von BK-Nils | 25.03.2022 | eingestellt unter: Necromunda, Warhammer / Age of Sigmar, Warhammer 40.000

GW: Adepticon 2022 – Necromunda, Blood Bowl, The Horus Heresy

Im Rahmen der diesjährigen Adepticon zeigen Games Workshop eine Preview an kommenden Neuheiten, für Necromunda, Blood Bowl, The Horus Heresy, Warhammer Underworlds, Warhammer Age of Sigmar und Warhammer 40.000.

Necromunda: Ash Wastes Revealed in Full at AdeptiCon

We teased the Ash Wastes at the Las Vegas Open. We revealed a Nomad Warrior earlier this week. Now it’s finally time to leave the underhive, step into the blistering sunlight, and get a look at the biggest thing to happen to Necromunda since the game’s relaunch in 2017.
Sick of fighting to survive in the claustrophobic confines of the underhive? Want to roam free from busybody Enforcers? Done with a diet of corpse starch and recycled water? Set off into the great outdoors with Necromunda: Ash Wastes, a new boxed set that brings ruthless gang warfare to the barren wild. Contend with howling winds that’ll strip the flesh from your bones, radzones hot enough to cook your blood in seconds, and locals who’ll eat you as soon as look at you. Are you sure you wouldn’t rather stay inside?
Games Workshop Necromunda Ash Wastes Revealed In Full At AdeptiCon 1
This is a brand new, high-speed way of playing Necromunda, with rules for vehicles, mounted fighters, and the lethal weather conditions that you can find out in the Ash Wastes. Along with new ways to play, the box is stuffed full of incredible new miniatures.
Games Workshop Necromunda Ash Wastes Revealed In Full At AdeptiCon 2
The box features House Orlock prospectors duking it out with the Ash Wastes Nomads – a brand new gang native to the hazardous plains beyond the Hive walls. We’ve already glimpsed one of these mysterious desert dwellers, and now it’s time to get a first look at every member of the new gang.
Games Workshop Necromunda Ash Wastes Revealed In Full At AdeptiCon 3 Games Workshop Necromunda Ash Wastes Revealed In Full At AdeptiCon 4 Games Workshop Necromunda Ash Wastes Revealed In Full At AdeptiCon 5
Games Workshop Necromunda Ash Wastes Revealed In Full At AdeptiCon 6 Games Workshop Necromunda Ash Wastes Revealed In Full At AdeptiCon 7

Those thick robes and well-used rebreathers protect the People of the Ash from the harsh environment in which they live – but nothing can protect their enemies when these Nomads launch their attacks. After ambushing brutish intruders or rumbling supply trains, they disappear back into the dunes like a band of wraiths.

This is the first time we’ve ever been outdoors on Necromunda, and the wide-open spaces allow for a completely different type of fighting. The box includes a full gang from the House of Iron, and they’re accompanied by a whole new breed of ganger – time to finally break out the dune buggies!

Games Workshop Necromunda Ash Wastes Revealed In Full At AdeptiCon 8 Games Workshop Necromunda Ash Wastes Revealed In Full At AdeptiCon 9

These Outrider Quads are impressive, but what of the Ash Wastes Nomads? Surely they won’t be left in the (radioactive) dust by their hiver adversaries? Who needs little buggies… when you have big bug-guys?

Games Workshop Necromunda Ash Wastes Revealed In Full At AdeptiCon 10 Games Workshop Necromunda Ash Wastes Revealed In Full At AdeptiCon 11 Games Workshop Necromunda Ash Wastes Revealed In Full At AdeptiCon 12 Games Workshop Necromunda Ash Wastes Revealed In Full At AdeptiCon 13

Saddle up and skitter across the plains on giant fleas! The Dustback Helamites are dynamic creatures who provide an Ash Wastes Nomad gang with speed and tactical flexibility, and their riders hit like a truck (or a truck-sized flea, anyway) with their vicious chain lances – as you’d expect from a spear with a built-in chainsword!

