von BK-Nils | 06.11.2022 | eingestellt unter: Necromunda, Warhammer 40.000

FW: Made-to-Order Space Marines und Neuheiten

Forge World bringt ein paar klassische Modelle der Space Marines als Auftragsfertigung zurück, außerdem gibt es Modelle für die Solar Auxilia, Imperiale Assasinen und Ausrüstung für Necromunda.

Forge World Iron Hands Cataphractii Shoulder Pads

Iron Hands Cataphractii Shoulder Pads – 18,00 Euro

The Iron Hands are among the most stoic and relentless of all the Legiones Astartes, and are ever looking to show the superiority of their bionic augmetics over the weakness of flesh.

Display your warriors’ devotion to the machine with this Forge World upgrade kit, which includes ten Iron Hands Legion-specific resin Cataphractii shoulder pads for use in games of Warhammer: The Horus Heresy. This upgrade pack contains enough components to outfit a squad of 5 Cataphractii Terminators.


5x Iron Hands sculpted Cataphractii shoulder pads that feature a studded rim with the Iron Hands icon.

5x Cataphractii shoulder pads that feature a studded rim and engraved cog icon.

This item is available via Made to Order until 8am GMT on Monday, the 14th of November 2022. As a Made to Order product, this kit will be dispatched within 180 days of your order.

Forge World Iron Hands MKII Shoulder Pads

Iron Hands MKII Shoulder Pads – 18,00 Euro

The Iron Hands are among the most stoic and relentless of all the Legiones Astartes, and are ever looking to show the superiority of their bionic augmetics over the weakness of flesh.

Display your warriors’ devotion to the machine with this Forge World upgrade kit. Included are 10 Iron Hands Legion-specific MKII shoulder pads for use in games of Warhammer: The Horus Heresy – enough components to outfit a squad of 10 Space Marines.


10x Iron Hands sculpted shoulder pads that feature plain trim around their edges and bear the icon of the Iron Hands.

This item is available via Made to Order until 8am GMT on Monday, the 14th of November 2022. As a Made to Order product, this kit will be dispatched within 180 days of your order.

Forge World Iron Hands MKIII Torsos

Iron Hands MKIII Torsos – 18,00 Euro

The Iron Hands are among the most stoic and relentless of all the Legiones Astartes, and are ever looking to show the superiority of their bionic augmetics over the weakness of flesh.

Display your warriors’ devotion to the machine with this Forge World upgrade kit. This upgrade pack includes five Iron Hands Legion-specific resin torsos for use in games of Warhammer: The Horus Heresy, compatible with MKIII, MKIV, and MKV armour.


5x Iron Hands sculpted torsos that feature Iron Hands iconography, additional plating, and tubing.

This item is available via Made to Order until 8am GMT on Monday, the 14th of November 2022. As a Made to Order product, this kit will be dispatched within 180 days of your order.

Forge World Iron Hands MKIV Shoulder Pads

Iron Hands MKIV Shoulder Pads – 18,00 Euro

The Iron Hands are among the most stoic and relentless of all the Legiones Astartes, and are ever looking to show the superiority of their bionic augmetics over the weakness of flesh.

Display your warriors’ devotion to the machine with this Forge World upgrade kit. Included are 10 Iron Hands Legion-specific MKIV shoulder pads for use in games of Warhammer: The Horus Heresy – enough components to outfit a squad of 10 Space Marines.


10x Iron Hands sculpted shoulder pads that feature plain trim around their edges and bear the icon of the Iron Hands.

This item is available via Made to Order until 8am GMT on Monday, the 14th of November 2022. As a Made to Order product, this kit will be dispatched within 180 days of your order.

Forge World Night Lords MKII Shoulder Pads

Night Lords MKII Shoulder Pads – 18,00 Euro

Ave Dominus Nox! The Night Lords are a twisted Legion, using terror tactics to instill fear and undermine enemy morale. The Legion icon is a sinister skull surrounded by spread bat wings, a common motif among the VIII Legion.

This Forge World upgrade kit includes 10 Night Lords Legion-specific MKII shoulder pads to represent the VIII Legion in your games of Warhammer: The Horus Heresy, and contains enough components to outfit a squad of 10 Space Marines.


10x Night Lords shoulder pads that feature the studded trim of MKII „Crusade Armour“ around their edges and bear a sculpted Night Lords winged skull icon.

This item is available via Made to Order until 8am GMT on Monday, the 14th of November 2022. As a Made to Order product, this kit will be dispatched within 180 days of your order.

