von BK-Nils | 01.01.2022 | eingestellt unter: Herr der Ringe

FW: Herr der Ringe – Razgûsh und Muzgúr

Zwei neue Helden verstärken die Armeen des dunklen Herrschers mit Razgûsh und Muzgúr von Forge World.

Forge World Razgûsh And Muzgúr, Ravagers Of The North 1 Forge World Razgûsh And Muzgúr, Ravagers Of The North 2 Forge World Razgûsh And Muzgúr, Ravagers Of The North 3 Forge World Razgûsh And Muzgúr, Ravagers Of The North 4

Razgûsh and Muzgúr, Ravagers of the North – 27,00 Euro

Razgûsh has been tasked with commanding the Mordor forces and bringing the realm of Thranduil to its knees. An Orc general with a feared reputation, Razgûsh has led many attacks on the kingdoms of Elves throughout the Third Age, slaying many of their kind in every battle and weakening their power. As he leads his army of Orcs through Mirkwood, Razgûsh draws the beasts of the forest to him and prepares to unleash his forces upon the Halls of Thranduil.

Quite where Muzgúr learned his dark powers shall forever remain a mystery, yet the fact persists that he is one of the few Orcs who have mastered the crude powers he now wields. Unlike the Orc shamans that drive those nearby into a frenzy, Muzgúr prefers to use more subtle forms of magic – namely those that render his foes weak and helpless against the forces of Mordor. It has even been said that Muzgúr draws his powers by slaying his enemies.

Razgûsh and Muzgúr are two of the most formidable Orcs that fought in the northern theatre during the War of the Ring, making them an excellent choice to lead your warbands on the battlefield. The combination of Razgûsh’s martial might and Muzgúr’s debilitating sorcery is a fearsome combination indeed.

This kit comprises 8 resin components with which you can assemble 1x Razgûsh and 1x Muzgúr. It comes supplied with 2x Citadel 25mm Round Bases.

Rules Downloads

For all the rules you need to field this miniature in games of Warhammer Age of Sigmar, download the free Warscroll at the link below.

Razgush & Muzgur

Quelle: Forge World


Nils, Redakteur bei Brückenkopf-Online. Seit 2001 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop: DSA Armalion. Aktueller Fokus liegt auf Skirmish-Systemen und Warhammer 40.000. mehr auf https://www.instagram.com/nerdydutchman/

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  • Ach, was wird 2022 wohl noch für ein eigenartiges Jahr werden… Ich hab das gesehen und mich spontan gefreut, dass es weder ein Kickstarter noch zum Selberdrucken ist. Und verglichen mit GW selbst ist der Preis dann auch nicht mehr so schlimm.

    Was soll da noch kommen? Kometen? Zweiköpfige Kälber?

  • Das sind sehr schöne Modelle und wahrscheinlich die ersten FW-Modelle, die ich mir nach 10 jähriger Pause zulegen werde.

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