Diehard Miniatures: Weitere Previews
Diehard Miniatures zeigen weitere Previewbilder zu ihrem Untoten-Kickstarter.
Something for the weekend?! Diehard Miniatures is upping the horse power with some new mounted troops, these skeletal horses have been painted this week and are ready for their riders who should be ready next week.Diehards next Kickstarter will be undead so expect to see all new skeletal units both mounted and foot troops as well as characters and specialists! Keep an eye out for the upcoming updates as more of the new figures get painted as we get closer to the launch of the campaign in January!
Lets start the week running!
These two undead chaps will be available in January in Diehard Miniatures latest KS, the Skeletal Anti Heroes are dying to meet you!
Quelle: DieHard Miniatures auf Facebook
Die Skeletschädel der Pferde sind viel zu gross.
Danke für den Hinweis! Hatte mich schon gefragt, warum die eher nach Kamelen aussehen. Immer wieder faszinierend, wie manchmal etwas den Eindruck stören kann und man Probleme hat, dies zu benennen.
find die Skelette recht schick
Finde die auch ganz gut.