von BK-Pascal | 24.07.2022 | eingestellt unter: Fantasy, Patreon, Science-Fiction

Ghamak: Juli Patreon

Ghamak hat im Juli wieder ein STL-Pakete mit Sci-Fi- und Fantasy-Thema für seine Patreonunterstützer zusammengestellt.



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Finally the fantasy July releases.

Part 3 of the Persian Ogre and Part 3 of the Rune Riders. The Rune Riders last part will be released next month alongside the new Fantasy Army (this week will show you the concepts).

The release is so composed:

1 Doom Centaur (with weapons option, tall 19 cm cut to fit into small printer plane)

1 Great Dragon Ogre (even this, some size of the previous one)

1 Rune Small Flying Boat (big model)

1 Drakkar cloud splitter (big big model, again, cut to fit even into small printer plane)

1 Zeppelin_of_Judgment (very big model, even this cut for fit into small printer plane)

1 Rune Rider Alchemist

3 Yeti

1 Ancient Ogre

1 Ogre Hunter

1 Ogre hunter sabre wolf

4 Goblin Hunters

You can download the models following this LINK

Note: The SCI-FI Gate Keepers will receive soon more poses and weapons, powerful and useful arquebus)

Thanks for your support and patience 🙂


Sci Fi


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The release is composed by:

2 Cult of Mars praetorian (with weapons/arms options)

1 Forge Father (with 8 arms/weapons options)

1 Cult of Mars pinup

9 Iron breakers (with 1 leader)

10 Martian Gate Keepers (all has heads and arms interchangeable, more compatible heads incoming with the next month releases)

3 Helicorkpter (composed by several interchangeable parts, with endless (well not so many 😀 ) combinations). It is just ready a video that will show how this cool system works.

A total of 26 models.

Quelle: Ghamak auf Patreon


Brückenkopf-Redakteur und Miniature-Painting-Streamer. Wiedereinstieg ins Hobby 2015 nach sehr langer Pause. Spielt Warhammer 40k, SAGA, Star Wars Legion, Summoners uvm.

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