The boxed set also includes a wastelands playing mat and suitably desert-themed scenery for the two gangs to fight over. You can use a variety of weather-worn hab modules and platforms with connecting walkways to create your own modular settlement out in the Ash Wastes.

Games Workshop Necromunda Ash Wastes Revealed In Full At AdeptiCon 14 Games Workshop Necromunda Ash Wastes Revealed In Full At AdeptiCon 15

As anyone who’s ever played Necromunda will tell you, there’s nothing quite as satisfying as shooting an enemy ganger off a raised platform!

On top of a hardback rulebook containing updated core rules and brand new mechanics for battling in the barren lands, you’ll also get all the tokens, templates, cards, and dice (including the new location, damage, and control dice for your vehicles) that you need to play Necromunda: Ash Wastes.

Games Workshop Necromunda Ash Wastes Revealed In Full At AdeptiCon 16

If you thought the underhive was dangerous, you ain’t seen nothing yet!

The Norse Blood Bowl Team are Starting the Party at AdeptiCon With Their Beer Boars

Blood Bowl has been going from strength to strength since the release of the Khorne team and Dungeon Bowl. Now, a classic side is coming to plastic for the first time – let’s see what legendary Cabalvision commentators Jim and Bob make of the Norse team.

Hailing from the frozen north, Norscans love two things – raucous drinking sessions and a good scrap on the Blood Bowl pitch. It’s even better when they manage to combine the two at the same time! Norse teams are drunk and disorderly, hard-hitting flagon-finishers.

Games Workshop Games Workshop The Norse Blood Bowl Team Are Starting The Party At AdeptiCon With Their Beer Boars 1 Games Workshop The Norse Blood Bowl Team Are Starting The Party At AdeptiCon With Their Beer Boars 2 Games Workshop The Norse Blood Bowl Team Are Starting The Party At AdeptiCon With Their Beer Boars 3

Games Workshop The Norse Blood Bowl Team Are Starting The Party At AdeptiCon With Their Beer Boars 4 Games Workshop The Norse Blood Bowl Team Are Starting The Party At AdeptiCon With Their Beer Boars 5 Games Workshop The Norse Blood Bowl Team Are Starting The Party At AdeptiCon With Their Beer Boars 6

The team has some unique positionals, including the skilful Valkyries, the brutal Berzerkers, and the even more brutal Ulfwereners, who look like they could have flown in straight from Fenris for a game of Blood Bowl. Our favourite player is the Beer Boar, though.

Games Workshop The Norse Blood Bowl Team Are Starting The Party At AdeptiCon With Their Beer Boars 7

We can’t wait to see how those Ulfwereners stack up against the other Werewolves in the game – it might be best to check the lunar calendar before arranging any fixtures!

A Mad Scientist and His Harrowdeep Warband Are Creating a Spark at AdeptiCon

We’ve already met the well-armed Coyl from the next Warhammer Underworlds warband, The Exiled Dead. We can now lift the sheet from off the slab to reveal all of his friends for the first time – along with his warband leader, an awesome vampire necromancer!

That vampire is Deintalos the Exiled, a necromancer whose grisly experiments went too far for even those in Shyish. Can you imagine experimenting so much with necromancy that even Nagash asks you to knock it off? In Harrowdeep, far from prying eyes, he continues his work, assisted by his mortal apprentice Marcov.

Games Workshop A Mad Scientist And His Harrowdeep Warband Are Creating A Spark At AdeptiCon 1 Games Workshop A Mad Scientist And His Harrowdeep Warband Are Creating A Spark At AdeptiCon 2 Games Workshop A Mad Scientist And His Harrowdeep Warband Are Creating A Spark At AdeptiCon 3 Games Workshop A Mad Scientist And His Harrowdeep Warband Are Creating A Spark At AdeptiCon 4

Deintalos and his reanimated cadavers seek to uncover every secret in Harrowdeep. Much like Blackpowder’s Buccaneers, the Exiled Dead offer a unique take on the inhabitants of the Mortal Realms – in this case, a real mad-scientist version of zombies.

