von BK-Nils | 05.06.2022 | eingestellt unter: Herr der Ringe, Warhammer 40.000

FW: Beornings und The Horus Heresy Upgrade-Sets

Aus dem Norden von Mittelerde kommen mit Grimbeorn und den Beornings wilde Menschen, die sich den Verteidigern gegen die Mächte des bösen Herrschers anschließen und für die ersten beiden Legionen die in der Horus Heresy gegeneinander antreten kommen Ergänzungssets mit Köpfen und Schulterpanzern.

Forge World Grimbeorn 1 Forge World Grimbeorn 2 Forge World Grimbeorn 3 Forge World Grimbeorn 4

Grimbeorn – 55,00 Euro

The son of Beorn, and natural leader of the Beornings, Grimbeorn is a tall and burly woodsman who dwells in the Carrock between the Misty Mountains and Mirkwood. Just as his father before him, Grimbeorn possesses the ability to transform into a large bear at will, unleashing primal fury upon the Orcs and Goblins that dare to enter his lands. When the forces of Sauron invaded Mirkwood, he led the Beornings against them, using their unbridled power to break their enemies.

Grimbeorn is a dynamo on the table. In the form of a (very large) man, this Hero of Valour is a powerful warrior, fighting at range and up close. This fierce woodsman wields his huge axe to cut his enemies to size like so much cordwood. When needs must, he can transform into his bear form, amplifying his damage-dealing potential even further. He and the Beornings can be taken as a Legendary Legion, or added as an ally to a variety of aligned Good factions, as detailed in his rules.

This kit contains 13 resin components with which you can assemble 1x Grimbeorn and 1x Grimbeorn the Bear. It comes supplied with 1x Citadel 25mm Round Base, and 1x Citadel 60mm Round Base

You can find the rules for Grimbeorn and Grimbeorn the Bear in the Defence of the North supplement.

Forge World Beornings 1 Forge World Beornings 2 Forge World Beornings 3 Forge World Beornings 4

Beornings – 29,00 Euro

The Beornings are great woodsmen that dwell within the vales of the Anduin between Mirkwood and the Great River. Though few in number, they possess great strength, carrying mighty axes and great bows made of yew. Under the rule of Grimbeorn, the Beornings keep the roads between the Misty Mountains and Mirkwood clear of the servants of Sauron, though their services come at a price. If it wasn’t for the work of the Beornings, it is likely that the regions they protected would be overrun with Orcs.

Beornings are sturdy, versatile fighters. Each of them can be armed for either melee or ranged combat, and each body also has a choice of two heads to add variety to larger units. They’re even stronger when Grimbeorn or Beorn are nearby, which makes them ideal bodyguards for these powerful heroes.

This kit contains 25 resin components with which you can assemble 3x Beornings. Each can be armed with either an axe or bow, and you can choose from two different heads for each body. They come supplied with 3x Citadel 25mm Round Bases.

You can find the rules for Beornings, including their Legendary Legion, in the Defence of the North supplement.

Forge World Sons Of Horus MKVI Shoulder Pads 1 Forge World Sons Of Horus MKVI Shoulder Pads 2

Sons of Horus MKVI Shoulder Pads – 18,00 Euro

The Sons of Horus are a Legion of independent and merciless warriors, recruited from the violent gangs of Cthonia to win glory as the spearhead of the Great Crusade. The XVI Legion seek and exploit weakness wherever it can be found, striking with the same brutal confidence that once earned them the name of ‚Luna Wolves‘. The scions of the Warmaster now stand in infamy above all others – their ambitions burning fiercely enough to reduce the entire Imperium to ashes.

This upgrade kit can be used to customise Legionaries from the MKVI Tactical Squad set with new shoulder pads that proudly display the eye of Horus icon borne by the Warmaster’s sons. The kit includes 10 shoulder pads, each bearing a raised, sculpted icon that makes them simple to paint in the Legion’s signature colours, with a rimless design perfectly suited to the sleek MKVI ‚Corvus Armour‘. Spread these components around your army and combine them with transfers to add some VII Legion flavour, or outfit entire squads for an elite, unified look.

