von BK-Thorsten | 21.11.2022 | eingestellt unter: Science-Fiction

Fallout Wasteland Warfare: Neuheiten

Es gibt mal wieder etwas neues in der radioaktiv verseuchten Einöde von Fallout.

Fallout Wasteland Warfare Creatures Stingwings 01 Fallout Wasteland Warfare Creatures Stingwings 02 Fallout Wasteland Warfare Creatures Stingwings 03 Fallout Wasteland Warfare Creatures Stingwings 04 Fallout Wasteland Warfare Creatures Stingwings 05 Fallout Wasteland Warfare Creatures Stingwings 06

Fallout: Wasteland Warfare – Creatures: Stingwings – 37,51 €

This set is part of the FORGED IN THE FIRE wave for Fallout: Wasteland Warfare!

Stingwings are giant, mutated flies, born of the Great War. They are distant cousins to the modern scorpionfly, but much larger, with a vicious sting in their tail. They are relatively fragile, but tend to travel in swarms which can be more than a match for even well armed parties. These beasts are even deadlier when defending their nests, when they exhibit a terrifying level of ferocity.

Look out for the other miniature sets in the Forged in the Fire wave!


  • x1 Glowing Stingwing,
  • x2 Stingwings

This Fallout: Wasteland Warfare set contains three 32mm scale high-quality multi-part resin miniatures with scenic bases. Requires some assembly. Supplied unpainted.

These models can be used with either the rules from the Forged in the Fire Rulebook or the free digital cards available from modiphius.net/pages/fallout-downloads

©2022 Bethesda Softworks, a ZeniMax Media company. All Rights Reserved

Fallout Wasteland Warfare Creatures Blood Bugs 01 Fallout Wasteland Warfare Creatures Blood Bugs 02 Fallout Wasteland Warfare Creatures Blood Bugs 03 Fallout Wasteland Warfare Creatures Blood Bugs 04 Fallout Wasteland Warfare Creatures Blood Bugs 05 Fallout Wasteland Warfare Creatures Blood Bugs 06

Fallout: Wasteland Warfare – Creatures: Blood Bugs – 37,51 €

This set is part of the FORGED IN THE FIRE wave for Fallout: Wasteland Warfare!

Mosquitos were always a threat to humanity, but following the Great War, the mosquitos in the Massachusetts swamps mutated into Bloodbugs the size of a dog, with a viciousness born of blood hunger. These terrifying predators inflict a truly horrifying death on those they attack. Swarms of these creatures litter the Commonwealth, lurking, waiting for their chance to drain their prey dry.

Look out for other miniature sets in the Forged in the Fire wave!


  • x3 Bloodbugs

This Fallout: Wasteland Warfare set contains three 32mm scale high-quality multi-part resin miniatures with scenic bases. Requires some assembly. Supplied unpainted.

These models can be used with either the rules from the Forged in the Fire Rulebook or the free digital cards available from modiphius.net/pages/fallout-downloads

©2022 Bethesda Softworks, a ZeniMax Media company. All Rights Reserved

Fallout Wasteland Warfare Print At Home Red Rocket Drive Thru 01 Fallout Wasteland Warfare Print At Home Red Rocket Drive Thru 02 Fallout Wasteland Warfare Print At Home Red Rocket Drive Thru 03 Fallout Wasteland Warfare Print At Home Red Rocket Drive Thru 04 Fallout Wasteland Warfare Print At Home Red Rocket Drive Thru 05 Fallout Wasteland Warfare Print At Home Red Rocket Drive Thru 06 Fallout Wasteland Warfare Print At Home Red Rocket Drive Thru 07

Fallout: Wasteland Warfare – Print at Home – Red Rocket Drive Thru – 17,58

Red Rocket stops were an iconic feature of pre-war life in the United States, evolving from simple gas filling stations to offer a wide range of services including fusion and coolant refilling services, following the widespread adoption of these technologies in 2066.

