von BK-Nils | 21.03.2022 | eingestellt unter: Warhammer 40.000

GW: Aeldari Wochenvorschau

Kommenden Samstag werden die Streitkräfte der Aeldari mit weiteren Verstärkungen versehen und fürs ausgeglichene Spiel kommt ein Deck zum generieren von eigenen Missionen.

Sunday Preview: Avatar, Autarch, and Aspect Warriors – Aeldari Reinforcements Inbound

Hot on the heels of the new Codex: Aeldari comes a slew of reinforcements which are all available for pre-order from next Saturday.

The Avatar of Khaine

Games Workshop Sunday Preview Avatar, Autarch, And Aspect Warriors – Aeldari Reinforcements Inbound 1

The Avatar of Khaine is an absolute monster on the tabletop, going toe to flaming-hot toe with the best that the 41st Millennium has to offer. As well as being a beast in combat, it also makes your Asuryani CORE units better, allowing them to re-roll charges and ignore negative modifiers on Combat Attrition tests.

Games Workshop Sunday Preview Avatar, Autarch, And Aspect Warriors – Aeldari Reinforcements Inbound 2

The kit comes with a choice of three heads and three options for the Avatar’s Wailing Doom weapon – an axe, a sword, and a spear.

Shining Spears

Games Workshop Sunday Preview Avatar, Autarch, And Aspect Warriors – Aeldari Reinforcements Inbound 3

Riding into battle alongside the Avatar are the Shining Spears. They benefit from the updates to Aspect Warriors, and with their speed, you can almost guarantee they’ll be in the right place to make a charge with their laser lances’ increased strength. Add them into a Saim-Hann army to terrorise your opponent from turn one.

The kit comes with helmeted or unhelmeted options, and you can build one as an Exarch with options to kit out their jetbike with a shuriken cannon and a shimmershield, as well as a choice of wielding a paragon sabre or a star lance.


Games Workshop Sunday Preview Avatar, Autarch, And Aspect Warriors – Aeldari Reinforcements Inbound 4

The Autarch from the Eldritch Omens boxed set is available separately for the first time. The ideal battle leader for any Aeldari army, they balance strategic brilliance with martial skill. Their Path of Command aura lets nearby CORE units re-roll attack rolls of 1, and they allow your army to use the Command Re-roll Stratagem twice during each phase.

The kit comes with options for a star glaive, a Scorpion chainsword, a shuriken pistol, a Reaper launcher, a Dragon fusion gun, and a death spinner. You may also give your Autarch a Banshee mask or assemble them without a helmet, and you get male and female torsos. It’s fully compatible with the existing Autarch kit, and thanks to the newly updated datasheet, you can construct the Autarch of your dreams.


Games Workshop Sunday Preview Avatar, Autarch, And Aspect Warriors – Aeldari Reinforcements Inbound 5

Rangers are a stealthy Troops choice for any Aeldari army. Armed with deadly long rifles, which allow them to ignore the Look Out, Sir rule, they can snipe away at key targets while their cloaks protect them from returning fire.

The kit comes with a range of assembly options, including 11 different heads and the option to include a gloom field or a wireweave net in the hand of one of your Rangers, as well as a shrine to their god Khaine in one of his many martial aspects.

Shroud Runners

Games Workshop Sunday Preview Avatar, Autarch, And Aspect Warriors – Aeldari Reinforcements Inbound 6

With a 14” movement and the FLY keyword, Shroud Runners can zip around the battlefield, swiftly grabbing objectives and outmanoeuvring enemy forces. As with their scout brethren on foot, they ignore the Look Out, Sir rule with their long rifles, making them a perfect unit for hit-and-run attacks.

The kit comes with various build options for both the pilots and riders – including spotters and sharpshooters mid-snipe – and a choice of nine heads.