Games Workshop A Mad Scientist And His Harrowdeep Warband Are Creating A Spark At AdeptiCon 5

The warband has several special tricks to help them emerge victorious in games of Warhammer Underworlds, including the fact that all of the minions – the arcwalkers Bault, Coyl, Ione, Vlash, and Marcov’s personal zombie Regulus – begin the game Inspired! With seven fighters, they can swarm over the board, claiming objectives while Deintalos casts spells and makes his creations danse to his macabre tune.

Games Workshop A Mad Scientist And His Harrowdeep Warband Are Creating A Spark At AdeptiCon 6

All of the arcwalkers – and Deintalos himself – are conductive fighters, making this spell a great way of overrunning the board. Alternatively, you could use it to gang up on a powerful fighter – such as fellow dead man Mir Kainan – and bring him down in a swarm of grasping hands.

A Terrifying New Nighthaunt Character Emerges From the Briny Deep at AdeptiCon

We’ve revealed the Arena of Shades Battlebox and announced that a new Nighthaunt battletome is on the way soon. And now, at AdeptiCon, we’ve seen a new Nighthaunt hero paddling into view.

In life, Awlrach the Drowner was a wicked ferryman who killed those he was supposed to be transporting (we’re sure you can guess his preferred method from his name). Nagash liked his style, so in death he is tasked with ferrying the spirits of the deceased to wherever the Lord of Death needs them.

Games Workshop A Terrifying New Nighthaunt Character Emerges From The Briny Deep At AdeptiCon 1

This highly atmospheric new miniature perfectly fits the Nighthaunt range, but Awlrach adds more than just an eerie model to your forces. He has special rules to help your army get wherever it needs to be on the tabletop, offering his allies passage through the underworlds. When he’s not busy rowing, the Drowner is pretty handy in a fight with his oar – and we recommend staying away from the pointy end of his boat!

Games Workshop A Terrifying New Nighthaunt Character Emerges From The Briny Deep At AdeptiCon 2

We can’t give away any of his rules in detail yet, but let’s just say it won’t be a ferrytale ending for your opponents when you unleash the Drowner upon them.

The Realm of Beasts (Literally) Comes to Life at AdeptiCon

Following the siege of Excelsis, all the battles and bloodshed across Ghur have brought the Realm of Beasts itself to life! Get ready to join the battle in Thondia.
Games Workshop The Realm Of Beasts (Literally) Comes To Life At AdeptiCon 1
What in the Mortal Realms is that thing? It’s a Krondspine Incarnate of Ghur! This savage apparition is a manifestation of pure amber magic, created in the wake of Alarielle’s Rite of Life. It’s a new type of unit that’s part spell, part monster, and all danger.
Games Workshop The Realm Of Beasts (Literally) Comes To Life At AdeptiCon 2

The Incarnate is bonded to one of the HEROES in your army, and anyone in Ghur can summon one. You need to be careful, though – if its bonded champion is killed, the Incarnate will go wild. It may even attack your own forces!

Alongside this imposing new miniature, the kit includes loads of scenery, including the previously available Domicile Shell and Domicile Shell with Winch, which represent the foundation of a new settlement following the Dawnbringer Crusades. There’s also a Guardian Idol, which will hopefully keep the Kruleboyz away.

Games Workshop The Realm Of Beasts (Literally) Comes To Life At AdeptiCon 3

There’s new terrain to be found within, too. The Megadroth Remains show just how big the beasties in Ghur can grow – large enough for whole units to hide behind their skeletons in battle – and a Cleansing Aqualith is ideal for anyone who has waterfall envy after seeing the Shrine Luminor.

