von BK-Nils | 03.09.2022 | eingestellt unter: Warhammer 40.000

FW: Bruderkriegs-Rüstungen als Auftragsfertigung

Forge World bietet für eine begrenzte Zeit eine Reihe von Rüstungsupgrades als Auftragsfertigung an.

Forge World Space Wolves MKIII Torsos

Space Wolves MKIII Torsos – 18,00 Euro

The Space Wolves are a Legion of ferocious hunter-killers, unleashed on the Emperor’s command to bring ruin upon those who earn his ire. Howling savage battle cries, the VI Legion tear enemy formations asunder with swift shock assaults before chasing down the scattered survivors. The sons of Leman Russ adorn themselves with fetishes, trinkets, and decorations that evoke the traditions of Fenris, their icy home world.

This upgrade kit can be used to customise Legionaries wearing MKIII, MKIV, and MKV armour with torsos representing MKIII ‚Iron Armour‘ featuring the imagery of the Space Wolves. The kit includes five torsos, each with a unique design – covered in Fenrisian runes and knotwork, sporting cords hung with wolf tooth fetishes, and sculpted with stylised wolf heads. Spread these components around your army to add some Vlka Fenryka flavour, or outfit entire squads for a more cohesive look.

This upgrade kit comprises five resin components, and is designed to be assembled with the MKIII Tactical Squad set, the MKIV Tactical Squad set, and Forge World miniatures clad in MKV armour, which are all sold separately.

This item is available via Made to Order until 8am BST on Monday the 12th of September 2022. As a Made to Order product, this kit will be dispatched within 180 days of your order.

Forge World Death Guard MKIII Torsos

Death Guard MKIII Torsos – 18,00 Euro

The Death Guard are a Legion of implacable reapers, venturing into the most hazardous war zones to cleanse the galaxy of all opposition. The XIV Legion advance with inexorable purpose, never hesitating or slowing in their march to victory, fielding horrifying munitions to achieve their objectives at any cost. The sons of Mortarion favour battle-tested wargear – archaic armour variants and reinforced, heavier suits are a common sight amongst their dour ranks, weathering the storm of enemy fire as they methodically stalk across the battlefield.

This upgrade kit can be used to customise Legionaries wearing MKIII, MKIV, and MKV armour with torsos representing MKIII ‘Iron Armour‘ featuring the imagery of the Death Guard. The kit includes five torsos, with four different designs – replete with ventilation grills, heavy pipes and tubing, thick riveted armour, and one with a skull motif. Spread these components around your army to add some XIV Legion flavour, or outfit entire squads for a more cohesive look.

This upgrade kit is comprised of five resin components and is designed to be assembled with the MKIII Tactical Squad set, the MKIV Tactical Squad set, and Forge World miniatures clad in MKV armour, which are all sold separately.

This item is available via Made to Order until 8am BST on Monday the 12th of September 2022. As a Made to Order product, this kit will be dispatched within 180 days of your order.

Forge World Death Guard MKII Shoulder Pads

Death Guard MKII Shoulder Pads – 18,00 Euro

The Death Guard are a Legion of implacable reapers, venturing into the most hazardous war zones to cleanse the galaxy of all opposition. The XIV Legion advance with inexorable purpose, never hesitating or slowing in their march to victory, fielding horrifying munitions to achieve their objectives at any cost. The sons of Mortarion favour battle-tested wargear, bearing the scars of war like marks of honour – archaic armour variants and reinforced, heavier suits are therefore a common sight amongst their dour ranks.

This upgrade kit can be used to customise Legionaries wearing MKIII, MKIV, and MKV armour with shoulder pads bearing the skull-and-halo icon of the Death Guard. The kit includes 10 shoulder pads, each bearing a raised, sculpted icon that makes them simple to paint in the Legion’s signature colours, with a studded rim design appropriate to MKII ‘Crusade Armour‘. Spread these components around your army and combine them with transfers to capture the XIV Legion aesthetic, or outfit entire squads for an elite, unified look.

This upgrade kit comprises 10 resin components and is designed to be assembled with the MKIII Tactical Squad set, MKIV Tactical Squad set, and Forge World miniatures clad in MKV armour, which are all sold separately.

This item is available via Made to Order until 8am BST on Monday the 12th of September 2022. As a Made to Order product, this kit will be dispatched within 180 days of your order.

