von BK-Christian | 16.06.2022 | eingestellt unter: Fantasy

Eldfall Chronicles: Produktionsupdate

Bei Eldfall Chronicles geht es voran.

Hello fellow adventurers!

While some of you have been keeping us warm company through Facebook the and discord communities (https://discord.gg/cVPWDEQZUd), we have to check in on Kickstarter as well, don’t we? 🙂

The past two months have been very exciting, but time-consuming as well. In short, a lot has been going on lately. 🙂

Today, I’d like to tell you a bit about the highlights.

Among many adventures, the ones that really stand out are the following; we have been to our first convention! We have received the production sample! And the one you are most likely wanting to hear about the most – the manufacturing!

Let’s start with the last one, as I imagine that it spikes the most interest…


To put it plainly, Eldfall Chronicles 1stedition is being manufactured! The resin is being injected into molds, and minis are casting nicely. We plan to have the games manufactured by the end of July!

In fact, there is a whole story behind this… Remember how we said during the campaign that the minis will be cast in resin, which as a material yields the finest details, but is more fragile than plastics like PVC and HIPS? That’s all true! However, as EC minis are rather complex and have extremely fine details, the normal resin proved perhaps a bit too fragile, or rather, our manufacturers thought they can do better. So, they decided to go so far as to make a new step in the research of new materials and came up with what we now refer to as Unicool Resin. What is so special about this resin is, that it is in durability more similar to HIPS, while it captures the maximum level of details just like any other resin does! Best of both worlds, to put it simply. Have a look at the Colossus video example down below.

As you can see, when I bend the sword, it doesn’t break easily, while it also springs back to its original shape.

To test it further and to see how it interacts with acrylic paint, I painted the staff of the Expeditionary Hierophant (a -normally- fragile, thin part) and kept bending it for a period of several days. The paint didn’t crack and the staff retained its shape. Additionally, if anything would be bent, it can easily be straightened by just submerging the part in warm water for a couple of seconds.

While we were very anxious about the cast minis, or rather, how the material will hold, I can now say that it looks and feels amazing!


As briefly mentioned above, a few weeks ago, we have also received a sample of cast minis, the scenery, and more…

EC Eldfall Chronicles Produktionsupdate 1

Production sample miniature

The journey of the sample from Shenzhen to Slovenia could almost be called an Odyssey. It took more than a month for us to receive it (even though it was sent via the fastest option), due to someone at the Slovenian or European customs not being convinced that the sample is in fact a sample, due to which it was returned to the sender, and then shipped again, encountering the same problem, and then shipped yet again, this time from Hong Kong, using a different provider… and then it finally arrived… and it arrived in a pretty banged up state, the exterior cardboard box duct-taped a dozen of times. But luckily, the game was unharmed! In the end, the only thing that bothered me was, that the entire DHL and customs staff apparently saw the sample’s contents before us. :’D

Anyways, this created a bit of a void, when we had to wait for it to analyze it in person.

About the sample itself… We had to change, or rather optimize, a few dimensions of the packaging, namely the Faction Boxes, in order to house the contents more safely, but other than that, everything looks fantastic! Stay tuned for some pics, and please remind us to share more in the upcoming days! (We can easily get lost in the creative part of the work…) Of course, the minis are amazing and all that, but personally, I really like how Scheme and Upgrade cards came out! (Suddenly it feels like it was totally worth illustrating more than 80 unique artworks hahaha)

EC Eldfall Chronicles Produktionsupdate 2

Upgrade and Scheme cards add-on production sample

EC Eldfall Chronicles Produktionsupdate 3

An example of unassembled miniatures

EC Eldfall Chronicles Produktionsupdate 4

Scenery made from dense cardboard

And finally,

The Convention

Due to covid prevention policies, we, unfortunately, weren’t able to interact much with communities outside the internet. A few weeks ago, however, we were able to attend our first live convention -NMN 2022 (the biggest Slovene fantasy and sci-fi convention)!

EC Eldfall Chronicles Produktionsupdate 5

Production sample that was on display at the convention

We had an amazing time and it was super exciting to interact with the crowd interested in the game and showcase our content, creatives, and everything in between. It was also a great pleasure to meet a few of our backers in person!!! Thank you guys so much for coming!

EC Eldfall Chronicles Produktionsupdate 6

Our first official convention we attended in Slovenia, our home country (it’s called Na Meji Nevidnega -„On the Border od the Unseen“)

Hopefully, we can start attending the bigger conventions now too! 😀

Thank you, fellow adventurers, for reading this update!

A lot has happened in two short months, so I may have forgotten something, but these are 3 highlights that occurred during this time.

I hope you are as excited as we are about the new materials, and we hope to meet you too at some convention in the future.

Let us know your thoughts and what you think of the sample down below!



Chefredakteur und Betreiber von Brückenkopf-Online. Partner und Spieldesigner bei NeverRealm Industry. Seit 2002 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop Warhammer Fantasy (Dunkelelfen). Aktuelle Projekte: Summoners (alle Fraktionen), Deathmatch, Deadzone/Firefight (Asterianer und Enforcer), diverse Raumschiffe und allerlei Mechs.

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  • Ich freue mich sooo sehr auf die Auslieferung des Kickstarters. Das wird nicht nur alles sehr hübsch, sondern auch noch abgesichert durch ein tolles Regelsystem mit spannenden Missionen/Quests.

    Wenn die Minis wirklich das halten, was man bisher aus den Produktions-Updates sieht, dann wird das ein absolut großartiges System.

  • Sind schon schick.

    Leider ist die einzige Figur die mich interessiert KS Exklusiv und nur im teuersten Pack enthalten.

    • Meinst du Collossus (V1) (die „weibliche“ Variante)?

      Die gibt es bereits im Adventurer’s Pledge für 119€. Da brauchst du den Warlord’s Pledge nicht unbedingt. Und man bekommt echt eine Menge Zeug dafür und hat ein vollwertiges Spiel. Könnte sich durchaus lohnen.

      • Ah gar nicht gesehen.

        Ist aber für ein Spiel das ich nie spielen werde immer noch zu viel.

        Das System hat hier bei uns in keiner meiner Spielgruppen auch nur für eine gehobene Augenbraue gesorgt.

        Und auch wenn ich das Regelwerk interessant finde muss ich auch sagen das mich das Spiel nicht reizt.

      • Ist ja kein Problem. Wollte dich bloß darauf aufmerksam machen.

        Dennoch kann ich auch das Antesten des Spiels wärmstens empfehlen, auch wenn ich verstehen kann das „ein weiteres Spiel“ es immer erst einmal schwer hat. 😉

  • Habe den Kickstarter nicht mitgemacht, aber vielleicht findet es irgendwann mal seinen Weg zu mir. Ich finde das Card Board Terrain sehr interessant, weil ich total unmotiviert bin was Gelände basteln angeht. Aber das „ein weiteres Spiel“ Problem kenne ich sehr gut.

  • Die Figuren, Stil und das gameplay hat mir nicht so gefallen deswegen hab ich da nicht mitgemacht beim KS, aber trotzdem schön zu sehen das es so gut voranzugehen scheint, freut mich für die backer

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