Games Workshop The Realm Of Beasts (Literally) Comes To Life At AdeptiCon 4

And that’s still not all! Alongside the scenery and the incredible Krondspine Incarnate of Ghur, the first Season of War book is arriving for Warhammer Age of Sigmar. It expands the ongoing narrative of the Mortal Realms, and explores the aftermath of the battle at Amberstone Watch, the siege of Excelsis, the Dawnbringer Crusades, and the alpha-continent of Thondia.

Alongside loads of background and lore, as well as rules for the Incarnate, this book includes new battlepacks for all kinds of games, including two for narrative play – one of them focused on Path to Glory.

Games Workshop The Realm Of Beasts (Literally) Comes To Life At AdeptiCon 5

eason of War: Thondia includes Realm Rules for setting your games in Thondia, and mechanics for creating your own hero from the Realm of Beasts – a grot priest on a dragon, anyone? Would-be explorers who crack open this book will also find details of the fantastical flora and fauna to be found across Ghur.

Games Workshop The Realm Of Beasts (Literally) Comes To Life At AdeptiCon 6

As the whole Realm shakes, take refuge in the rest of the big reveals from AdeptiCon.

Enter the Abominant – Two New Chaos Knights Revealed at AdeptiCon

It looks like it’s the Chaos Knights that are actually marching to war! They’re getting new kits with which to stomp their Imperial counterparts, starting with the War Dog Karnivore. These bloodthirsty Knights eschew the ranged weapons of other War Dogs to revel in close-quarters slaughter.

Games Workshop Enter The Abominant – Two New Chaos Knights Revealed At AdeptiCon 1

Armed with a reaper chaintalon and slaughterclaw, the Karnivore can tear its way through anything from Dreadnoughts to Trygons.

Be careful not to upset the Karnivore, or you’ll have to face its bigger brother – the Abominant! Did you think the Desecrator and Rampager were blessed by Chaos? Well, the Abominant has been extra favoured by the Dark Gods.

Games Workshop Enter The Abominant – Two New Chaos Knights Revealed At AdeptiCon 2

It’s not just Kruleboyz who are accessorising with birds this year. The Abominant has everything you could want in a Chaos Knight – tusks, a volkite combustor to devastate distant enemies, an electroscourge to crush anything that gets too close, AND it’s a psyker. Yes, a Knight that has psychic powers! And that gun is a nod to classic Heresy-era weaponry, which their Imperial counterparts have all but lost.

Games Workshop Enter The Abominant – Two New Chaos Knights Revealed At AdeptiCon 3

The Abominant is massive, but it’s not even the biggest reveal from AdeptiCon!

Knights Muster in Two Stompy New Codexes Revealed at AdeptiCon

Earlier at AdeptiCon, our scouts sighted some new Chaos Knights. But you can’t burn the galaxy without an updated codex, can you? And it doesn’t seem fair unless their Imperial counterparts get an update around the same time, does it?

Yes, new codexes are on the way soon for Chaos Knights and Imperial Knights! The crowd at AdeptiCon have already seen the books for the first time – now it’s your opportunity to admire these mighty tomes.

Games Workshop Knights Muster In Two Stompy New Codexes Revealed At AdeptiCon 1

That’s not all! For those who have pledged their war machines to the Dark Gods, there’s going to be an army launch set containing the new codex along with all-new models – a monstrous Knight Abominant, and a pair of savage War Dogs. These were all revealed earlier – go and take a look now if you missed it.

Games Workshop Knights Muster In Two Stompy New Codexes Revealed At AdeptiCon 2

The new army set is a great way to kick off a Chaos Knights army and perfect for adding reinforcements to an existing host of Descecrators and Rampagers. This box will be the first place you’ll be able to get your hands on the new Codex: Chaos Knights before it comes out as a separate release soon after.

Codex: Imperial Knights will also be out soon, leaving just one question – in this titanic joust, which side will you be choosing?

Games Workshop Knights Muster In Two Stompy New Codexes Revealed At AdeptiCon 3

Both codexes are packed with background, lore, new Crusade rules, and loads of options for your Knights armies. Oh, and if you thought the T’au Empire’s railgun was nasty, wait until you see what improved Knight weapons can do!

