von BK-Christian | 11.07.2022 | eingestellt unter: Postapokalypse

Fallout Wasteland Warfare: Neuheiten

Modiphius veröffentlichen diverse Neuheiten für Fallout.

MP Fallout Wasteland Warfare Robots Mister Handy Pack 1 MP Fallout Wasteland Warfare Robots Mister Handy Pack 2 MP Fallout Wasteland Warfare Robots Mister Handy Pack 3 MP Fallout Wasteland Warfare Robots Mister Handy Pack 4

Fallout: Wasteland Warfare – Robots: Mister Handy Pack – €28,91

The new Commonwealth wave of miniatures and rules expansion for Fallout: Wasteland Warfare has arrived!

Mister Handy are rugged, reliable robots designed pre-war. Many of them can be found in the Commonwealth, some serving as companions, others serving as threats for any who should come across them. The Mr Handy robot serves as a base for a variety of others, the militaristic Mr. Gutsy and the ever-caring Miss Nanny, all of which roam the wastes in varying states of repair.

The Mister Handy pack includes three Mister Handy chassis models with optional attachments.Look out for other miniatures sets in the Commonwealth wave!


  • 1x Mr Handy
  • 1x Miss Nanny
  • 1x Mr Gutsy
  • 6x optional arms
  • 3x scenic bases

This Fallout: Wasteland Warfare set contains three 32mm scale high-quality multi-part resin miniatures with scenic bases. Requires some assembly. Supplied unpainted. These models can be used with either the rules from the Commonwealth Expansion or the free digital cards available from modiphius.net/pages/fallout-downloads

MP Fallout Wasteland Warfare Super Mutants Swan 1 MP Fallout Wasteland Warfare Super Mutants Swan 2 MP Fallout Wasteland Warfare Super Mutants Swan 3 MP Fallout Wasteland Warfare Super Mutants Swan 4

Fallout: Wasteland Warfare – Super Mutants: Swan – €72,27

The new Commonwealth wave of miniatures and rules expansion for Fallout: Wasteland Warfare has arrived!

Infected with the Forced Evolutionary Virus, Edgar Swann took up residence in the groundskeepers shack of a long abandoned park. Here, he slowly succumbed to the FEV, twisting and growing into the now nightmarish behemoth, Swan. Swan is a horrifying beast, and travellers unfortunate enough to stumble into Swan’s Pond may never know about him, until it is far too late.

This pack includes the towering Super Mutant Swan who will loom over other models at a height of 90mm! Look out for other miniatures sets in the Commonwealth wave!


  • 1x Swan
  • 1x scenic base

This Fallout: Wasteland Warfare set contains one 32mm scale high-quality multi-part resin miniatures with scenic bases. Requires some assembly. Supplied unpainted. These models can be used with either the rules from the Commonwealth Expansion or the free digital cards available from modiphius.net/pages/fallout-downloads

MP Fallout Wasteland Warfare Into The Vault PDF 1 MP Fallout Wasteland Warfare Into The Vault PDF 2 MP Fallout Wasteland Warfare Into The Vault PDF 3 MP Fallout Wasteland Warfare Into The Vault PDF 4

Fallout: Wasteland Warfare – Into the Vault – PDF – €18,07

Project Safehouse, Vault-Tec’s programme of huge underground bunkers, was on paper a scheme to protect and preserve America and its citizens were global nuclear war ever to break out. However, a dark secret lay behind the development. Most Vaults held deeper, sinister purposes with twisted science being performed on the unwilling inhabitants who had made it to the various shelters as the bombs fell October 23, 2077.

Now these Vaults lay scattered across the Wasteland, some open to the brave or foolish adventurer who would plumb their depths, others sealed tight awaiting some unknown signal to roll back the doors and reveal the horrors within.

Into the Vault is a digital expansion for Fallout: Wasteland Warfare that provides players with new rules to venture into the darkness of the Wasteland’s underground Vaults. Enter a new arena of perils and challenges to fight battles in close confines and narrow passageways.

The Into the Vault PDF expansion features new scenarios and printable cards that allow players to generate corridors and intersections of an underground battlefield. It also allows players to generate random encounters with enemies as they explore each section of the Vault.

This PDF expansion includes:

  • A 22-page digital booklet with all the new rules needed to play the Into the Vault expansion.
  • 38 printable PDF cards representing different sections of the Vault.
  • New rules and scenarios for fighting battles within underground environments.
  • Rules for generating random encounters with enemies.

