von BK-Nils | 01.10.2022 | eingestellt unter: Warhammer 40.000

FW: Space Wolves und World Eaters MKVI Upgrades

Die Legionen der Space Wolves und der World Eaters bekommen von Forge World für die neuen MKVI Rüstungen passende Upgrades für Helme und Schulterpanzer.

Forge World Space Wolves MKVI Heads 1 Forge World Space Wolves MKVI Heads 2

Space Wolves MKVI Heads – 18,00 Euro

The Space Wolves are a Legion of ferocious hunter-killers, unleashed on the Emperor’s command to bring ruin upon those who earn his ire. Howling savage battle cries, the VI Legion tear enemy formations asunder with swift shock assaults before chasing down the scattered survivors. The sons of the Wolf King are trusted by few in the Imperium, but honour the barbaric traditions of Fenris with the symbol of a snarling wolf’s head.

This upgrade kit allows you to customise Legionaries from the MKVI Tactical Squad set with new heads, trading out the standard beaked helmets for Fenrisian war-helms suited to the Space Wolves. The kit includes nine helmeted heads in two designs, each sculpted to resemble a snarling wolf’s head, as well as two heads designed for Sergeants – one bare head with facial hair and one wolf-helmet with a prominent gemstone decoration, both sporting an impressive topknot. Spread these components around your army to add some VI Legion flavour, or outfit entire squads for an elite, unified look.

This upgrade kit comprises 11 resin components and is designed to be assembled with the MKVI Tactical Squad set, which is sold separately.

Forge World Space Wolves MKVI Shoulder Pads 1 Forge World Space Wolves MKVI Shoulder Pads 2

Space Wolves MKVI Shoulder Pads – 18,00 Euro

The Space Wolves are a Legion of ferocious hunter-killers, unleashed at the Emperor’s command to bring ruin upon those who earn his ire. The sons of Leman Russ honour the barbaric traditions of Fenris and their bestial reputation with trophies, runes, and the VI Legion’s symbol – a snarling wolf’s head – emblazoned on their armour.

This upgrade kit allows you to customise Legionaries from the MKVI Tactical Squad set with shoulder pads that proudly display the wolf’s head icon of the Space Wolves. The kit includes 10 shoulder pads, each bearing a raised, sculpted icon that makes them simple to paint in the Legion’s signature colours, with a rimless design perfectly suited to sleek MKVI ‚Corvus Armour‘. Spread these components around your army and combine them with transfers to add some VI Legion flavour, or outfit entire squads for an elite, unified look. The pack includes five distinct designs of shoulder pad, with different indents and sockets.

This upgrade kit comprises 10 resin components and is designed to be assembled with the MKVI Tactical Squad set, which is sold separately.

Forge World World Eaters MKVI Heads 1 Forge World World Eaters MKVI Heads 2

World Eaters MKVI Heads – 18,00 Euro

The World Eaters are a Legion of butchers and berserkers, driven by bottomless rage to drown whole worlds in blood. The XII Legion meet the enemy with unmatched tenacity and aggression, ignoring casualties and risks to overwhelm even the strongest defences in close assaults. The sons of Angron are living weapons honed in fighting pits, and wear their gladiatorial honours with dark pride – such as the cadaere renissum crests that mark a warrior cleansed of all cares beyond war.

This upgrade kit allows you to customise Legionaries from the MKVI Tactical Squad set with new heads, trading out the standard beaked helmets for the distinctive crests and Sarum-pattern helms of the World Eaters. The kit includes nine helmeted heads in two distinct designs, each boasting cadaere renissum side panels, as well as two heads designed for Sergeants – one bare head with exposed Butcher’s Nails implants, and one helmet with fanged panels reminiscent of the Legion’s icon. Spread these components around your army to add some XII Legion flavour, or outfit entire squads for an elite, unified look.

This upgrade kit comprises 11 resin components and is designed to be assembled with the MKVI Tactical Squad set, which is sold separately.

