von BK-Christian | 22.01.2022 | eingestellt unter: Dropzone Commander

Dropzone Commander: Neue Sets

Dropzone Commander bekomt neue Boxen für alle Fraktionen.

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Das sind die neuen Battlegroup-Boxen:

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PHR Advanced Armour Battlegroup *PRE-ORDER 28th JAN* – Regular price £35.00

No matter how you slice it, PHR are just better than most other things in the galaxy. With thick armour on their vehicles, they are extremely hardy. And when combined with Jetskimmer technology and large aircraft, they can be surprisingly fast. Using shielding tech as well, their forces are difficult to budge, which makes their devastating weaponry even more dangerous.

An Armour Battlegroup is a staple in games of Dropzone Commander, and is a required choice in every army. This set contains all compulsory choices in the Armour
Battlegroup, with Auxiliary units for support. This box is ideal for a new player – if you have a Starter Army, expand your force with this box.

Fast and tough, 4 Diana Jetskimmers combine their Molecular Agitator fire to destroy large enemies. Alternatively build them as Aurora Jetskimmers to provide shields (or destroy them). 2 Odin Heavy Walkers and 2 Erebos EM Walkers are transported in a Neptune Dropship, aiding the PHR with heavy firepower and support.

Contains 9 resin miniatures and 1 clear acrylic flight stand.

Resin miniatures supplied unpainted and unassembled. This kit will require cleaning and assembly, and could need some small holes filled. Any miniatures or scenery are shown for scale only and not included.

„Please note there is a small error on the box for this product. It contains 1 Neptune Dropship.“

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Resistance Platoon Armour Battlegroup *PRE-ORDER 28th JAN* – Regular price £35.00

Resistance forces will fight with whatever vehicles and weapons they have ready, but they do prefer ones that will help them survive. Looting old military bases and underground hangers, many Resistance cells have amassed quite a collection of pre-war relics, marching to battle in platoons that would have rivalled their ancestors in power, if not in looks (a century of occupation will do that).

An Armour Battlegroup is a staple in games of Dropzone Commander, and is a required choice in every army. This set contains all compulsory choices in the Armour
Battlegroup, with Auxiliary units for support. This box is ideal for a new player – if you have a Starter Army, expand your force with this box.

2 Patton AFVs make up the core of this Battlegroup, armed for anti-light or anti-heavy vehicle fire. A Napoleon Heavy Tank makes short work of infantry, vehicles, or scenery alike with its Banisher Rotary Cannons. 2 Zhukov AA Tanks provide deadly anti-air firepower, and the set includes 2 Lifthawk Dropships to provide some transport.

Contains 7 resin miniatures and 2 clear acrylic flight stands.

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Scourge Rapid Armour Battlegroup *PRE-ORDER 28th JAN* – Regular price £35.00

The Scourge’s battle tactics often rely on shock movements. Indeed, that’s how they won the battle against humanity at the very start! Using the fastest engines around, Scourge forces are able to run rings around their opponents – both in the air and hovering a few feet off the ground. With deadly close ranged firepower, their enemies barely have a chance to realise they’re there before the Scourge have vaporised their foes.

An Armour Battlegroup is a staple in games of Dropzone Commander, and is a required choice in every army. This set contains all compulsory choices in the Armour
Battlegroup, with Auxiliary units for support. This box is ideal for a new player – if you have a Starter Army, expand your force with this box.

4 Spectre Skimtanks make up the bulk of this force, armed with long-ranged Plasma Lances or Photon Blasters, which can shoot through walls! They arrive in a Harbinger
Troopship. A Savager Laser Barge provides heavy, floating firepower, supported by 2 Corsair Interceptors, perfect for shooting down opposing aircraft.

Contains 8 resin miniatures and 4 clear acrylic flight stands.