MP Fallout Wasteland Warfare Print At Home Toys And Bobbleheads STL 1 MP Fallout Wasteland Warfare Print At Home Toys And Bobbleheads STL 2 MP Fallout Wasteland Warfare Print At Home Toys And Bobbleheads STL 3

Fallout: Wasteland Warfare – Print at Home – Toys and Bobbleheads STL – €12,05

The Vault-Tec Corporation was responsible for many wondrous technological and scientific achievements. The Vaults themselves are astonishing, but you sometimes hear strange stories coming out of the Wasteland about bizarre side effects from their products and tech. For example, I’ve heard it said that even their Vault Boy bobbleheads could impart some miraculous personal boost, but only rare individuals seem to benefit. It’s probably all nonsense, just one more tall tale coming out of the big pile of crazy that is the Wasteland, but it’s certainly not the wildest story that folks tell about Vault-Tec, that’s for sure!

If you spend any time in the Wasteland you might discover some of those old Vaults and countless abandoned homes filled with memories and junk. Some of that junk might be nice as poignant reminders of happier times, but mostly it’s just good for scrap. It’s testament to the prewar corporations that they could build products so durable that even childrens’ toys survive almost 200 years later. If they’re that tough, you can definitely find a use for rockets, racecars, and robot horses! Once I collect enough, I’ve got plans to make an armoured coat out of toy parts – I’ll be indestructible!

This 3D print product lets you print multiple pieces of scatter to help create immersive tabletop scenes. They could also be used as objective markers or loot. These items are ubiquitous across the wasteland and could be found anywhere! All bobbleheads come in two versions – one with the Vault 76 logo, the other with the Vault 111 logo.

Files have been pre-hollowed where possible, and all files include supported versions for easier printing.


  • Toy Alien
  • Toy Buttercup [combined]
  • Toy Buttercup [separate body/legs]
  • Toy Cat
  • Toy Clown
  • Toy Doll
  • Toy Sloth
  • Toy Stash Container
  • Toy Teddybear
  • Toy Car
  • Toy Rocket
  • Toy Truck 1
  • Toy Truck 2
  • Bobblehead Agility
  • Bobblehead Barter
  • Bobblehead Big Guns
  • Bobblehead Charisma
  • Bobblehead Endurance
  • Bobblehead Energy Weapons
  • Bobblehead Explosives
  • Bobblehead Intelligence
  • Bobblehead Lockpicking
  • Bobblehead Luck
  • Bobblehead Medicine
  • Bobblehead Melee
  • Bobblehead Perception
  • Bobblehead Repair
  • Bobblehead Science
  • Bobblehead Small Guns
  • Bobblehead Sneak
  • Bobblehead Speech
  • Bobblehead Strength
  • Bobblehead Unarmed

Please note: this is an STL ONLY for 3D printing and not the physical product. Requires a 3D printer and knowledge of 3D printing to use.

Technical Notes

  • The files have been designed and split to fit within a minimum print bed of 120x60x150mm.
  • The files are designed for 32mm scale miniatures.
  • These are high quality 3D print production files intended for resin printing. They may work on filament printers, but we do not support that printing method as standard.
  • STLs are provided in both pre-supported and unsupported forms. We suggest you download the free sampler pack to familiarize yourself with our formats and check compatibility with your printer(s).
  • We suggest a printer such as the Photon 4K or Elegoo Mars as being compatible with the files.

Quelle: Modiphius


Chefredakteur und Betreiber von Brückenkopf-Online. Partner und Spieldesigner bei NeverRealm Industry. Seit 2002 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop Warhammer Fantasy (Dunkelelfen). Aktuelle Projekte: Summoners (alle Fraktionen), Deathmatch, Deadzone/Firefight (Asterianer und Enforcer), diverse Raumschiffe und allerlei Mechs.

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    • Ja, absolut, aber leider auch sehr teuer. 🙁
      Die Vault-Expansion klingt auch spannend, mit Regeln zur Erforschung von Vaults und random Encountern. Die Spielzeug-Dateien sind auch klasse, die Umsetzung von Modiphius ist einfach sehr detailverliebt! 🙂

  • Klar, der Preis ist echt ne Hausnummer. Ich hab damals bei Mutant Behemont echt lange überlegt, ob mir eine einzelne Figur das wert ist.
    Dann hab ich die Qualität gesehen. Danach war auch der Drache für Eldar Scrolls (doppelt so teuer) definitiv ein Pflichtkauf.

  • Der gute alte Swan… Immerhin 90 mm groß. Schon ein ironischer Charakter, aber ich wäre echt neugierig ob der irgendwie spielbar ist…

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