Combat Patrol: Aeldari

Games Workshop Sunday Preview Avatar, Autarch, And Aspect Warriors – Aeldari Reinforcements Inbound 7

The Aeldari Combat Patrol is ideal both to kick-start a brand new army or to add extra units to an existing one. The heart of the set is a squad of Guardians. You can build them as Guardian Defenders to hold objectives, gun down enemies with shuriken catapults, and fire from their Heavy Weapons Platform. They can alternatively be built as Storm Guardians, a more aggressive unit suited to seizing objectives from your foes.

The box includes six Windriders – superfast jetbikes that can harry your opponent’s army with massed shuriken catapult firepower. Heavy Support comes in the form of a Wraithlord, a massive Wraith construct, which can be equipped with a variety of Aeldari heavy weaponry and a devastating ghost glaive. The force is led by Farseer, a peerless psyker who uses their power to enhance your army and curse your opponent.

Tempest of War Cards

Games Workshop Sunday Preview Avatar, Autarch, And Aspect Warriors – Aeldari Reinforcements Inbound 8

Finally this week for Warhammer 40,000 is the Tempest of War card pack. These decks let you generate missions for your matched play games quickly and, with thousands of combinations available, they’ll really test your tactical prowess. With cards for deployment, primary objectives, secondary objectives, and special mission rules, this is an easy way to create Incursion- and Strike Force-sized games.

Warhammer 40.000 ist unter anderem bei unseren Partnern Fantasywelt und Taschengelddieb erhältlich.

Quelle: Games Workshop


Nils, Redakteur bei Brückenkopf-Online. Seit 2001 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop: DSA Armalion. Aktueller Fokus liegt auf Skirmish-Systemen und Warhammer 40.000. mehr auf https://www.instagram.com/nerdydutchman/

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  • Die neuen Shining Spears gefallen mir wirklich gut. Und sie sind früher da als erwartet, ich hätte gedacht nach den Dark Reaper warten wir nun mindestens ein halbes Jahr auf neue Aspektkrieger.

  • Das mit den Combat Patrol Boxen ist doch Hohn pur, die von den Custodes ist noch immer nicht da, aber Eldar kommt raus ….

  • Der neue Avatar ist bei mir gesetzt. Der Autarch ebenso. Beim Rest der Eldar-Minis werde ich aber warten. Für ein „Nur-So“-Kaufen werden die mir wahrscheinlich einfach zu teuer sein.

  • Ich finde die Edler eigentlich schön „normal“, nicht „over-the-top“ oder wie „immer-höher-schneller-weiter“.

    Nur der Avatar fiele bei mir durch, denn ich mag den „Kopfpuschel“ nicht: Was soll der bei der Größe? Haare, also ein hochgebundener Zopf, sollen das wohl kaum sein. Bleibt die Option Kopfschmuck. Außer, dass es eine Referenz an die Modellvarianten davor ist, nach dem Motto: den Puschel hatte er schon immer, sehe ich nicht viel, was dafür spricht. Und auch sonst: Bei dem „feurigen“ Design passen Kopfpuschel und vor allem auch der (offenbar mit Ariel ganz weiß gewaschene) Lendenschurz nicht ganz. Hoffentlich fängt der nicht gleich Feuer. Das könnte man sicher über bessere Farbwahlen stimmiger hinkriegen (vielleicht alles düsterer, käme dann vielleicht auch feuerfester rüber…). Auf den ersten Eindruck ist das für mich, zumindest auch so angemalt, alles irgendwie nicht ganz stimmig…

    • Fällt mir erst jetzt auf: Die Haare sind eecht wurstig modelliert. Musste wohl schnell fertig werden. Passt so aber zu dem Plastik-Feuer und dem Kerzenwachs-Blut.

  • Angeblich hat bei einer Sitzung der Designer vorgeschlagen die Kriegsfalken und die Warpspinnen neu aufzulegen…. Angeblich hat er es fast aus der Türe des Büros herausgeschafft… fast…

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