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Shaltari Swift Armour Battlegroup *PRE-ORDER 28th JAN* – Regular price £35.00

Shaltari are fast. Really fast. If their Gate technology for teleporting units around the battlefield wasn’t fast enough, their Gravtanks manage a dizzying speed when on the ground. With technology to improve their speed even further, the bizarre weaponry these aliens bring to bear can be used in the most opportune situations.

An Armour Battlegroup is a staple in games of Dropzone Commander, and is a required choice in every army. This set contains all compulsory choices in the Armour
Battlegroup, with Auxiliary units for support. This box is ideal for a new player – if you have a Starter Army, expand your force with this box.

3 Atlatl Gravtanks can teleport friends and foe alike around the board, or build them as Arrowhead Gravtanks for extreme anti-air activity, albeit at limited range. A Puma Sonic Warstrider provides heavy firepower, and the Alligator helps your Gravtanks move faster. An Eden Gate teleports your vehicles into battle with speed.

Contains 6 resin miniatures and 1 clear acrylic flight stand.

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UCM Combined Armour Battlegroup *PRE-ORDER 28th JAN* – Regular price £35.00

A combined arms approach is typical of the UCM army. Utilizing small numbers of soldiers piloting heavily armoured vehicles, they make their limited numbers count. Using a mix of fast moving buggies and heavy tanks the ground is covered, with air support to deal with dangerous threats. Getting in and out quickly is key to UCM battle philosophy, so being able to take on all threats is important to making that happen.

An Armour Battlegroup is a staple in games of Dropzone Commander, and is a required choice in every army. This set contains all compulsory choices in the Armour
Battlegroup, with Auxiliary units for support. This box is ideal for a new player – if you have a Starter Army, expand your force with this box.

4 Polecat Buggies are armed with Twin Nemesis Miniguns for anti-infantry fire, or Aggressor Cannons for dealing with other vehicles, all transported in a Vulture Dropship. 2 Gladius Heavy Tanks bring heavy firepower with Twin Avenger Railguns or Quake Accelerated Mortars, while 2 Falcon Light Gunships provide aerial support.

Contains 9 resin miniatures and 3 clear acrylic flight stands.

Quelle: TTCombat


Chefredakteur und Betreiber von Brückenkopf-Online. Partner und Spieldesigner bei NeverRealm Industry. Seit 2002 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop Warhammer Fantasy (Dunkelelfen). Aktuelle Projekte: Summoners (alle Fraktionen), Deathmatch, Deadzone/Firefight (Asterianer und Enforcer), diverse Raumschiffe und allerlei Mechs.

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  • Die Boxen gefallen mir gut und der Rabatt ist auch anständig.
    Die neuen Einheiten finde ich ebenfalls ziemlich cool, auch wenn die kleinen Scourge Fahrzeuge etwas zu sehr nach menschlichem Designe aussehen.

    Ich habe gerade gesehen, dass die einfachen Dropships einzeln gar nicht mehr angeboten werden. Da geht man wohl wirklich davon aus, dass die Leute genug davon haben. Ich finde das eigendlich gut. Ich hätte mir nie eins davon einzeln gekauft.

  • Hoffentlich kommt das Spiel zurück nach Deutschland. Wollte es damals kurz davor anfangen bevor es hier abflachte.

    • Ja, total! Ich hatte sogar erst gedacht, da hätte jemand absichtlich in der Grafik zwei Wackelaugen drübergelegt! 🙂

  • Das es jetzt immer mehr sets gibt und einzelne Einheiten aus dem Verkauf gehen erinnert mich unangenehm an spartan games und deren planetfall. Wir wissen ja, wo das geendet hat. Ich hoffe sehr ich irre mich!

  • Kann mich nur immer wieder wiederholen: Hoffentlich kommt das wieder voran das Game.
    Drücke die Daumen. Die Releases gefallen mir.
    Good luck!

  • MHH wieder weg von Plastik hin zu Resin? Sind die Formen kaputt?
    Ist das jetzt ein komplett Redesign oder eine Ergänzung?
    Ach wer lesen kann ist klar im Vorteil,scheint eine Ergänzung zu sein?

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