The Horus Heresy’s New Edition Revealed in this Jaw-Dropping Cinematic Trailer

A new edition of Warhammer: The Horus Heresy has just been revealed at AdeptiCon, and there’s a spectacular cinematic trailer to go with it! For anyone who’s ever marched a Tactical Squad across a tabletop, or had their imagination captured by stories of the Emperor, his treacherous Warmaster, and the Primarchs that fought alongside them, this is an unmissable vision of Warhammer brought to life.

Make sure your lungs are full, because this will take your breath away.

This cinematic conveys the scale and sheer destructiveness of the Heresy’s battles like never before – and makes it clear exactly why you should never go mano a mano with Horus! And hey, was that a new kind of tank?! Now, excuse us for a moment while we just watch that ship obliterate the Titan again.

Games Workshop The Horus Heresy’s New Edition Revealed In This Jaw Dropping Cinematic Trailer 1 Games Workshop The Horus Heresy’s New Edition Revealed In This Jaw Dropping Cinematic Trailer 2 Games Workshop The Horus Heresy’s New Edition Revealed In This Jaw Dropping Cinematic Trailer 3 Games Workshop The Horus Heresy’s New Edition Revealed In This Jaw Dropping Cinematic Trailer 4

We can confirm that an incredible new edition of Warhammer: The Horus Heresy is coming out later this year, and we can’t wait to show you more of it. As we build up to the launch, you can expect our remembrancers to bring you a closer look at exactly what makes this game so special, starting with information on the new edition’s miniatures every Thursday throughout April. Expect a spotlight on key units from Warhammer: The Horus Heresy, as well as more reveals of as-yet unseen models.

Eagle-eyed viewers may have already noticed a new logo at the end of the Ka’bandha reveal video at the Las Vegas Open, and on the boxes for Fafnir Rann and Dominion Zephon. Now, it’s time to take it from easter egg to pride of place.

Games Workshop The Horus Heresy’s New Edition Revealed In This Jaw Dropping Cinematic Trailer 5

We’ve seen the logo, but what’s the game itself going to be like? The new edition builds on the systems you know and love from your battles in the Age of Darkness. Just as before, it’s based on the classic 7th edition rules for Warhammer 40,000, but the team have made a raft of changes and improvements to ensure that your Heresy-era battles are better than ever. What changes, you ask? We’ll be delving into the rules right here on Warhammer Community a little closer to the new edition’s launch.

Beakies are Back – First Miniatures from The Horus Heresy’s New Edition Spotted at AdeptiCon

Earlier today, we released the jaw-dropping new cinematic trailer for Warhammer: The Horus Heresy. If you’ve not seen it (and even if you have), we recommend going and having a look right now – because it’s completely awesome.

Of course, a new edition of Horus Heresy needs more than just an incredible trailer and logo – it requires some new miniatures. The heart of any good Horus Heresy army is its Legion Tactical Squads, and we have some good news for fans of Warhammer 40,000 and the Age of Darkness – beakie marines are back!

Games Workshop Beakies Are Back – First Miniatures From The Horus Heresy’s New Edition Spotted At AdeptiCon 1

This might not be the first time we’ve seen Mark VI power armour in plastic (that would have been the first ever plastic kit for Warhammer 40,000 – RTB01), but this brings them up to date with the Mark III and Mark IV kits with LOADS of options.

For Warhammer fans of a certain age, this release hits right in the nostalgia – THE beakie marine, back in plastic, now in a detailed and flexible kit. Even if you’re not quite long enough in the tooth to have memories of Rogue Trader, these miniatures are an amazing representation of the dread Legions of the Age of Darkness.

Of course, you’ll need someone to lead them into battle – say hello to a plastic Praetor.

