von BK-Thorsten | 18.10.2022 | eingestellt unter: Science-Fiction

Fallout Wasteland Warfare: Neuheiten

Modiphius haben einige Neuheiten für Fallout parat.


Fallout Wasteland Warfare Print At Home Scorched Statues Stl Fallout Wasteland Warfare Modiphius Entertainment 768743 1024x Fallout Wasteland Warfare Print At Home Scorched Statues Stl Fallout Wasteland Warfare Modiphius Entertainment 794786 1024x Fallout Wasteland Warfare Print At Home Scorched Statues Stl Fallout Wasteland Warfare Modiphius Entertainment 132131 1024x Fallout Wasteland Warfare Print At Home Scorched Statues Stl Fallout Wasteland Warfare Modiphius Entertainment 264646 1024x Fallout Wasteland Warfare Print At Home Scorched Statues Stl Fallout Wasteland Warfare Modiphius Entertainment 299396 1024x Fallout Wasteland Warfare Print At Home Scorched Statues Stl Fallout Wasteland Warfare Modiphius Entertainment 457524 1024x Fallout Wasteland Warfare Print At Home Scorched Statues Stl Fallout Wasteland Warfare Modiphius Entertainment 786766 1024x

Fallout: Wasteland Warfare – Print at Home – Scorched Statues STL – 9,46 €

The Scorched Plague was accidentally created by Enclave scientists during the Great War, and recklessly unleashed on the outside world by the mutated bats that came to be known as Scorchbeasts. Highly infectious particles fell from their wings as the terrifying creatures flew over the countryside like malignant cropdusters. The mutagenic Scorched Plague quickly spread and infected almost all life–whether animals, mutants, or humans–mutating victims into Scorched creatures who, in turn, became new vectors for the plague. 

All Scorched creatures lose their will to a hive mind that drives them to attack and spread the mutagen to any life that is not already infected. But it’s only in humans that the infection ultimately develops into a strange immobile state as they slowly petrify from within. Scorched humans become statues of ash, crystalline veins, and growths of radioactive green ultracite. Even in this state, they can be deadly. As this final stage begins, the Scorched can still rouse themselves to action if disturbed, and even a fully petrified specimen remains dangerously radioactive. There’s often no way to tell the two types apart so, unless you absolutely need to go near a Scorched statue, the advice is always to keep as far away as possible for your own good and the good of everyone you love!

This 3D print product lets you print five poses of petrified Scorched statues to help create immersive tabletop scenes. You could use them to add a new hazard or dangerous objective markers to your games of Fallout: Wasteland Warfare.

Files have been pre-hollowed where possible, and all files include supported versions for easier printing.


  • Statue 1
  • Statue 2
  • Statue 3
  • Statue 4
  • Statue 5

Please note: this is an STL ONLY for 3D printing and not the physical product. Requires a 3D printer and knowledge of 3D printing to use.

Fallout Wasteland Warfare Survivors Ghoul Settlers 01 Fallout Wasteland Warfare Survivors Ghoul Settlers 02 Fallout Wasteland Warfare Survivors Ghoul Settlers 03 Fallout Wasteland Warfare Survivors Ghoul Settlers 04 Fallout Wasteland Warfare Survivors Ghoul Settlers 05 Fallout Wasteland Warfare Survivors Ghoul Settlers 06 Fallout Wasteland Warfare Survivors Ghoul Settlers 07 Fallout Wasteland Warfare Survivors Ghoul Settlers 08 Fallout Wasteland Warfare Survivors Ghoul Settlers 09

Fallout: Wasteland Warfare: – Survivors: Ghoul Settlers (The Slog) – 50,86 €

This set is part of the FORGED IN THE FIRE wave for Fallout: Wasteland Warfare!

The irradiated ghouls are a horrific sight, but they are not monsters. Wasteland dwellers frequently hunt them, fearing their hideous visage. Wiseman created The Slog as a haven for persecuted ghouls. Jones, Holly, Deirdre, and Arten Glass are inhabitants of this haven, ghouls living free lives among the tarberries grown there.

This set presents a new Survivor subfaction of outcast ghouls who are trying to change the way other Wastelanders think of them. Look out for other miniatures sets in the Forged in the Fire wave!


  • 1x Arten Glass
  • 1x Deirdre
  • 1x Ghoul Survivor
  • 1x Holly
  • 1x Jones
  • 1x Wiseman
  • 6x Scenic Bases

This Fallout: Wasteland Warfare set contains six 32mm scale high-quality multi-part resin miniatures with scenic bases. Requires some assembly. Supplied unpainted.

This model can be used with either the rules from the Forged in the Fire Rules Expansion (expected in November 2022) or the free digital cards available from modiphius.net/pages/fallout-downloads

Fallout Wasteland Warfare Raiders The Forged 01 Fallout Wasteland Warfare Raiders The Forged 02 Fallout Wasteland Warfare Raiders The Forged 03 Fallout Wasteland Warfare Raiders The Forged 04 Fallout Wasteland Warfare Raiders The Forged 05 Fallout Wasteland Warfare Raiders The Forged 06 Fallout Wasteland Warfare Raiders The Forged 07 Fallout Wasteland Warfare Raiders The Forged 08 Fallout Wasteland Warfare Raiders The Forged 09

Fallout: Wasteland Warfare – Raiders: The Forged – 50,86 €

This set is part of the FORGED IN THE FIRE wave for Fallout: Wasteland Warfare!