Forge World Night Lords MKIII Shoulder Pads

Night Lords MKIII Shoulder Pads – 18,00 Euro

Ave Dominus Nox! The Night Lords are a twisted Legion, using terror tactics to instill fear and undermine enemy morale. The Legion icon is a sinister skull surrounded by spread bat wings, a common motif among the VIII Legion.

This Forge World upgrade kit includes 10 Night Lords Legion-specific MKIII shoulder pads to represent the VIII Legion in your games of Warhammer: The Horus Heresy, and contains enough components to deck out a squad of 10 Space Marines.


10x Night Lords shoulder pads that feature the studded trim of MKIII „Iron Armour“ around their edges and bear a sculpted Night Lords winged skull icon.

This item is available via Made to Order until 8am GMT on Monday, the 14th of November 2022. As a Made to Order product, this kit will be dispatched within 180 days of your order.

Forge World Night Lords MKIV Torsos

Night Lords MKIV Torsos – 18,00 Euro

Ave Dominus Nox! The Night Lords are a twisted Legion, using terror tactics to instill fear and undermine enemy morale. They often drape their armour with strips of flayed skin, bones, skulls, and other grisly trophies.

This Forge World upgrade kit includes five Night Lords Legion-specific resin torsos to add some VIII Legion flavour in your games of Warhammer: The Horus Heresy, and are compatible with MKIII, MKIV, and MKV armour.


5x Night Lords torsos, replete with gothic designs and grisly trophies.

This item is available via Made to Order until 8am GMT on Monday, the 14th of November 2022. As a Made to Order product, this kit will be dispatched within 180 days of your order.

Forge World Clade Adamus Assassin 1 Forge World Clade Adamus Assassin 2 Forge World Clade Adamus Assassin 3

Clade Adamus Assassin – 35,00 Euro

Perhaps the oldest order of Assassins that operate with Imperial sanction, the Clade Adamus draws its roots from the forbidden blade-master traditions of the Panpacific Terran region. To practice the ways of the Clade Adamus is to study the enemy, to learn their martial language, and to reflect it against them, countering their strengths and revealing their weaknesses. When the lesson is complete, the killing blow is struck. Though its history is shrouded by the losses of the Dark Age of Technology, scholars have posited that name of the Clade Adamus stems from an ancient theologic provenance, meaning ‚the first blades‘.

This multipart resin kit builds one Clade Adamus Assassin, an Assassinorum agent in the employ of the Imperial Regent. Clad in a sleek body glove suit with a sinister full-face mask, this supreme martial artist is posed in a dynamic lunge, dashing backwards as they fire explosive bolts and envenomed darts from their needlespine blaster. Their other hand is ready to draw the nemesii blade sheathed on their back, to sever the head of an enemy commander with a perfect killing blow.

This kit comprises 9 resin components, and is supplied with a Citadel 32mm Round Base.

Forge World Clade Venenum Assassin 1 Forge World Clade Venenum Assassin 2 Forge World Clade Venenum Assassin 3

Clade Venenum Assassin – 35,00 Euro

The Assassins of the Clade Venenum are poisoners without compare, each a highly-trained and genetically-enhanced shadow warrior that has spent years in intense study of alchemical and biological sciences. The Clade Venenum’s Assassins are selected from the finest tox-artisans of their order, masters of creating and improviising exotic poisons, toxic philtres, and recombinant virals which act to inflict death without leaving a metabolic trace. Some of the deadliest venoms in the Clade’s arsenal leave no trace of the target themselves, reducing the victim to a steaming puddle of disassembled molecular matter.

This multipart resin kit builds one Clade Venenum Assassin, an Assassinorum agent in the employ of the Imperial Regent. Clad in a stealthy body glove suit with a foreboding gas mask for filtering out toxins, this deadly operative is laden with specialised poison delivery gear – including a toxin ejector with extra capsules strapped to their leg, an envenomed hookfang dagger, and poison globe grenades strung across their harness.

This kit comprises 9 resin components, and is supplied with a Citadel 32mm Round Base.

Forge World Clade Vanus Infocyte Assassin 1 Forge World Clade Vanus Infocyte Assassin 2 Forge World Clade Vanus Infocyte Assassin 3

Clade Vanus Infocyte Assassin – 35,00 Euro

Assassins like none other, the agents of the Clade Vanus are superlative warriors – but are foremost manipulators and seekers of information. The mind of a Vanus Infocyte is trained and augmented to sift through vast quantities of data – hacking into vox, wire, and noospheric networks, and utilising covert devices to gather ever-more knowledge. The Infocyte forms a comprehensive profile of their target based on every iota of information available, from casual conversations to the macro-view of geopolitical-planetary impact. They then viciously exploit this information to instigate the kill – employing bribed agents, hacked machines, and engineered coincidences as deadly weapons.