This Drive Thru station is of a type commonly seen within the boundaries of larger towns and alongside other urban developments. However, the Red Rocket Company held a near monopoly on roadside services and became such a pervasive presence throughout the United States that their stations can be found just about anywhere in the Wasteland. Most of these smaller Drive Thru stations were designed not as rest-stops but to give drivers a no-frills refuelling and tune-up service before quickly going on their way. ‘Drive in, Fly out!’ was the company’s slogan and they really didn’t want folks to outstay their welcome. Now there are deadlier reasons not to linger. The iconic Red Rocket symbol looming over neighbouring rooftops is a rusting beacon visible for miles around, meaning that Raiders (and worse) often use them as points of navigation. There’s almost nothing there for anyone else, unless you’re fond of a bleak forecourt of derelict buildings, depleted pumps, and dilapidated signage. If you really wanted to try your luck, maybe you could scavenge something from the piles of empty coolant canisters and other refuse that litter the station. There’s certainly enough garbage here to ensure that this particular Red Rocket establishment won’t be winning one of the Red Rocket Company’s Trashbuster Awards any time soon!

This 3D print product lets you print a Red Rocket Drive Thru station and associated scatter terrain to help create immersive tabletop scenes. You could use them as the basis of your Fallout: Wasteland Warfare battlefield or as additions to the other Red Rocket STL products that are also available. The multiple pieces of scatter can be used to elevate any tabletop.

Files have been pre-hollowed where possible, and all files include supported versions for easier printing.


  • Mini Red Rocket Gas Station
  • Red Rocket Garage
  • Two forecourt canopy designs
  • Themed scatter

Please note: this is an STL ONLY for 3D printing and not the physical product. Requires a 3D printer and knowledge of 3D printing to use.

Technical Notes

  • The files have been designed and split to fit within a minimum print bed of 120x60x150mm.
  • The files are designed for 32mm scale miniatures.
  • These are high quality 3D print production files intended for resin printing. They may work on filament printers, but we do not support that printing method as standard.
  • STLs are provided in both pre-supported and unsupported forms. We suggest you download the free sampler pack to familiarize yourself with our formats and check compatibility with your printer(s).
  • We suggest a printer such as the Photon 4K or Elegoo Mars as being compatible with the files.

Legal notes

3D printable file and model ©2022 Bethesda Softworks LLC, a ZeniMax Media company. All Rights Reserved.

Please note that all content is subject to trademark ® and copyright © protection of the brand named above.

  • STL files are sold on an „as-is“ basis only, we do not accept modification requests and printing and technical support is not provided.
  • 3D Printable files have strictly non-commercial, non-distribution licenses and shall be downloaded for personal use only.
  • The customer may not share, distribute, sell, rent, sub-license, host or transfer the 3D printable file.
  • The customer may not 3D print these files for commercial or mass production purpose.
  • 3D printable files maybe downloaded for personal only and may not be used for marketing, collecting money, fees, donations, reimbursement or any purposes of remuneration: Including but not limited to selling 3D prints, posting content on Ebay, Etsy, Shapeways, Facebook, store or any other product or file sharing or distribution site or service.
  • Any violation is subject to legal enforcement of intellectual property rights to the fullest extent of the law, including criminal prosecution.

Fallout Wasteland Warfare Into The Wasteland 01 Fallout Wasteland Warfare Into The Wasteland 02 Fallout Wasteland Warfare Into The Wasteland 03 Fallout Wasteland Warfare Into The Wasteland 04 Fallout Wasteland Warfare Into The Wasteland 05 Fallout Wasteland Warfare Into The Wasteland 06 Fallout Wasteland Warfare Into The Wasteland 07 Fallout Wasteland Warfare Into The Wasteland 08 Fallout Wasteland Warfare Into The Wasteland 09

Fallout: Wasteland Warfare – Into the Wasteland – 29,30 €

Please note, this print purchase does not include a free PDF. However, the PDF is available separately here.

The Wasteland is alive and in constant flux. Creatures pass through, settlers come and go, items become buried while the winds blow away the dust revealing that which was once lost. Into the Wasteland allows you to take your force out into the wilds of the Wasteland to explore and survive.

Into the Wasteland is an expansion for Fallout: Wasteland Warfare that provides players with new rules to really explore the wasteland. Generate new scenarios and discover new habitats and encounter new threats in your quest to make the post-war world your own.

The Into the Wasteland expansion features new scenarios and cards that allow players to discover new battlefield areas. It also allows players to generate random encounters with enemies as they explore the wasteland.

This expansion includes:

  • A 24-page booklet with the rules needed to play the Into the Wasteland expansion.
  • 112 cards including: 25 weapon cards, 3 mod cards, 17 unit cards, 21 AI cards, 8 battlefield cards, 12 environment cards, 10 player purpose cards, 13 natural behaviour cards, and 3 reference cards.
  • Create new areas to scavenge and explore with the Wasteland Scenarios rules.
  • New AI rules for creatures and areas make the wasteland come alive with the Habitat rules.
  • Fight legendary creatures and new threats with all new cards and the To The Rescue mini-campaign.

