von BK-Christian | 05.02.2022 | eingestellt unter: Crowdfunding

Dave Taylor: Kickstarter Preview

Von Dave Taylor kommt schon bald ein neuer Kickstarter.

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Over the past decade or so, many role-players have decided to immerse themselves in the worlds they create by using 3D scenery and miniatures to give everyone a clear idea of the areas they’re adventuring through and the dangers they face. There are a lot of great terrain sets that are commercially available, and this book provides a lot of excellent ideas and techniques to help you make your collections unique to you and your gaming group.

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The Tremendous Tome of Decorating Dungeons, written by tabletop gaming veterans Jeff Hall and Dave Taylor, will be a must-have for gamers who haven’t painted terrain or miniatures before, but it will be a great refresher for veteran gamers wanting to up the immersion of their games.

This book will be full of step-by-step instructions and inspirational examples, covering these major topics:

What Dungeons and Caverns are available?

We take a look at the various types of Dungeon and Cavern scenery commercially available, as well as explore the different types of pieces you can use to build impressive layouts for your RPG sessions.

Planning out your collection

Starting with sketching out your dungeons through to planning your purchases and even talking about storage options, we take a closer look at the best ways to get the most out of your collections.

What Tools and Techniques can you use?

We show you that you can do a lot of personalizing with a handful of tools and techniques that will expand your skills and set you up for creating amazing layouts for each of your RPG campaigns.

Step-by-step Examples for Dungeons and Caverns

In this section, we guide you through some great examples of iconic settings and show you how to apply the techniques you have previously learned.

Painting Your Adventurers and Monsters

Once you’ve practiced your new skills on your dungeon layouts, you can apply the same techniques to your miniature adventuring parties and the myriad of monsters and evil minions they will face. We’ll provide a variety of suggestions for ways to make your collection unique to you.

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On February 10th, we’ll be launching a Kickstarter to fund the creation and printing of The Tremendous Tome. We’re keeping things as straightforward as we can, so we’ll be starting off with three Pledge Levels:

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$20 – The Tremendous Tome – PDF Edition

This will be a hi-res, searchable, bookmarked PDF edition of the book, perfect for use on your favorite device.

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$28 – The Tremendous Tome – Physical Edition

This will be a physical edition of the book, starting out as a quality, 96-page softback. We’re aiming to use Stretch Goals to build the overall quality of the physical book along the way.

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$40 – The Tremendous Tome – Physical + PDF Editions

This gets you both the Physical And the PDF editions of the book.

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Stretch Goals

We have quite a few Stretch Goals planned that will each fall into one of three categories:

  • FREEBIES – These will be a variety of one-shot adventures inspired by the various feature builds from the book and delivered to all backers as hi-res PDFs for free.
  • UPGRADES – These will include cool things that we can do to increase the overall quality of the physical edition – such as taking the book from a softback to hardback.
  • ADD-ONS – These will be a number of different items that will immerse backers further into the ideas explored in The Tremendous Tome.

PD 02 What Is Available 3 PD 04 Planning 1 PD 05 Tools And Techniques 1 PD 06 Dungeons & Caverns 2

Wenn die Kampagne startet, melden wir es natürlich noch einmal.

Quelle: The Tremendous Tome of Decorating Dungeons


Chefredakteur und Betreiber von Brückenkopf-Online. Partner und Spieldesigner bei NeverRealm Industry. Seit 2002 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop Warhammer Fantasy (Dunkelelfen). Aktuelle Projekte: Summoners (alle Fraktionen), Deathmatch, Deadzone/Firefight (Asterianer und Enforcer), diverse Raumschiffe und allerlei Mechs.

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  • Spannendes Thema auf jeden Fall. So eine Dungeonlösung sucht man ja immer ewig, weil es viele Möglichkeiten gibt, von denen keine wirklich schlecht ist.

  • Was mich bei vielen modularen Dungeon-Systemen etwas stört, sind die aus meiner Sicht oft zu niedrigen Wände. Für mich würde es viel gewinnen, wenn es nicht so aussehen würde, als wenn die Deckenhöhe nur bei knapp 2 Metern oder sogar darunter läge. Das war auch hier gleich mein erster Gedanke.

    • Das Höhenmaß der Wände ist meist ein Kompromiss zur besseren Bespielbarkeit, um selbst in engen Gängen die Minis bequem erreichen und bewegen zu können. Und um bei größeren Dungeons selbst aus 1-2m Entfernung noch alles gut überblicken zu können. Materialkosten und Volumen spielen natürlich auch eine Rolle.

      • Das verstehe ich schon. Tatsächlich ginge es mir meist aber auch nur um einen Zentimeter oder so. Das würde die Spielbarkeit vielleicht nicht arg stören, aber dennoch realistischer aussehen.

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