This multipart resin kit builds one Clade Vanus Infocyte Assassin, an Assassinorum agent in the employ of the Imperial Regent. Clad in a body glove suit for stealth operations, this operative’s head is encased in a faceless, sensor-studded helm that filters waves of information from the battlefield. Their harness supports a winding set of autonomic servo-limbs, with a skull-mounted vox disruptor array sat beside them. Twin laspistols hang at their sides for close-range shooting, while each wrist features a concealed sympatic dataspike – with one sliding out to strike.

This kit comprises 9 resin components, and is supplied with a Citadel 32mm Round Base.

Forge World Solar Auxilia Surgeon Primus Aevos Jovan & Medicae Orderlies 1 Forge World Solar Auxilia Surgeon Primus Aevos Jovan & Medicae Orderlies 2 Forge World Solar Auxilia Surgeon Primus Aevos Jovan & Medicae Orderlies 3

Solar Auxilia Surgeon-Primus Aevos Jovan & Medicae Orderlies – 78,00 Euro

Aevos Jovan began his career as a physician to the wealthy and powerful – regarded as a genius amongst his peers, he nevertheless came under investigation for pursuing private research into forbidden and unorthodox medical techniques. Arrested and awaiting execution, the brilliant surgeon was offered amnesty by the Lord Marshal in exchange for service in the ranks of his Solar Auxilia forces. Jovan has now traded the chambers of the wealthy for the blood and carnage of the battlefield – a new theatre in which to practise his morbid arts.

This multipart resin kit builds Surgeon-Primus Aevos Jovan and two Medicae Orderlies, as well as a wounded Solar Auxilia soldier bound to an auto-gurney. Jovan and his aides are clad in unnerving medical masks and aprons with a suite of terrifying surgical gear, scouring the battlefield for injured soldiers in need of their attention. Each is armed with a needle pistol, and wears void armour under their medical garments to protect them from the unrelenting firepower of the battlefield.

This kit comprises 19 resin components.

Forge World Solar Auxilia Rapier Battery – Quad Launcher 1 Forge World Solar Auxilia Rapier Battery – Quad Launcher 2

Solar Auxilia Rapier Battery – Quad Launcher – 46,00 Euro

The armies of the Solar Auxilia make extensive use of the Rapier weapons carrier, employing its rugged track assembly to transport support weaponry too heavy for infantry. The Rapier’s sheer versatility sees it deployed on battlefields across the galaxy alongside all manner of forces, from vanguard expeditions to full-scale planetary assaults. The Solar Auxilia mount a variety of weapons systems on the carrier – including the beloved ‚Thudd Gun‘ multi-launcher, which can be loaded with a range of punishing shells for shredding infantry, cracking armour, or igniting terrible firestorms.

This multipart resin kit builds a Solar Auxilia Rapier Carrier armed with a quad launcher, accompanied by two Auxilia Gunners – one seated on the Rapier Carrier, the other assisting separately. This mobile weapons platform is packed with fine details, from the mechanisms of its track system to the gunner carefully operating its aiming console. Its intimidating, four-barrelled gun is pointed skywards, ready to rain death on the opposition from far across the battlefield.

This kit comprises 19 resin components, and is supplied with a Citadel 25mm Round Base.

Forge World Solar Auxilia Rapier Battery – Multi Laser 1 Forge World Solar Auxilia Rapier Battery – Multi Laser 2

Solar Auxilia Rapier Battery – Multi-laser – 46,00 Euro

The armies of the Solar Auxilia make extensive use of the Rapier weapons carrier, employing its rugged track assembly to transport support weaponry too heavy for infantry. The Rapier’s sheer versatility sees it deployed on battlefields across the galaxy alongside all manner of forces, from vanguard expeditions to full-scale planetary assaults. The Solar Auxilia mount a variety of weapons systems on the carrier – the most ubiquitous of these is a four-barrelled multi-laser, which scythes down enemy hordes before they can reach the front lines of the Infantry Tercio.

This multipart resin kit builds a Solar Auxilia Rapier Carrier armed with a gravis multi-laser battery, accompanied by two Auxilia Gunners – one seated on the Rapier Carrier, the other assisting separately. This mobile weapons platform is packed with fine details, from the mechanisms of its track system to the gunner carefully operating its aiming console. Its long, four-barrelled gun is levelled straight forward, ready to cut through all opposition with a hail of laser fire.

