von BK-Bob | 17.08.2022 | eingestellt unter: 3D-Druck, Crowdfunding

Fleshcraft Studio: The Dormant God – Digital Launch

Fleshcraft Studio sind mit digitalen Miniaturen für ein geplantes Dungeons & Dragons Abenteuer auf Kickstarter unterwegs.

The Dormant God – Digital Launch

 Printable 32mm scale fantasy miniatures for TTRPG and Wargames. Pre-supported STL, 3MF, and LYS files.

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Fleshcraft Studio The Dormant God 6

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Fleshcraft Studio The Dormant God 7

Welcome to the Digital Launch of The Dormant God Campaign! The Dormant God is an upcoming DnD 5e Compatible Adventure, set in the Fleshcraft Universe.

Ostarius, the Gatekeeper of the realm beyond death, has become dormant. The Darkhien, demonic corruptions of the soul, are pouring forth from the cleansing underworld to ravage the lands of the mortal realm.

A future Kickstarter campaign that is currently in the planning stages will sport a DnD 5e adventure featuring these and further models as well as the release of physical miniatures. We are currently writing the book for this huge DnD Campaign, set in the Realm of Brahkos. The expected launch for the next campaign falls somewhere in Q1 2023.

This Campaign is focused on showing the creatures of this universe, sharing some amazing monsters with you all, and making the Fleshcraft Universe known. This Project has been half a year in the making and I’ve been dying to share it with all of you. We have an amazing Illustrator to help out drawing some amazing art for the book, a long-time Dungeon Master helping out writing the book, and the whole Fleshcraft Community giving a hand with creative ideas and feedback for it all. But it will still be some time before we can see a finished version. So for now I want to share 77 presupported STL models with much more if we reach the Stretch Goals!

Creation of Brahkos

When the Soulmother, Kreata, receives the souls of the departed, she cleanses the soul of negative energies before returning it to the cycle of life, ready to be reborn. But the negative energies need a place to exist, so she created a place where she could store this energy, she then assigned her son, Ostarius to protect and nurse this place. Ostarius learned to sort and organize these energies into 7 categories; Ego, Hatred, Affliction, Fear, Indulgence, Insanity, and Deceit. After a while, he created 7 entities to be rulers of each Domain, these are the Sovereigns you see in this Campaign

The Brahkien

Denizens of Brahkos, the Brahkien are essential immortal beings. They spend their whole life trying to defeat the negative energy they have been born with. They function as a vessel for the stored energy and spend their life trying to cleanse it. If they succeed to cleanse their assigned energy, they are able to ascend and become part of the life cycle once again and be reborn into the mortal realm. Or they can choose to become a Warden, angelic entities that serve the Gatekeeper and helps the other Brahkien to do the same, protectors and tenders of Brahkos.

The Darhkien

Should a Brahkien fall to their assigned energy and let it consume them, the vessel becomes corrupted and can never ascend. These Brahkien are then turned into a Darhkien. This cancerous creature’s main goal is to grow, so all they try to do is to consume more of the same energy they fell to. It is usually rare a Darhkien ever lives long enough to become an issue to Brahkos. They are often killed off quickly or banished to the Wastelands outside the cities where they can’t feed except on each other. Usually, Ostarius has the Darhkien under control, but after he turned Dormant the situation escalated immensely. The Darhkien are evolving quickly, becoming more powerful, and more Brahkien 7 turning into Darhkien.

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More images of the printed models will be continually uploaded during the campaign.

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Stretch Goals:

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Die Kampagne ist bereits finanziert und läuft noch 24 Tage.

Quelle: The Dormant God – Digital Launch


Seit 2010 im Hobby. Aktuelle Projekte: Warhammer Fantasy/Old World (Imperium, Bretonen, Tiermenschen, Skaven, Gnome), Blood Bowl (Gnome, Echsenmenschen), Warcry, Summoners (Erde, Tod), Bolt Action (Briten), Herr der Ringe (Harad)

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