This upgrade kit comprises 10 resin components and is designed to be assembled with the MKVI Tactical Squad set, which is sold separately.

Forge World Sons Of Horus MKVI Heads 1 Forge World Sons Of Horus MKVI Heads 2

Sons of Horus MKVI Heads – 18,00 Euro

The Sons of Horus are a Legion of independent and merciless warriors, recruited from the violent gangs of Cthonia to win glory as the spearhead of the Great Crusade. The XVI Legion seek and exploit weakness wherever it can be found, striking with the same brutal confidence that once earned them the name of ‚Luna Wolves‘. The scions of the Warmaster now stand in infamy above all others – their ambitions burning fiercely enough to reduce the entire Imperium to ashes.

This upgrade kit can be used to customise Legionaries from the MKVI Tactical Squad set with new heads, trading out the standard ‚beaked‘ helmets for the traditional Cthonic war-masks common to the Sons of Horus. The kit includes nine helmeted heads in three different designs, each featuring decorative spikes and a muzzled respirator, as well as two heads designed for Sergeants – one bare head, and one helmet with an impressive topknot. Spread these components around your army to add some XVI Legion flavour, or outfit entire squads for an elite, unified look.

This upgrade kit comprises 11 resin components and is designed to be assembled with the MKVI Tactical Squad set, which is sold separately. These components are supplied unpainted and require assembly – we recommend using Citadel paints.

Forge World Imperial Fists MKVI Shoulder Pads 1 Forge World Imperial Fists MKVI Shoulder Pads 2

Imperial Fists MKVI Shoulder Pads – 18,00 Euro

The Imperial Fists are a Legion of stoic crusaders, a pillar of stability and duty upon which the very foundations of the Imperium are laid. Architect war-masons and voidsmen without equal, the VII Legion fight with unshakeable discipline and methodical force, constructing mighty fortresses that exemplify and enforce the ideals of Unification. The sons of Rogal Dorn are called to stand by the Emperor’s side more than any other, serving as the Imperium’s leading edge – and its last line of defence.

This upgrade kit can be used to customise Legionaries from the MKVI Tactical Squad set with new shoulder pads that proudly display the clenched fist icon of the Imperial Fists. The kit includes 10 shoulder pads, each bearing a raised, sculpted icon that makes them simple to paint in the Legion’s signature colours, with a rimless design perfectly suited to the sleek MKVI ‚Corvus Armour‘. Spread these components around your army and combine them with transfers to add some VII Legion flavour, or outfit entire squads for an elite, unified look.

This upgrade kit comprises 10 resin components and is designed to be assembled with the MKVI Tactical Squad set, which is sold separately.

Forge World Imperial Fists MKVI Heads 1 Forge World Imperial Fists MKVI Heads 2

Imperial Fists MKVI Heads – 18,00 Euro

The Imperial Fists are a Legion of stoic crusaders, a pillar of stability and duty upon which the very foundations of the Imperium are laid. Architect war-masons and voidsmen without equal, the VII Legion fight with unshakeable discipline and methodical force, constructing mighty fortresses that exemplify and enforce the ideals of Unification. The sons of Rogal Dorn are called to stand by the Emperor’s side more than any other, serving as the Imperium’s leading edge – and its last line of defence.

This upgrade kit can be used to customise Legionaries from the MKVI Tactical Squad set with new heads, trading out the standard ‚beaked‘ helmets for the knightly countenance favoured by the Imperial Fists. The kit includes nine helmeted heads in three different designs, each with a laurel wreath around the crown, as well as two heads designed for Sergeants – one bare head, and one helmet with an impressive transverse crest. Spread these components around your army to add some VII Legion flavour, or outfit entire squads for an elite, unified look.

This upgrade kit comprises 11 resin components and is designed to be assembled with the MKVI Tactical Squad set, which is sold separately.