Forge World World Eaters MKVI Shoulder Pads 1 Forge World World Eaters MKVI Shoulder Pads 2

World Eaters MKVI Shoulder Pads – 18,00 Euro

The World Eaters are a Legion of butchers and berserkers, driven by bottomless rage to drown whole worlds in blood. The XII Legion bear snarling fangs as their Legion armorial, a symbol of their hunger for carnage and the countless broken planets they have fed into the Imperium’s gullet. Unmatched in tenacity and aggression, the sons of Angron now bare their teeth at the Throneworld itself.

This upgrade kit allows you to customise Legionaries from the MKVI Tactical Squad set with shoulder pads that proudly display the fanged icon of the World Eaters. The kit includes 10 shoulder pads, each bearing a raised, sculpted icon that makes them simple to paint in the Legion’s signature colours, with a rimless design perfectly suited to sleek MKVI ‚Corvus Armour‘. Spread these components around your army and combine them with transfers to add some XII Legion flavour, or outfit entire squads for an elite, unified look. The pack includes five distinct designs of shoulder pad, with different indents and sockets.

This upgrade kit comprises 10 resin components and is designed to be assembled with the MKVI Tactical Squad set, which is sold separately.

Quelle: Forge World


Nils, Redakteur bei Brückenkopf-Online. Seit 2001 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop: DSA Armalion. Aktueller Fokus liegt auf Skirmish-Systemen und Warhammer 40.000. mehr auf https://www.instagram.com/nerdydutchman/

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  • Ich verstehe noch das grade bei den „wilden Legionen“ die Helme alle gleich aussehen.
    Finde mit HH zeigt gw grade mal wieder wie es nicht geht.
    Da fand ich es als fw projekt sinniger und auch nicht viel teurer

    • Die Helme der Wölfe sind ein Griff in’s Klo, aber abgesehen davon macht GW bei HH mMn einen guten Job.
      Was stört dich denn noch?
      Die Legions Upgrades könnten schneller kommen, aber die sind ja eh noch ein FW Projekt.

      • Naja HH ansich vielleicht aber wie sie es machen.
        Damals feierte man sie weil eine Packung 10 Marines drinne hatte und x bitz um alles irgendwie zu personifizieren.
        Nun zich Jahre später zahle ich mher für weniger und muss alles aber wirklich alles einzeln extra kaufen.
        „der marine soll ein melter haben? Klar hier das blister für xy.
        Wie auch plasma? Na klar hier blister 2 für xy.
        Wie du willst nur jeweils zwei?“
        Und so geht es ja endlos weiter

      • @halo: ???

        @Aldred: Ich würde es halt mit anderen aktuellen GW Produkten vergleichen. Du willst 5 Scions mit Plasma, kauf 5 Boxen Scions. Du willst 10 Primaris, bezahl ~50€ weil man 20 zusätzliche Waffen mitbezahlen musst. Der normale HH Marine ist deutlich günstiger als sein 40k Bruder und bei zwei von drei Sets hast du ähnlich viele zusätzliche Waffen drin.
        Für ~100€ bekommt man in beiden Systemen 20 Marines mit verschiedenen Waffenoptionen, bei HH kann man aber mehr verschiedene Truppentypen damit bauen und hat noch nutzbare Bits über. Der neue Rhino ist sogar günstiger als das recht alte 40k Set, das sich ja längst amortisiert hat.
        Also momentan find ich HH in der Hinsicht minimal ansprechender als 40k.

  • Klar die Wolfshelme sind halt eher slapstick comedy auf einem Level mit 40k Orks..
    Aber es gibt ja die 40k greyhunter box, die zur Hälfte mk6 ist und mit fast der doppelten Menge Schulterpanzer und Köpfe, sowie mk6 Beinen, Toesi kommt und noch Nahkampfwaffen bringt. 🤷🏼‍♀️

    Die World eaters gefallen mir. Gerade in Kombination mit den Helmen aus den anderen zwei upgradekits von fw und den alten Khorne Berserkern , stehen World eaters aktuell mit am besten da, was Bits angeht. Vorallem bei den Verrätern. Sehr cool. 😊

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