Pfund handelt:

    Garrison of Dale dice: £12.50
    Rivendell dice: £12.50
    Elrond: £27.50
    All battlehosts: £52.50
    Battle for Osgiliath starter edition: £125.00

  • 160€ die Starterbox
    67.50€ Die battlehosts
    14.50€ pro würfelpack
    35€ für Elrond

    Find starter hättens gerne 10€ billiger machen können.
    Battlehosts sind top, nach Rabat nehm ich eins für knapp 51€ sehr gerne.
    Elrond voll ok, Würfel im Rahmen…

    • Battlehosts brauch ich nicht, da ich alles hab, der Rest wird wohl zu mir wandern. Mit Rabatt gehen die Preise ja noch.

    • Die 160 haben mich erst geschockt, aber man bekommt quasi die 3 neuen Helden, das Gelände und die Regeln für 20€, das geht voll klar.

      Die HH Preise sind auch relativ ok.

      Diesbezüglich sollte man sich eigendlich von den beiden Hauptsystemen fern halten.

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