Quelle: Forge World


Nils, Redakteur bei Brückenkopf-Online. Seit 2001 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop: DSA Armalion. Aktueller Fokus liegt auf Skirmish-Systemen und Warhammer 40.000. mehr auf https://www.instagram.com/nerdydutchman/

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  • Und genau davon hab ich gestern gesprochen. 18 Euro für 10 Schulterplatten? Gehts noch? Das kostet mich aus dem Drucker grob geschätzt weniger als einen Euro.
    Ich freue mich sehr über Horus Heresy un dhabe die Box schon vorbestellt. Aber die kosmetischen DLC spare ich mir.

    • Das sehe ich genauso, ich benutze blanko-pads und übe meine freihand…. Bei AL geht das ja noch

    • Das die Extras unverhältnismäßig viel teuerer sind, ist ja offensichtlich. Aber ich finde nich so schlimm – da es halt rein kosmetischer Natur ist. Und nicht jeder findet das unbedingt schicker.

      Und zudem gehört das zu den Dingen die sich auch leichter drucken lassen und dann kann sich ein jeder entscheiden ob er sich den Aufwand macht oder das Geld richtig FW wirft.

      Als Modellbauprojekt, wenn ich mir die Zeit nehmen möchte, die auch richtig zu bemalen und nicht nur in einen spielfähigen Zustand zu bringen, werde ich dann wohl zu FW greifen. Da ist dann die freie Zeit eher der limitierende Faktor. Dann sind die Apothekenpreise nicht so entscheidend die seit ich das Hobby kenne ein Markenzeichen von FW sind.

      • Es gibt auch Durchservices die entsprechende Symbole für kleines Geld anbieten die man einfach auf den normalen Schulterpanzern anbringen kann.

    • 1€ pro Stück für Resin Bits ist so der Standard Preis, und GW verlangt bei allem nicht ganz das doppelte

      Also ist man mit 1,8€ pro Stück eher noch unter dem wo man es erwartet hätte

      Nur wenn Leute das überteuerte Plastik akzeptieren dass das doppelte kostet und dann bei den Upgrades jammern ist das etwas zu spät (im Fall von GW gute 10 Jahre)

  • Es ist schon verständlich, dass man solche Optionen nicht zu dem normalen Marine Gussrahmen packen kann. Aber eben zwei mal 18 Euro, also 36, nur um einen 10er Trupp mit Legionsspezifischen Schulterpanzern und Helmen auszustatten ist schon einen mehr als stolze Summe.

    Beides zusammen in einem Plastik-Upgraderahmen a la Primaris für 18 – 20 Euro und ich hätte keine Probleme damit. In dieser Form ist es mir aber nicht wert. Und bei Bedarf greift man eben zum 3D Druck.

    • Aber ein Set reicht doch für 10 Marines. Die Schulterpanzer werden ja nur auf einer Seite verwendet.

      Oder täusche ich mich da?

      • Ja ok wenn man Köpfe und Schulterpanzer haben möchte. Alles klar. Einfach weiterlesen, ich habe gar keine Nachricht geschrieben 😉

  • Der Bär ist wirklich cool. Mir zu teuer und brauch ich auch nicht, aber cool ist er schon. 🙂

  • Ich weiss, das klingt jetzt wieder nach „GW wird untergehen“tm aber zumindest in meinem Club (27 Spieler) ist es so, dass das Geld mittlerweile in die kleinen Systeme geht (SWL / MCP / Infinity) und GW wird einfach gedruckt. Bemalt und grundiert sieht man (ich) bei Space Marines eh keinen Unterschied.

  • Ist da jemand regeltechnisch auf dem laufenden? Wie viele Beornings bräuchte man für eine sinnvolle Einheit? Und mit welchen anderen Truppen kann man die kombinieren?

  • Warum sollte ich die Beorninger kaufen und nicht irgendwelche Kelten Figuren nehmen? Nichts an denen drückt für mich im Besonderen Herr der Ringe aus, also bleiben nur drei gute aber zu teure Figuren.

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