von BK-Nils | 30.07.2022 | eingestellt unter: Dystopian Wars

Dystopian Wars: August Neuheiten

Im August wird die See von Dystopian Wars erneut aufgewühlt, zwei neue Flottenboxen und eine Schwadron verstärken die Konfliktparteien.

Warcradle Studios Dystopian Wars Black Wolf Battlefleet Set 1 Warcradle Studios Dystopian Wars Black Wolf Battlefleet Set 2 Warcradle Studios Dystopian Wars Black Wolf Battlefleet Set 3 Warcradle Studios Dystopian Wars Black Wolf Battlefleet Set 4

Warcradle Studios Dystopian Wars Black Wolf Battlefleet Set 5 Warcradle Studios Dystopian Wars Black Wolf Battlefleet Set 6 Warcradle Studios Dystopian Wars Black Wolf Battlefleet Set 7 Warcradle Studios Dystopian Wars Black Wolf Battlefleet Set 8

Warcradle Studios Dystopian Wars Black Wolf Battlefleet Set 9 Warcradle Studios Dystopian Wars Alliance Levant Squadrons 10 Warcradle Studios Dystopian Wars Alliance Levant Squadrons 11 Warcradle Studios Dystopian Wars Black Wolf Battlefleet Set 12

Warcradle Studios Dystopian Wars Black Wolf Battlefleet Set 13 Warcradle Studios Dystopian Wars Black Wolf Battlefleet Set 14 Warcradle Studios Dystopian Wars Black Wolf Battlefleet Set 15 Warcradle Studios Dystopian Wars Black Wolf Battlefleet Set 16

Black Wolf Battlefleet Set – 85,00 GBP

Black Wolf is the nickname of the former Russian Commonwealth submariner and Commander of the prototype Death Bringer submarine, Volodymyr Nikonov. Though he usually operates under contract to the Commonwealth he now runs a large and powerful mercenary outfit. Funded, in part, by the Tsar himself, the Black Wolf Company have a reputation for daring assaults and sudden ambushes that make them a force to be feared the world over.

Nikonov has a lifestyle and status that he believes befits him. He can see a future where he marries the Tsar’s daughter, Anastasia and claims the throne for himself. When not at court or in action Nikonov operates out of a converted gigantic Murmansk class vessel near Novo-Arkhangelsk. From this fortified harbour-ship he not only has safety but has established a planning room to help with the execution of even more daring raids for pleasure and profit. The Tsar’s favourite story features the Black Wolf in a daring exploit to sink the Union battleship Hornet and Crown carrier Wessex. This attack was all the more thrilling (when Nikonov retells it) as the commanders of the two vessels were allegedly discussing a potential alliance and that the Black Wolf had to infiltrate the heavily-guarded Thames Estuary in London in order to sink them.

In between carrying out missions for his future father-in-law, Nikonov has the latitude given to his growing fleet of submarines and assault craft to allow them to be deployed as mercenaries alongside many rival nations around the globe. Each battle adds not only to the coffers of the Black Wolf but also his prestige at court, even when to some observers such raids do little to further the Commonwealth.

The Black Wolf Battlefleet Set builds nineteen multi-part plastic and resin miniatures;

  • 1x Anastasia (can alternatively be built as a Murmansk Mobile Stronghold or Tobolsk Mobile Stronghold)
  • 1x Death Bringer (can alternatively be built as an Akula Grand Submarine)
  • 1x Akula Grand Submarine
  • 4x Khyzhak Attack submarines
  • 4x Piranya Hunter Submarines
  • 4x Khatanga Cryo Assault Cruisers (Each Cruiser can alternatively be built as either a Morosko or Pravda Class)
  • 4x Stoletov Ekranoplans
  • 4x SRS Tokens

Please Note:

  • Miniatures are supplied unpainted and unassembled.
  • Unit Cards are not included and can be found on the Dystopian Wars website.

Warcradle Studios Dystopian Wars Ragnarok Battlefleet Set 1 Warcradle Studios Dystopian Wars Ragnarok Battlefleet Set 2 Warcradle Studios Dystopian Wars Ragnarok Battlefleet Set 3 Warcradle Studios Dystopian Wars Ragnarok Battlefleet Set 4

Warcradle Studios Dystopian Wars Ragnarok Battlefleet Set 5 Warcradle Studios Dystopian Wars Ragnarok Battlefleet Set 6 Warcradle Studios Dystopian Wars Ragnarok Battlefleet Set 7 Warcradle Studios Dystopian Wars Ragnarok Battlefleet Set 8

Warcradle Studios Dystopian Wars Ragnarok Battlefleet Set 9 Warcradle Studios Dystopian Wars Ragnarok Battlefleet Set 10 Warcradle Studios Dystopian Wars Ragnarok Battlefleet Set 11 Warcradle Studios Dystopian Wars Ragnarok Battlefleet Set 12

Ragnarok Battlefleet Set – 45,00 GBP

Many Scandinavian vessels are fabricated by the Norwegian master shipbuilders at Akers Mekaniske Verksted, made possible thanks to significant Prussian investment. This modern shipyard produces especially large numbers Hoth Heavy Corvettes for use throughout the Imperium.