©2022 Bethesda Softworks, a ZeniMax Media company. All Rights Reserved.

Fallout Wasteland Warfare Accessories Forged In The Fire Rules Expansion 01 Fallout Wasteland Warfare Accessories Forged In The Fire Rules Expansion 02 Fallout Wasteland Warfare Accessories Forged In The Fire Rules Expansion 03 Fallout Wasteland Warfare Accessories Forged In The Fire Rules Expansion 04 Fallout Wasteland Warfare Accessories Forged In The Fire Rules Expansion 05 Fallout Wasteland Warfare Accessories Forged In The Fire Rules Expansion 06

Fallout: Wasteland Warfare – Accessories: Forged in the Fire Rules Expansion – 35,16 €

Will you suffer, or will you be Forged in the Fire?

Forged in the Fire is an expansion for Fallout: Wasteland Warfare that builds on the content explored in the previous Commonwealth Expansion. Featuring rules for new Creatures as well as sub-factions for both Raiders and Survivors. Never to be left out, the Super-Mutants also get to unleash one of their most disturbing allies.

The various winged horrors of the Commonwealth arrive, Bloatflies, Bloodbugs and Stingwings, vicious insectoid predators more than capable of harrying even the most seasoned survivor. Whilst the more peaceful Radstags roam the open plains, avoiding danger where possible and defending themselves when provoked.

Along the edge of the Saugus River, the Ghouls of The Slog bring a new set of tools to the Suvivor faction. Resilient to a degree most Survivors can only dream of and able to withstand Radiation, they make a welcome addition to any budding settlement. Whilst further south, the violent Forged bring a host of fire-based weapons to bear against those too weak to stop them. Raiders with a focus on setting fire to their foes, they offer a huge degree of specialisation that can rapidly set any opposing force ablaze!

Finally, the Super Mutants release one of the most bizarre and hideous creatures the Wasteland has ever seen, the Centaur. Astoundingly resilient and disturbingly quiet, these beasts bring a new kind of horror to the Super Mutant Faction.

This expansion contains 259 punch-out cards, painting guides and region rules. You’ll also find tactical advice for the new sub-factions introduced in this expansion, and a set of brand-new scenarios to see what they can do on the battlefield.


  • A booklet containing rules for expanding your options on the battlefield.
  • 259 new cards: 19 Unit and 20 AI cards 26 Weapon cards 3 Item cards 11 Perk cards 48 Explore cards 21 Event cards 36 Danger cards 13 Stranger cards 14 Creature cards 43 Quest cards 4 Leader cards 1 Reference card
  • 5 new scenarios Faction rules and strategy guides for the 2 new Sub-Factions – The Slog and The Forged. Unit rules for Ghouls.

Access to the rules, dice, and material found in the Fallout: Wasteland Warfare Two-Player Starter Set is necessary to make full use of this expansion.

©2022 Bethesda Softworks, a ZeniMax Media company. All Rights Reserved.

Quelle: Modiphius


Brückenkopf-Online Redakteur und Tabletop Insider stv. Chefredakteur. Spielt Infinity, SAGA, Freebooter's Fate, Kings of War, Warhammer 40k, Warzone Resurrection, Dropzone Commander, Deadzone, Dreadball, X-Wing, Konflikt '47, Bolt Action, Dead Man's Hand, Dracula's America, Beyond the Gates of Antares, Dropfleet Commander, Frostgrave, Collision, Bushido, Shadespire, Aristeia! und Warpath.

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  • 3 Käfer für 37.50€…… haben die eine Animatronik mit verbaut das der Preis so eskaliert ist? Ich habe viel von den Fallout Minis wenngleich ich sie mit den TNT Regeln spiele, aber da werde ich wohl klar passen.

  • Das sind echte Mücken, welche mit Nukularen Material von Modiphius herangezüchtet wurden. Das rechtfertigt dann schon den Preis. Du musst dieses nukulare Zeugs ja auch erst mal auf dem Schwarzmarkt beschaffen.
    Was ein mega Gimmick ist, fehlt aber in der Beschreibung von Modiphius, wenn du von so einem Moskito gestochen wirst, hast du eine 26,4% Wahrscheinlichkeit zu Moskitoman zu mutieren. Du kannst dann zwar keine Spinnweben durch deine Arme schießen, aber du kannst deine Zunge als Strohhalm benutzen.

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