von BK-Nils | 17.01.2022 | eingestellt unter: Warhammer 40.000

GW: Chapter Approved 2022 und Killteam Preview

Kommenden Samstag gibt es mit dem Chapter Approved: War Zone Nachmund Grand Tournament Pack und Munitorum Field Manual 2022 den Start in die erste Saison von Warhammer 40.000 im Jahr 2022, Kill Team bekommt eine Starterbox und für Necromunda gibt es auch noch was.

Sunday Preview – Update Your Rules with Chapter Approved, and Get Started with Kill Team

It’s an exciting time for Warhammer 40,000. A new season set in the wartorn Nachmund sector is ready to kick off, Eldritch Omens looms ever closer, and Kill Team has a sleek new starter set. Check it all out below.

For everyone who wants up-to-the-minute missions, secondary objectives, and points values for competitive and matched play, the Grand Tournament Pack and the Munitorm Field Manual 2022 are set to hit pre-order next week.

Warhammer 40.000

Chapter Approved: War Zone Nachmund Grand Tournament Pack and Munitorum Field Manual 2022

Get ready for a new season of competitive and matched play in the first instalment of Chapter Approved 2022, which contains the current Grand Tournament Mission Pack.

Plus, make sure you’re building valid army lists with the up-to-date points found in the Munitorum Field Manual 2022.

Games Workshop Sunday Preview – Update Your Rules With Chapter Approved, And Get Started With Kill Team 1

Chapter Approved comes with 18 missions – nine each for Incursion- and Strike Force-sized games – as well as new and updated secondary objectives, letting you flex your tactical skill against worthy opponents on an equal footing.

Before War Zone Nachmund, the battlefields of Octarius were one of the major flashpoints in Warhammer 40,000. As a catastrophic conflict between Tyranids and Orks spilled out of its zone of confinement,* the Imperium was forced to commit its own troops – and now it’s even easier to get in on the action.

Warhammer 40.000: Kill Team

Kill Team: Starter Set

This Kill Team set is designed for new players who want to jump into a fantastic game of secret missions and sci-fi skirmishes. It features two kill teams, the grimly determined Veteran Guardsmen of the Death Korps of Krieg, and a motley crew of kunnin’-but-brutal Ork Kommandos, who we last saw tearing chunks out of each other in the incredible cinematic Kill Team trailer.

Games Workshop Sunday Preview – Update Your Rules With Chapter Approved, And Get Started With Kill Team 2

Alongside a full complement of fantastic miniatures, the Starter Set contains everything you need to get stuck right in – from tokens and tools to a gameplay mat and scatter terrain. Plus, learn how to play with a streamlined 96-page Core Rules book, as well as a 56-page Recruit Edition book packed with background info and tutorial missions.

Kill Team: Veteran Guardsmen

Games Workshop Sunday Preview – Update Your Rules With Chapter Approved, And Get Started With Kill Team 3

The largest and most diverse arm of the vast military forces of the Imperium, the Astra Militarum is by necessity a brutal meat grinder. To become a Veteran Guardsman requires incredible talent, unbelievable luck, or more likely both – and that goes double for those who hail from the post-apocalyptic world of Krieg.

This box contains a squad of 10 of these tireless troopers, who can either be built as a group of specialists for games of Kill Team or deployed with your brave regiments in games of Warhammer 40,000.

Kill Team: Kommandos

Games Workshop Sunday Preview – Update Your Rules With Chapter Approved, And Get Started With Kill Team 4

Orks are well-known for loving a straightforward scrap where brutal is the order of the day. A rare few Orks develop a dash of Mork’s kunnin’, however, and these sneaky boyz become Kommandos.

This box includes a mob of 10 Kommandos, plus a trusty Kommando Grot and volatile Bomb Squig. The unit can be built in a variety of ways, to wage a covert Waaagh! on special operations or the larger-scale battlefields of Warhammer 40,000.**

Kill Team: Octarius Book

Games Workshop Sunday Preview – Update Your Rules With Chapter Approved, And Get Started With Kill Team 5

This tome covers all the key Kill Team rules for both the Ork Kommandos and the Veteran Guardsman, detailing rare equipment, tactical ploys, and a range of battlefield roles.