Games Workshop Beakies Are Back – First Miniatures From The Horus Heresy’s New Edition Spotted At AdeptiCon 2

Praetors are mighty warriors and can represent Lord Commanders, Jarls, Khans, and more, depending on your Legion. As with the Tactical Marine, the Praetor is Legion-agnostic, meaning you can easily use them in your favourite Legion – simply paint them as you want, and you’re good to go.

The Praetors are some of the first kits moving to plastic, making the game more approachable than ever before. If you’re a fan of the lore or the Horus Heresy series from Black Library, but you’re not so familiar with advanced resin kits, this is the edition of the game you’ve been waiting for. Both miniatures will be in the launch set for the new edition, on which we’ll have more details coming very soon…

In fact, now is the perfect time to get started with The Horus Heresy. While many general kits in the range will be moving to plastic, there aren’t currently any such plans for the Legion-specific units or Primarchs. So, if you haven’t yet picked a side, you could do worse than collecting your chosen Primarch or other mighty hero in anticipation of a plastic Legion for them to lead.

Games Workshop Beakies Are Back – First Miniatures From The Horus Heresy’s New Edition Spotted At AdeptiCon 3

If you’re anything like us, the Horus Heresy cinematic and the return of the original plastic Space Marine kit  blew your socks off.

A Glimpse at a Very Dark Future from AdeptiCon

It may feel like we’ve been waiting 10,000 years, but when you pledge yourself to the Dark Gods, you’ll be rewarded eventually. Sometimes that means you end up as a Chaos Spawn – but sometimes it means you’ll receive all the dark blessings you need to bring down the Corpse-Emperor.

Yes, Chaos Space Marines players – you’ve beseeched the Ruinous Powers, and they have listened.* We know you’ve been waiting patiently, and your time is soon! Not only is a new codex coming that brings much-anticipated updates to the rules for Heretic Astartes, there will be a slathering of new miniatures to reignite your blasphemous fervour.

These add to what has already been a low-key killer start to 2022 for the Traitor Legions – the Warpsmith and Chosen got new plastic models, reinforcements arrived in the upgraded Legionary kill team, and now this updated tome of forbidden lore will give them the support they deserve.

Warhammer 40.000 ist unter anderem bei unseren Partnern Fantasywelt und Taschengelddieb erhältlich.

Warhammer: Age of Sigmar ist unter anderem bei unseren Partnern Fantasy-In und Minyarts erhältlich.

Quelle: Games Workshop


Nils, Redakteur bei Brückenkopf-Online. Seit 2001 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop: DSA Armalion. Aktueller Fokus liegt auf Skirmish-Systemen und Warhammer 40.000. mehr auf https://www.instagram.com/nerdydutchman/

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    • Das sind genau die Sachen, die mir auch gefallen.
      Wenn sich Ash Wastes ein bisschen wie Mad Max / Fallout spielt und anfühlt, wird ein Kauf in Betracht gezogen.
      Bin kein Fan vom AoS-Style. Das Gelände ist aber echt schön, besonders die schwebende Plattform.

      • Ich finde ja rein optisch Ash Wastes sehr gelungen, aber als jemand der Kill Team verfolgt und bei Necromunda vom spielerischen nicht tief in der Materie ist: ist da gameplay maßig der Unterschied groß genug um die Anschaffung lohnend sein zu lassen? Ich schau immer wieder bei den tollen Modellen von Necromunda für Sachen wie Stargrave oder Starbreach um aber als Spieler des anderen (sehr schönen) Sci Fi Skirmishers aus dem gleichen Haus frage ich mich ob die Anschaffung sinn macht, auch um es zu spielen. Kriege es gerade nicht so in worte gefasst.

  • Uff, auf die Ash Wastes war ich schon sehr gespannt und ich wurde nicht enttäuscht. Die Ash Nomads finde ich echt richtig prima, die Giant Fleas sind ein Knüller. Hoffentlich kommt da noch viel mehr in der Richtung. Und dieser Awlrach mit seinem Boot ist auch echt interessant. Viele tolle Sachen!