Forge World Death Guard MKIV Shoulder Pads

Death Guard MKIV Shoulder Pads – 18,00 Euro

The Death Guard are a Legion of implacable reapers, venturing into the most hazardous war zones to cleanse the galaxy of all opposition. The XIV Legion advance with inexorable purpose, never hesitating or slowing in their march to victory, fielding horrifying munitions to achieve their objectives at any cost. The sons of Mortarion favour practicality over ornamentation, rejecting elaborate decorations in favour of straightforward, ominous markings that suit their battle-scarred wargear.

This upgrade kit can be used to customise Legionaries from the MKIV Tactical Squad set with shoulder pads bearing the skull and spiked halo icon of the Death Guard. The kit includes 10 shoulder pads, each bearing a raised, sculpted icon that makes them simple to paint in the Legion’s signature colours, with a thin-rimmed design to fit in with MKIV ‚Maximus Armour‘. Spread these components around your army and combine them with transfers to capture that signature XIV Legion aesthetic, or outfit entire squads for an elite, unified look.

This upgrade kit comprises 10 resin components and is designed to be assembled with the MKIV Tactical Squad set, which is sold separately.

This item is available via Made to Order until 8am BST on Monday the 12th of September 2022. As a Made to Order product, this kit will be dispatched within 180 days of your order.

Forge World Death Guard Cataphractii Shoulder Pads

Death Guard Cataphractii Shoulder Pads – 18,00 Euro

The Death Guard are a Legion of implacable reapers, venturing into the most hazardous war zones to cleanse the galaxy of all opposition. The XIV Legion advance with inexorable purpose, never hesitating or slowing in their march to victory, fielding horrifying munitions to achieve their objectives at any cost. The sons of Mortarion favour practicality over ornamentation, and even elites clad in Terminator armour reject elaborate decorations in favour of straightforward, ominous markings that suit their battle-scarred wargear.

This upgrade kit can be used to customise models clad in Cataphractii Terminator armour with pauldrons bearing the skull and spiked halo icon of the Death Guard. The kit includes 10 shoulder pads with prominent studded rims suited to the Legion’s brutal style, five of which bear a raised, sculpted armourial that makes them simple to paint in the Death Guard’s signature colours. Spread these components around your army and combine them with transfers to capture that signature XIV Legion aesthetic, or outfit entire squads for an elite, unified look.

This upgrade kit is comprised of 10 resin components and is designed to be assembled with Cataphractii Terminators, which are sold separately.

This item is available via Made to Order until 8am BST on Monday the 12th of September 2022. As a Made to Order product, this kit will be dispatched within 180 days of your order.

Quelle: Forge World


Nils, Redakteur bei Brückenkopf-Online. Seit 2001 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop: DSA Armalion. Aktueller Fokus liegt auf Skirmish-Systemen und Warhammer 40.000. mehr auf https://www.instagram.com/nerdydutchman/

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  • Also, in Anbetracht der derzeitigen finanziellen Mehrbelastungen haben sich für mich als mehrfacher Familienvater trotz gut bezahltem Job in diesem Herbst alle Hobby-Anschaffungen erledigt. 18 EUR für 5 centgroße Stücke Plastik… finde ich heftig unangebracht, Auftragsfertigung hin oder her.

    • Dem kann ich nur zustimmen.
      Ab Oktober sind über 200€ Abschlag für die Gasabrechnung fällig (mehr als eine Verdopplung).
      Zeit, den Haufen der fast unbegrenzten Möglichkeiten abzuarbeiten 🙃

      • Interessantes Thema – Inflation trifft Hobby kritisch, wäre mal was für nen Podcast oder so. Aber geht mir genauso, ganz unabhängig von GW und ihren Preisen, allgemein ist einfach wenig bis kaum Budget fürs Hobby da. Mal schauen wenn die Jahresabrechnung kommt, denke da werden sich viele auf den Hosenboden setzen.

        Horus Heresy finde ich ganz spannend von der Thematik. Aber es wirkt wirklich so, als wenn GW es wirklich ausschlachtet und noch mal richtig absahnen will damit. Jeder Orden bekommt irgendwas an Torso, Schulterpanzer, Helmen usw. … kommt ne Menge zusammen

      • Individuelle Schulterpanzer, Helme und Torsi gab es auch schon vorher, dir meisten wurden nur wieder aus dem Sortiment genommen.

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