Empress Miniatures: Highland Vickers Team (NSFW)
Empress Miniatures präsentieren ihr neues „Highland Vickers Team“ auf Facebook.
BE AWARE THIS POST CONTAINS GRAPHIC IMAGES OF A MANS PENIS. I wonder if the post will get taken down????We have a number of new releases in the next few days and even more after the Christmas holidays. These releases are designed to fill a few holes in different ranges and cover Jazz Age, WW1, Western Gunfight and Indian Mutiny. All 28mm before you ask.Todays release has been on the to do list for a long time and as I am in tidy up mode was the first to get sorted. I can finally finish my Scots Interwar unit now.The Vickers team is in the act of refilling the condenser tin in order to cool the weapon down and stop it jamming. Hollywood usually show troops urinating over the jacket which does help a little but it was far more effective to urinate into the tin using the funnel provide. There were a lot of cases of the tin being filled in WW1 from the latrines in the front line trenches. These chaps are in action keeping the Afghan heads down on the North West Frontier and using the best method available to cool the weapon down.
Preis: 8.00 GBP
Quelle: Empress Miniatures auf Facebook
Link: Empress Miniatures
Wieder was gelernt!
Wenn ich auf NSFW klickte möchte ich große Brüste und pralle Hintern sehen.
Das hier ist einfach nur falsch!
falsch… und verstörend
Mag sein das man das früher so gemacht hat, finde es unnötig dafür eine Miniatur zu haben.
Bonuspunkte für den, der als erstes einen Messigdraht zur Verdeutlichung einbaut