von BK-Christian | 31.05.2022 | eingestellt unter: Crowdfunding, Science-Fiction

DieHard Miniatures: Law and Disorder 2!

DieHard sind mit einem neuen Kickstarter unterwegs.

DHM Law And Disorder 2! 1

Law and Disorder Campaign II

This campaign will allow Diehard Miniatures to expand upon our very popular Sci-Fi range, the aim is to bring 79 new metal figures including freebies out with your help!

Our main drive in this campaign will have a good versus bad theme, and those that dwell in the grey area. Sci-Fi Law Enforcers will have a new limited edition figure, Marshal Lex is mounted on her Grav patrol bike. We are very lucky to have one of the last sculpts from our guest sculptor Kev White of Hasslefree fame!! We aim to fund:

  •  THIRTEEN new 5 man units – 65 new miniatures!!
  •  FOURTEEN free stretch goal miniatures – characters, familiars and droids.
  •  AND an opportunity to pick up existing units from the Diehard range that complement this release.

This Diehard KS is slightly different from our previous campaigns, we will be dipping our toe into the realms of Freebies! A first for us and hopefully a fresh new experience for you, anyone using a pledge level of £30 or above will automatically get freebies (this has to be a £30 pledge tier or higher and not a lower tier that has items added to it to raise it above £30). The more backers and the higher the pledge the quicker the stretch goals will be unlocked to a maximum of £87 worth of freebies!!

Diehard Miniatures aims continue to bring Old School to the tabletop with high quality designs and sculpts with your help we can do this!

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This new release will help populate the Diehard world of Luskia 5120

Mankinds arrival. The push for resources and a greater dominance in the outer regions of space brought them to a planet they designated 5120, the survey team found what they were after in the mountains and plains regions, and so the mining guild staked their claims on the planet. Initial exchanges between the new settlers and the ancient Eru-Kin had been hostile, it was soon decided that the swamp regions to the west were off limits, and not having significant strength in orbit (having only a exploratory fleet), a none aggression pact was signed between the two species.  Initial mineral based findings were found to have been greatly exaggerated, both through official corruption and the exploration team. Because of this Luskia 5120 was quickly downgraded, and within 30 years the minerals rush had moved on, leaving the planet open for others to colonise. Being on the very edge of known space the uptake was very slow. Always on the look out for new places, however the smugglers, pirates and people who did not want to be found started to arrive. Frontier law and governance is in charge for the most part throughout the Alliance zone, with marshals and bounty hunters the only kind of law frequenting the ‘no go’ areas.


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Limited Edition Marshal Lex on Grav Bike. Marshal sculpted by Kev White, Grav bike sculpted by Tim Prow.

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New Skeletal Spacemen unit sculpted and painted by Tim Prow.

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Death Cult unit, sculpted and painted by Tim Prow.

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New E-Corp unit, sculpted and painted by Tim Prow.

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New Elite Bounty Hunter unit, sculpted and painted by Tim Prow.

How Pledges Work

Example: Steve chooses the Band of Brothers pledge level this gets him a unit of his choice from the funding level options (though he can change the unit for any unlocked unit which has been released during the campaign if he so wishes), he also receives all freebies that are unlocked as well, this is a maximum of £87 worth of free loot! At any point during the campaign if Steve wishes to upgrade his pledge because he wanted more units he can do this by simply upgrading his pledge.

The final two pledges levels are where it gets interesting, pledging £110 you will receive 5 units of your choice, all unlocked freebies and the Limited Edition Lex figure for FREE! The final tier of £220 gets you all funding level units, the Limited Edition figure, all unlocked freebies + ALL UNLOCKED UNITS ABSOLUTELY FREE!! If all stretch goals are unlocked this is a massive £140 saving and one not to be missed.

Once the campaign ends Steve will receive his survey so he can tell us what he would like, at this stage if he wished to purchase more units he need only fill out the survey including the extra items. Diehard will then go through the survey and send a PM with information on how those extra items can be paid for.

Add Ons

Add Ons can be found towards the bottom of the page and will show what figures are available to add to a pledge. Keep an eye on the Add Ons during the campaign as stretch goals unlock the released items will then be available to purchase in the ‚Add On‘ section.

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Die Kampagne bietet noch diverse weitere Modelle und läuft noch 16 Tage.

Quelle: Law and Disorder 2


Chefredakteur und Betreiber von Brückenkopf-Online. Partner und Spieldesigner bei NeverRealm Industry. Seit 2002 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop Warhammer Fantasy (Dunkelelfen). Aktuelle Projekte: Summoners (alle Fraktionen), Deathmatch, Deadzone/Firefight (Asterianer und Enforcer), diverse Raumschiffe und allerlei Mechs.

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  • Anderson und die Space Corps Modelle sind schon super.
    Das ist echt eine Überlegung wert, sobald die auf der Seite verfügbar sind.

  • Und wieder so ein Fall wo ich auf die News klicke, die Bilder sehe, zu den Kommentaren scrolle und leicht schadenfreudig erwarte, dass diese (für mich!) unglaublich hässlichen Minis in der Luft zerrissen werden.

    Mit Geschmäckern ist es einfach spannend. So unterschiedlich können sie sein.

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