von BK-Thorsten | 15.08.2022 | eingestellt unter: Crowdfunding, Fantasy

Dunkeldorf: Weiterer Kickstarter geplant

King Games bereiten einen weiteren Kickstarter in ihrem Dunkeldorf-Setting für Herbst 2022 vor.

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The next Dunkeldorf campaign will launch in autumn this year! It’ll be a smaller campaign than usual as we have decided to spread the content out over 2 Kickstarter campaigns with the second launching in the spring of 2023.
The upcoming campaign is called “The Streets of Dunkeldorf” and it’ll feature a variety of characters that you’re likely to encounter while walking the streets of Dunkeldorf, and these are three of them!
Max the Florist, a former military officer and engineer who was severely injured when a war machine malfunctioned and exploded next to him. Max lost his right hand, and his face was left forever scarred by fire.
After the incident he withdrew to a more peaceful life and has never felt better, he makes a living selling flowers in Dunkeldorf. With the Mond Fest coming up, he’s busier than ever!
Bjorn the Northerner is an unknown character to most people of Dunkeldorf, with the exception of his daughter, Haelga the newly appointed captain of the official Dunkeldorf town guard. Bjorn seeks out his daughter with grave news from the north, and as things unfold during his visit in Dunkeldorf, he may need to stay in town a while longer than initially planned.
The third character is Gisela the Poet. She has lived her entire life in Dunkeldorf where the townsfolk don’t seem to appreciate her poetic arts and constant daydreaming.
She continues to have high hopes for every annual Mond Fest, that this one will be the year where her talent is finally recognised by the intellectual people visiting the town.
But unfortunately, Gisela manages to lose her necklace, a family heirloom, during her very first performance of the festival and becomes consumed with finding it.
She may however need help getting it back, as it has found a new owner, someone known as “Reich Edelmann”.
The wonderful concepts are done by Christian Schwager as usual.
We’ll have some pictures of the models to show soon, including painted versions!

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The Pre-Launch page for the next Dunkeldorf campaign: The Streets of Dunkeldorf is now up! – https://www.kickstarter.com/…/the-streets-of-dunkeldorf
You can sign up to be notified when the campaign launches in the Fall.
Max the Florist has set up his selection of plants and flowers for the Mond Fest. As always, he’s sculpted by Sonny Bundgaard and painted by Nana Kronmark!
The image includes one of the new Street Lanterns (Set of three). We have also revised the set of Road Signs from the first Dunkeldorf Kickstarter and the new edition will also be available in the upcoming campaign.

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Here are three new characters for our upcoming Kickstarter, The Streets of Dunkeldorf: https://www.kickstarter.com/…/the-streets-of-dunkeldorf
These are: Lorenzo Gonzaga the Capo, Ghartek „Geldmann“ the Imperial Banker & Bernadette the Toymaker.
We’ll tell more about the characters and show pictures of the actual models soon 😃
The concepts are drawn by the talented Christian Schwager

Quelle: Dunkeldorf auf Facebook


Brückenkopf-Online Redakteur und Tabletop Insider stv. Chefredakteur. Spielt Infinity, SAGA, Freebooter's Fate, Kings of War, Warhammer 40k, Warzone Resurrection, Dropzone Commander, Deadzone, Dreadball, X-Wing, Konflikt '47, Bolt Action, Dead Man's Hand, Dracula's America, Beyond the Gates of Antares, Dropfleet Commander, Frostgrave, Collision, Bushido, Shadespire, Aristeia! und Warpath.

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  • Da werde ich wieder mitmachen, bin großer Fan der Reihe.
    Sieht wieder nach sehr schönen und charakterstarken Minis aus.

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