The Scandinavian attitude to naval warfare is epitomised by the Ragnarok. With a prow
mounted Heavy Sturmbringer, and in inbuilt Fury Generator the Ragnarok’s crew closes the distance fast to sow destruction amongst their adversaries, unleashing arcs of lightning that rip apart the target’s superstructure, rendering the stunned crew easy prey for boarding teams.

Accompanying the Ragnarok as they prowl the bitter northern seas, Odin class Reavers are often painted in dark colours by their crews, preferring to strike at dusk or at night. These are the frontline warships in the Scandinavian fleet and every sjöman will have served on one at some point in their career.

Long sharp lines distinguish the silhouette of the Jotunn Heavy Raider. This lethal warship is a prized command by Scandinavian captains, with advanced targeting systems to enable it to maximise its firepower against its target.

Gungnir Class Raiders are built around an exceptional propulsion system, the engineering behind the Gungnir is a closely guarded secret amongst the Scandinavians. Captains have standing orders to scuttle their ship rather than let it fall into enemy hands. The explosive charges throughout the engine room ensure that the advantage will remain with the northern nations.

The Ragnarok Battlefleet Set builds seven multi-part plastic and resin miniatures;

  • 1x Ragnarok Heavy Reaver
  • 2x Jotunn Assault Reaver (can alternatively be built as an Odin Reaver or a Gungnir Light Reaver)
  • 4X Hoth Heavy Corvettes

Please Note:

  • Miniatures are supplied unpainted and unassembled.
  • Unit Cards are not included and can be found on the Dystopian Wars website.

Warcradle Studios Dystopian Wars Alliance Levant Squadrons 1 Warcradle Studios Dystopian Wars Alliance Levant Squadrons 2

Warcradle Studios Dystopian Wars Alliance Levant Squadrons 3 Warcradle Studios Dystopian Wars Alliance Levant Squadrons 4 Warcradle Studios Dystopian Wars Alliance Levant Squadrons 5 Warcradle Studios Dystopian Wars Alliance Levant Squadrons 6

Warcradle Studios Dystopian Wars Alliance Levant Squadrons 7 Warcradle Studios Dystopian Wars Alliance Levant Squadrons 8 Warcradle Studios Dystopian Wars Alliance Levant Squadrons 9 Warcradle Studios Dystopian Wars Alliance Levant Squadrons 10

Warcradle Studios Dystopian Wars Alliance Levant Squadrons 11 Warcradle Studios Dystopian Wars Alliance Levant Squadrons 12 Warcradle Studios Dystopian Wars Alliance Levant Squadrons 13

Alliance Levant Squadrons – 25,00 GBP

The mainstay of the Levant style of ships is the Chasseur Levant Strike Cruiser. Their ability to soar above their enemies if need be makes them hard to precinct as does their various ways of being outfitted. Gun batteries, heat lances or force multiplying generators; even seeing a Chasseur on the horizon makes no guarantee what you might actually be facing in battle.

No captain wants to see an enemy craft soaring above them but the Furieux Levant Grand Corvette make ones blood freeze in terror. That could be the last time the crew feels cold as the Furieux releases deadly thermal cluster bombs. Even the bravest crews know to be rightfully scared if they spot a Furieux rising into the air ahead of them.

As fighter pilots rise in the ranks they may be promoted to become flight crew on a Voliere Levant Support Carrier. The launch catapults put greater strain on pilots and landing on a Levant that could be at almost any height takes incredible skill. Despite this, pilots elevated to this level are often competing with each other to gain more confirmed kills so they can be promoted once again to become the Angels of Death aboard a Saint-Michel Assault Carrier.

Part of Napoleon’s modernisation of the French navy, the Sirene is a powerful attack vessel able to close undetected until it surfaces with its deadly heat Lancette in range to do maximum damage to the enemy.

The tactical counterpart to the Sirene class, the Epaulard uses its secretive deployment to surface at a distance and employ its magnetic bombard to deadly effect

The Alliance Levant Squadrons builds four multi-part plastic and resin miniatures;

  • 2x Levant Cruiser: (Each Cruiser can alternatively be built as either a Chasseur, Furieux or Voliere Class ship)
  • 2x Submarine: (Each Submarinecan alternatively be built as either a Epaulard Artillery or Sirene Class boat)
  • 2x SRS Token

Please Note:

  • Miniatures are supplied unpainted and unassembled.
  • Unit Cards are not included and can be found on the Dystopian Wars website.

Quelle: WarCradle


Nils, Redakteur bei Brückenkopf-Online. Seit 2001 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop: DSA Armalion. Aktueller Fokus liegt auf Skirmish-Systemen und Warhammer 40.000. mehr auf https://www.instagram.com/nerdydutchman/

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    • Ich auch. Das ist endlich das Update für die Preußen, was es von Anfang an hätte geben sollen – und nicht diese komischen Schiffe mit den Eisenbahngleisen drauf, wo man von hinten verschiedenen Drop Ons drauf fahren kann.

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