von BK-Herr Kemper | 20.01.2022 | eingestellt unter: Fantasy

Footsore: Coven

Footsore teilt auf FB Infos für eine neue Kickstarter Kampagne: Coven – ein 28mm Dark Fantasy Spiel.

Footsore Coven 28mm Dark Fantasy.png

Footsore – Coven 28mm Dark Fantasy

Welcome to the world of Coven, a dark fantasy tabletop skirmish game. Welcome to the sinister forests of the Cauldron, a land steeped with eldritch power and the home of beasts and otherworldly creatures. Welcome to the domain of ancient crones, „Ved’ma“, twisted beings of great malice that can bend the very elements to do their bidding.
This project represents the combined efforts of John Wigley (Illustrator and concept artist extraordinaire of all the characters and monsters). Chris Bone (Creator of the background story and writer of fluff), Mark Farr of Footsore Miniatures & Games (Maker of the miniatures), and Award-Winning Games Designer Andy Hobday (Creator of the rules of the game). Together these talented gents have over 100 years combined experience in the world of tabletop gaming.
Coven draws upon the myths and folklore of Eastern and Central Europe. The tales of evil lurking in the dark forest. It is a blend of Slavic and Russian legends with a dash of Transylvania thrown in. We aim to bring the denizens of „The Cauldron“ to life.
This project gives you the opportunity to own a rulebook crammed full of John Wigley’s incredible illustrations. It allows you to immerse yourself in the dark fantasy world of Coven and to create your band of gruesome creatures led by a powerful Ved’ma to confront your enemies on the tabletop and gain dominion over the Cauldron.
Going live 1st quarter 2022 on Kickstarter. Footsore Miniatures & Games are very excited to be supporting John, Chris, Andy & Mark with their new and exciting #Kickstarter project.

Link: Footsore FB

BK-Herr Kemper

Mostly Harmless. Im Hobby seit den 80ern..... Spielt: Infinity (Nomads & Aleph), Warmachine (Khador & Mercs), BattleTech (Alpha Strike), 7TV Adventures, In Her Majesty's Name, Dust, Batman TMG

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  • Nachdem ja gerade erst die Vasgothia-Kampagne für das EarthDawn-Rollenspiel gelaufen ist gibt es hier also die Minis um den Deep Forest zu bevölkern?
    Da werde ich aber sowas von ein Auge drauf halten!
    Und Footsore macht echt schicke minis!

  • Das klingt richtig spannend. Und Illustrationen von John Wigley mit passenden Figuren klingt auch richtig gut. Und Skirmish sowieso, nachdem ich mich von den Massensystemen eher abwende.

  • Bin sehr gespannt. Wenn das Gesamtpaket passt, bin ich bestimmt dabei…man kann ja nicht genügend Systeme haben 😝

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