  • Also die Ash Wastes sind mal wirklich schön geworden. Das Underworld Team ist nett.
    Und Beakies! Das ist mal ne tolle Neuigkeit.

  • Ash Wastes ziehen wie alles von Necromunda bei mir ein. Den Preis der Box will ich aber glaube ich gar nicht wissen, war die vorige Box schon so sauteuer.

  • Ash Wastes schaut schon richtig, richtig gut aus, auch das Gelände. Ich kann mir noch nicht richtig vorstellen, wie das spannend funktioniert, aber die Minis sind schon sehr gut designed.
    Die Endloszauber gefallen mir auch. Das Underworld – Team hingegen gar nicht. Nach dem überhöhten Preis für Harrowdeep, bin ich froh, da raus zu sein.

  • Ich finde das Norse Blood Bowl Team ganz nice. Muss ich gleich mal schauen, ob es da für Blitz Bowl auch Regeln gibt und die nicht einfach unter Menschen laufen.

  • Da sind wirklich tolle Sachen dabei! Bin gespannt welcher Preis aufgerufen wird und was am Ende tatsächlich im neuen Buch für AoS enthalten ist. Vielleicht schafft es das Buch ja das Interesse in meiner Gruppe für AoS 3 zu wecken.

  • Freu mich ja, dass dieses Jahr die CSMs auch mal wieder etwas Aufmerksamkeit und vor allem Anpassungen an die aktuelle Edition bekommen. Aber dann darüber zu witzeln, dass ja die CSM nun auch 2LPs haben werden; was eigentlich schon längt durch ein FAQ oder diese Munitorum Manuals, hätte passieren können, ist schon etwas dreist finde ich. xD

  • Das sind viele interessante Sachen mit dabei.

    Das Ash Waste Gelände finde ich richtig klasse. Tolle Post-Apo Atmosphäre. Das ist sicher auch abseits von Necromunda gut zu gebrauchen.

    Die Chaos Kinghts gefallen mir auch sehr gut. Ich bin zwar ein Anhänger der Loyalisten Knights – aber optisch machen die gefallenen Ritter deutlich mehr her als ihre loyalen Gegenstücke – wo der normale Knight mittlerweile aber auch bald 10 Jahre auf dem Buckel hat – den Unterschied in der Designqualität merkt man auf jeden Fall.

    Der Horus Heresy Trailer ist ebenfalls genial. Leider hält sich GW hier weiterhin sehr bedeckt, was nun Starterset, Releasezeitraum und Co. angeht.


    Das einzige, was mir nicht so gefällt ist die sehr generische Untoten-Bande für Underworlds. Hier gehe ich mittlerweile davon aus, dass Gw dieses Nebensystem so langsam beenden wird.

    • Das kam mir auch sofort in den Sinn

      Die Ash Wastelanders sind perfektes Material für Muties oder etwas organisierte Wühlaz
      Und die Fahrzeuge passen perfekt zu meinen Mad Max Orks

  • Die Ash Wastes geben großartige Chaoskultisten ab und auch den generischen Praetor kann ich persönlich sehr viel abgewinnen – sehr schade ist es jedoch, dass mit dem Trailer immer noch nicht die HH-Box vollständig vorgestellt wurde, immerhin wartet man nun ja schon seit November darauf und ist gespannt, ob sich die bisherige Theorie der dreiteiligen Staffelung der Boxen von Spikeybits bestätigt

  • Warum tragen die Nomaden so extrem dicke Stoffteile? Das sieht einfach nach ‚technisch nicht gekonnt‘ aus, schade.

    Das BB Team ist ganz solide, mit Techno Viking und Schweinen als Highlight.

  • Schade ☹️
    Ich dachte es kommt ein geiler Zug ( wie im Trailer) für necromunda.
    Aber wer weiß was die Zukunft noch bringt.
    Die Miniaturen sehen schon einmal sehr gut aus.
    Bis auf die Quad ATV…

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