The Forged are a cruel, sadistic raider gang, smelted in the fires of their Saugus Ironworks base. They are famed for the savagery of their initiation rituals for new members, instituted by their barely sane leader Slag. The Forged claim ownership over smaller raider gangs, one of which is led by Bedlam, Slag’s psychotic lieutenant. The gang is feared above all else for their uncompromising brutality.

This set presents a new Raider subfaction of pyromaniacal killers who will not tolerate weakness. Look out for other miniatures sets in the Forged in the Fire wave!


  • 1x Slag
  • 2x Forged Male ( with head and weapon options)
  • 2x Forged Female (with head and weapon options)
  • 1x Bedlam

This Fallout: Wasteland Warfare set contains six 32mm scale high-quality multi-part resin miniatures with scenic bases. Requires some assembly. Supplied unpainted.

This model can be used with either the rules from the Forged in the Fire Rules Expansion (expected November 2022) or the free digital cards available from modiphius.net/pages/fallout-downloads

Fallout Wasteland Warfare Accessories Homestead Rules Expansion Pdf 01 Fallout Wasteland Warfare Accessories Homestead Rules Expansion Pdf 02 Fallout Wasteland Warfare Accessories Homestead Rules Expansion Pdf 03 Fallout Wasteland Warfare Accessories Homestead Rules Expansion Pdf 04 Fallout Wasteland Warfare Accessories Homestead Rules Expansion Pdf 05

Fallout: Wasteland Warfare – Accessories: Homestead Rules Expansion PDF – 14,19 €

The Wasteland is rife with many dangers for the unwary, and few of those that travel through its deadly expanse tend to stray far from the nearest shelter. For though the great cities of the United States now lie in ruin, there are numerous settlements scattered throughout the Wasteland, built upon the ashes of what once stood before.

Those that dwell within such structures rely upon the remnants of old buildings and what scraps they can find to construct defenses against the Wasteland’s predators. Such places are also dependent on supplies of food and water, for the greater the number of people within a settlement, the greater the demand for resources. Though there is safety in numbers, the settlements within the Wasteland make tempting targets for those looking for a haven of their own.

Homestead is an expansion to the Fallout Wasteland Warfare Settlement mode and allows players to fully map out their base of operations within the Wasteland. Set up your starting Settlement and expand upon it by constructing new buildings and defenses. As your Settlement develops, you’ll need to manage the resources that you have available to provide water and power to the structures within.

Within this digital packet, you’ll find new Explore and Event cards with a theme of protecting your Settlement and focus on making it grow and thrive within a hostile Wasteland. The expansion also includes a Survival mode that allows players to create a roster of units representing the inhabitants of their Settlement. In Survival mode, the damage the units take is carried over from one game to the next, along with new rules for determining the fate of your units that are injured in battle.

In addition, Homestead includes a new scenario for defending your Settlement against attacks from enemy factions as well as new rules for recording damage and repairs to the Settlement’s buildings and Defenses.

This digital expansion includes:

  • A 34-page PDF booklet with the rules needed to add the Homestead Expansion into the Settlement Mode of Fallout: Wasteland Warfare
  • New scenarios for fighting battles within your own Wasteland Settlement
  • Rules for the Settlement Survival Mode
  • 79 new printable cards for the Settlement mode expansion
  • A Survival Mode Roster
  • A Settlement Layout Grid

Fallout Wasteland Warfare Survivors Jake Finch Promo 01 Fallout Wasteland Warfare Survivors Jake Finch Promo 02 Fallout Wasteland Warfare Survivors Jake Finch Promo 03

Fallout: Wasteland Warfare – Survivors: Jake Finch (Promo) – 17,74 €

This mini is part of the FORGED IN THE FIRE wave for Fallout: Wasteland Warfare!

We often do rash things to protect those we love, and sometimes, those actions come back to bite us. For Jake Finch, a young farmer who stole his family’s heirloom Shishkebab as an offering to a gang of pyrophile raiders, The Forged, this realisation is starting to hit home. He was hoping that they would take the gift and leave, not take it and try to induct him into their ranks! Now, in over his head, he has a very important decision to make.

This set presents Jake Finch, caught between his family and the raiders known as The Forged. Look out for other miniatures sets in the Forged in the Fire wave!


  • 1x Jake Finch
  • 1x Scenic Base

This Fallout: Wasteland Warfare set contains one 32mm scale high-quality multi-part resin miniature with scenic base. Requires some assembly. Supplied unpainted.

This model can be used with either the rules from the Forged in the Fire Rules Expansion (expected November 2022) or the free digital cards available from modiphius.net/pages/fallout-downloads

Quelle: Modiphius


Brückenkopf-Online Redakteur und Tabletop Insider stv. Chefredakteur. Spielt Infinity, SAGA, Freebooter's Fate, Kings of War, Warhammer 40k, Warzone Resurrection, Dropzone Commander, Deadzone, Dreadball, X-Wing, Konflikt '47, Bolt Action, Dead Man's Hand, Dracula's America, Beyond the Gates of Antares, Dropfleet Commander, Frostgrave, Collision, Bushido, Shadespire, Aristeia! und Warpath.

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  • Dieser Jake Finch hat aber eine merkwürdige Körperhaltung. Als hätte man den falschen Oberkörper auf die rennenden Beine geklebt…

    • Es ist zwar zuletzt oft besser geworden, aber Modiphius haben leider immer wieder komische Posen.
      Sieht oft steif und seltsam aus, aber wenn es mit einer dynamischen Teilpose wie hier kombiniert wird, springt es noch mehr ins Auge.

    • Fand ich auch schon immer komisch bei Modiphius. Die Designs sind ja gut, aber die Posen oftmals merkwürdig.

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