This kit comprises 23 resin components, and is supplied with a Citadel 25mm Round Base.

Forge World Solar Auxilia Tank Crew 1 Forge World Solar Auxilia Tank Crew 2

Solar Auxilia Tank Crew – 27,00 Euro

Armoured battalions of tanks are commonpace amongst the cohorts of the Solar Auxilia, ranging from the fast and reliable Aurox armoured transport to the mighty Stormhammer. These vehicles bristle with devastating armaments, whether mounted on turrets, attached via sponsons, or operated as pintle weapons by a disciplined tank crew. These experienced gunners elevate the tank columns of the Solar Auxilia far beyond the rank and file of the Imperial Militia.

This multipart resin upgrade kit builds three Solar Auxilia tank crew, designed to be compatible with the hatches on a variety of Solar Auxilia vehicles. Each gunner is clad in the signature void armour of the Solar Auxilia, and is posed to fire a pintle-mounted weapon – the kit includes a heavy flamer and two multi-lasers, complete with power and fuel cables.

These weapons can be used with the following Solar Auxilia vehicle kits:
– Aurox Armoured Transport
– Dracosan Armoured Transport
– Carnodon Battle Tank
– Malcador with Battle Cannon
– Malcador Annihilator
– Malcador Infernus
– Valdor Tank Hunter
– Stormhammer
– Solar Auxilia Basilisk/Medusa

This kit comprises 12 resin components.

Forge World Goliath Ash Wastes Upgrades 1 Forge World Goliath Ash Wastes Upgrades 2

Goliath Ash Wastes Upgrades – 22,00 Euro

Necromunda’s outlands are deadly to the unprepared, even for the indomitable House of Chains – but the rewards of dominating the ash wastes far outweigh the many, many risks. House Goliath’s concessions to the hazardous environment take the form of welding mask-style rebreathers, eye-shielding shutter visors, canisters of mostly clean water, and as many extra supplies as their considerable muscle can carry.

This upgrade set allows you to give your Goliath gangers the proper equipment for operating in the ash wastes, adding even more variety and character to your gang. You can spread the components around, or load up 10 gangers with a full set of wasteland wear.

This highly detailed resin set includes:
– 10x Goliath heads, each with a unique design suited to the ash wastes
– 10x backpacks, in five different designs loaded with grenades, supplies, and survival tools
– 10x canisters with ammo bandoliers

The kit is composed of 30 resin components, designed to be assembled with the plastic Goliath gang models that are sold separately.

Quelle: Forge World


Nils, Redakteur bei Brückenkopf-Online. Seit 2001 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop: DSA Armalion. Aktueller Fokus liegt auf Skirmish-Systemen und Warhammer 40.000. mehr auf https://www.instagram.com/nerdydutchman/

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  • Viele schöne Sachen. Vor allem die IronHands-Körper sind stark.
    Aber bei 35 Euro für einen Assassinen bin ich gespannt, wann der Preis einer GW-Einzelminiatur den eines leistungsfähigen 3D-Druckers überholt. Der Gap wird immer kleiner…

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      Das Verhältnis fehlt halt langsam total.

      Das Argument Vorarbeiten bzw. Saubermachen etc. der gedruckten Figuren zieht auch nicht mehr, das geht schneller als eine mehrteilige Figur zusammen zu bauen.

      Ein großer Vorteil beim drucken ist es auch, das keine Gußgrate entfernt werden müssen und die Supports i.d.R. an nicht sichtbaren Bereichen sind.

      • Was mir am Besten gefällt ist das „Windowshopping“. Ich folge auf MMF allen Künstlern die mir gefallen und bekomme täglich dutzende neue coole Designs zu sehen die ich, wenn ich möchte, problemlos in ca 4 Stunden auf dem Tisch haben kann.
        Weiß nicht warum, aber dieses Gefühl macht bei mir auch einen großen Teil der Freude am 3D Drucken aus.

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  • Mit den Assassins ist der Preisunterschied zwischen GW und FW Produkten wieder im alten Verhältnis… Ouch. Wenn ich wirklich scharf auf eine der Minis wäre würde es mich wohl nicht abhalten, aber für den Pile of Shame definitiv zu teuer. Sonst wären die ggf Mal auf einer Bestellung bestimmt gelandet

  • Der Venenum finde ich ganz schön moppelig für einen Assassinen. Und zuerst dachte ich, dass die beim modellieren die Schlauchverbindungen vom Gift-Rucksack zu den Waffen vergessen haben – aber nein, das sind Schläuche, und zwar führen die in den Helm, also atmet der das Selbstgebraute selbst ein? *staun*

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