von BK-Christian | 25.03.2022 | eingestellt unter: Dystopian Wars

Dystopian Wars: Neue Flotten

WarCradle haben neue Flotten für Dystopian Wars vorgestellt.

Dystopian Wars

The Sultanate joins the fray as the Anatolia Battlefleet Set is ready to set sail with their enriched knowledge unlocked by the New Learning.

Almost as large as the Ice Maiden itself, the gigantic Murmansk Mobile Stronghold breaks the surface of the water and emerges in all its glory to repair any Commonwealth vessels.

With these two huge releases the Union are forced to deploy additional reinforcements in the form of the Union Support Squadrons.

Anatolia Battlefleet Set

Once assumed to be at the brink of collapse due to their idleness, the Sultanate can no longer ignore the pressures of foreign enemies and has launched their first fleet to the seas of Dystopian Wars with the Anatolia Battlefleet Set.

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Designed to replace the bulky and antiquated Fettah class battleships, the Anatolia Heavy Battlecruiser has proven to be a much leaner and more advanced vessel. The combination of manoeuvrability, firepower and armour is considered, by the Sultanate Military, to be unmatched by the other Great Powers.

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One of the oldest flagship classes still in service to the Sublime Porte, the Hurrem Grand Cruiser is a beloved command for many seasoned Captains. Refitted and modernised with the latest weapons and magnetic impeller propulsion, her age still shows with the lack of an Orichalcite core and her cramped confines making it difficult for her crew. Despite this she is still able to bring considerable firepower to bear against her enemies and her striking design has inspired much of the look of the modern Ottoman fleet.

Nowhere is this more clearly seen than with the Mehmed class Grand Monitor. This modern ship was intentionally designed to harken back to the venerable Hurrem class, a silhouette so distinctive that it confuses enemy analysts as to the exact size, strength and composition of Ottoman fleets. The class was named after the great Mehmed himself and Sultanate naval doctrine often sees these vessels deployed to show that the Sultan is always watching over his people. As the captains of these Grand Monitor are drawn from those most loyal to the Sublime Porte, this is not always a comforting notion to the rest of the fleet.

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The Izmir Monitor can often be seen supporting a Mehmed class, making sure that the great rivers and coastlines under the Sultans‘ protection are well defended. Assignment to an Izmir is often seen as a sideways promotion as the constant presence of a Grand Monitor can make a captain and his officers feel they have little chance to show initiative and that any orders they give their crew may be changed at a moment’s notice.

When magnetic impeller advancements were acquired by the Sublime Porte for its navy, it was the Iskandar class that first bore the fruit of the development. Quickly these cruisers

have become the mainstay in the highly mobile Sultanate armada, particularly when partnered with Pasha class vessels. These Light Cruisers are often the first to attend a conflict, they are outfitted with extensive observation systems allowing any reconnaissance to be as detailed as possible. This helps the Iskanders and flagships be in the best position to bring their formidable weapons to bear.

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Sadrazam Heavy Cruisers are the envy of the world’s navies. Advanced Sultanate engineering, the match of even the Covenant of the Enlightened, combines speed and manoeuvrability with enhanced firepower to deadly effect. Regularly fitted with particle beamers, the sight of a squadron of Sadrazams on the horizon is often enough to shake the resolve of the bravest enemy Commodore.

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Often seen as part of large battlefleets, the Temir Frigates are employed as flanking squadrons supporting Pasha or Izmir class warships. These frigates are sometimes tasked with engaging a secondary objective while the larger ships proceed with the main thrust of an attack.

This box contains:

  • 1x Anatolia Battleship
  • 2x Cruiser (can be built as either a Iskandar, Izmir, Pasha or Sadrazam Class ship. Both cruisers can also be combined to build a Hurrem Grand Cruiser or a Mehmed Grand Monitor)
  • 4x Temir Frigate

Murmansk Battlefleet Set

Rising from the depths, what at first looks like a small blot in the ocean becomes larger and larger until the massive Murmansk Mobile Stronghold breaks through the surface of the water. With a monumental crash of water the Murmansk is ready to aid any Commonwealth vessel.

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Part firebase and part repair yard, a Murmansk allows the Commonwealth to expand its theatres of operation around the globe. Utilising integrated void engine technology acquired by Helsinki Markov, the Murmansk can appear unexpectedly, rising from beneath the waves in a matter of minutes. The engineering teams aboard a Murmansk are so well drilled that they can even make emergency repairs during an engagement. Often an opponent of the Commonwealth thought a key target was critically damaged only for the brave teams aboard a nearby Murmansk to keep it in fighting condition.

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A development on the Murmansk, the Tobolsk Mobile Stronghold is often deployed in the far northern waters where it provides a tactical advantage to the Commonwealth in those isolated freezing seas. Though the void-engines still require many hours to recharge, the element of surprise makes this a uniquely viable technology for these mobile strongholds. Scores of pilots replace the engineers of the Murmansk while launch bays of Cometa fighters are installed instead of repair yards.

Despite the discombobulation brought on by the void-engine, all fighters are ready to enter the fray at a moments notice, prepared to launch a lightning offensive catching a target off guard and ill prepared.

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Volodymyr Nikonov was gifted a modified mobile stronghold by the Tsar and in gratitude he named it after his love, the Tsar’s eldest daughter, Anastasia. Based near Novo-Arkhangelsk in Alaska, this vessel is the home base for Nikonov and his Black Wolf Mercenaries. A pinnacle of the stronghold design, the Anastasia is armed with multiple Tri-Railguns, decked in generators and fitted with both repair facilities and bays of Cometa fighters. Fortunately, if you think they can help, the Black Wolf Mercenaries are available to any commodore for a price. However, you’d better hope that someone else hasn’t thought of hiring them first.

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Each Mobile Stronghold is treated as a support vessel so are never seen unaccompanied. Any manner of frontline ships will be sailing alongside but most often will be the Kutsov, the iconic ship of the White Navy seen on recruitment posters throughout the Commonwealth.

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This box contains:

  • 1x Mobile Stronghold (Can be built as either a Murmansk, Tobolsk, or Anastasia Class Ship)
  • 4x Frontline Cruiser (can be built as either a Kutsov, Oleg, Sineus or Norilsk Class Ship)
  • 2x Support Cruiser (can be built as either a Khatanga, Morozko or Pravda Class ship)
  • 2x Stoletov Ekranoplan
  • 8x Rurik Class Frigate
  • 4x SRS Token

Quelle: WarCradle


Chefredakteur und Betreiber von Brückenkopf-Online. Partner und Spieldesigner bei NeverRealm Industry. Seit 2002 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop Warhammer Fantasy (Dunkelelfen). Aktuelle Projekte: Summoners (alle Fraktionen), Deathmatch, Deadzone/Firefight (Asterianer und Enforcer), diverse Raumschiffe und allerlei Mechs.

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  • Die Murmansk-Werft sieht gut aus aber da kommt dann so ein verlauster Sklavenjunge angeflogen, hält rollen für einen guten Trick, fliegt links rein und zerlegt den Kahn 😛

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