It also squeezes in nine bespoke Shadow Operations missions, each with its own special rules, unique loadouts, and distinct objectives, letting you play out a campaign of skirmish missions across the Octarius sector.***

Kill Team: Kill Zone Octarius

Games Workshop Sunday Preview – Update Your Rules With Chapter Approved, And Get Started With Kill Team 6

Now that you’re kitted out with Kill Team goodies, why not set up somewhere suitable to play out your tactical operations? Kill Zone Octarius contains a veritable shanty town of ramshackle Ork constructions – the perfect playground for cut-throat covert operations.

This highly modular scenery set is also great for games of Warhammer 40,000 and even comes with its own double-sided, foldable battlefield board.


Scaling things down to the grubby world of inter-gang skirmishes, Necromunda has a slew of releases that make the Zone Mortalis even more deadly.

Hive Scum

Bolster your gangs with four extremely expendable Hive Scum or get revenge on the major Houses of the Hive by forming an entire Outcast Gang. These versatile underhivers can form a gang of their own or join House Gangs as Hive Scum by being hired or through gang tactics and campaign choices, so it’s always worth having some spare scum to hand.

Games Workshop Sunday Preview – Update Your Rules With Chapter Approved, And Get Started With Kill Team 7

Armed with ramshackle weapons and upstart enthusiasm, these down-and-outs may not have combat training, quality gear, or good hygiene, but they offer warm bodies by the Munitorum Container-load.

Delaque Weapons and Upgrades

While the Outcasts fight for survival, House Delaque pulls strings from the shadows, breaking from the darkness only to make a well-placed incision or long-rifle shot that will turn the tides of conflict to their advantage.

Games Workshop Sunday Preview – Update Your Rules With Chapter Approved, And Get Started With Kill Team 8

This upgrade kit arrives with deliciously devious weapons like grav guns and webbers, as well as old favourites like heavy flamers, plasma guns, and meltaguns, plus a scope and a set of new heads for the House of Shadow.

Underdog Card pack

Games Workshop Sunday Preview – Update Your Rules With Chapter Approved, And Get Started With Kill Team 9

Outnumbered? Outgunned? 400 credits short of a fair fight? These Underdog Tactics Cards will help you pull enough shenanigans to snatch victory from the jaws of defeat. The pack also contains 12 universal Gang Tactics, available for all!

Warhammer 40.000 ist unter anderem bei unseren Partnern Fantasywelt und Taschengelddieb erhältlich.

Quelle: Games Workshop


Nils, Redakteur bei Brückenkopf-Online. Seit 2001 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop: DSA Armalion. Aktueller Fokus liegt auf Skirmish-Systemen und Warhammer 40.000. mehr auf https://www.instagram.com/nerdydutchman/

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  • Ein Glück, das Warten hat ein Ende und die DKoK sind nun endlich separat erhältlich.
    Das sie die Starterbox nochmal herausbringen ist gut, dass dabei kein großen Orkbauwerke dabei sind ist irgendwie komisch.

  • Dadurch das ich das Orkgelände kein zweites mal brauche werde ich mir tatsächlich die Starter Box nochmal mit einem Freund teilen.

  • Ich bin etwas enttäuscht von dem Delaque Waffenset. Irgendwie hatte ich auf eine Katana oder was ähnliches gehofft…

    • Wenn du ein „Katana“ für die Delaque suchst, könntest du in der „Delaque Nacht-Ghul, Psy-Gheists and Piscean Spektor“ Box fündig werden, da ist eine Waffe drin, die vielleicht passt.

    • Komisch, ich finds richtig klasse. Alles dabei: Web Pistols Web Guns, Lasguns in HoS Design, Plasmaguns und Pistols, Grav Guns und endlich das Long Rifle außerhalb der Rückentasche. Nur ein paar andere Kopf Optionen wären gut gewesen.

      Das „Katana“ findest du in der zweiten Gangbox.

  • Ist der Preis fürs Death Korps schon raus? Wenn nicht möchte ich auf 40€ wetten. Die Orks auf jeden Fall… Möchte jemand dagegen wetten?

      • Ich denke auch, dass die DKoK Box mindestnes 40 Euro kosten wird. Wobei ich das leider schon als untere Grenze ansetzen würde. 45 Euro wären auch gut im Bereich des möglichen, wobei meiner Meinung nacn schon 40 eigentlich zu viel wären für 10 Impse. Aber hier wird man ggf. auch einen Kill Team Aufschlag zahlen müssen…

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