von BK-Herr Kemper | 16.03.2022 | eingestellt unter: Patreon, Science-Fiction

Cyber-Forge: April Patreon Preview

Im Monat April wird es bei Cyber-Forge pulpig – die Insel des Dr. Maneater!

CF April 1 CF April 2 CF April 3 CF April 4

Island of Dr. Maneater Preview!

In April at Cyber Forge we are visiting a very dangerous and secluded place in freshly reemerged Borderlands. The place where wonders of old will come to life by the hand of a mad scientist/cannibal: DR. MANEATER!!!

Expect post-apocalyptic Borderlands heroes, Jurassic beasts, and even some giant robots!

You gonna hear us Roar!

Die März Modelle gibt es auch noch:

CF March 1CF March 2 CF March 3

Along every border of know space, there are merc stations. Places where desperate fathers can seek help in finding their kidnapped daughters. Places where blood-hungry warmonger dictators can garrison their forces in preparation for sneak attacks. Even streetwise teams can hire the extra firepower to level a bank that they want to plunder. The only condition is the price. Money can get you everywhere.

In definition, a constellation is a group of stars that appears to form a pattern. Star Ops is an elite constellation of operatives that forms a pattern of destruction.

An elite group of mercenaries veterans under Commander Crux. After the Titan City Genome Uprising Crux learned to know that only money and power can make a difference. At the beginning that is what he sought, now this is something he provides.

His right arm, Corvus, is the one who gets him out of Cryo Jail after the massacre. From the very start, he’s the one who specializes in working from the shadows. He is known as the silencer because after he acquires a target, you won’t ever hear from them again.

Corvus was trained by his love, Mensa. They are both mercenary assassins but she outclasses her partner significantly in two fields – cruelty and hatred for dwarfs. Her refusal to work with them is well-known and has caused Star Ops to lose quite many lucrative contracts.

The next member of the team is Octans, a marksman. No one who has seen him without his mask lived long enough to brag about it. Most of the time, his targets do not even have an occasion to as he can take out his targets from the great range with mathematical precision.

The rest of the team consists of various specialists. Pictor is a waining recon guy. The only thing he likes are his spider drones. He spends a lot of time on their upgrades and maintenance, and in response, they do most of his work. And Aquarius is a breacher. He breaches doors, walls, sometimes even humans.

Cygnus is a Star Ops engineer, who maintains an all-purpose Tactical Tank Rutten T72, a high-tech no-crew state-of-the-art blaster. It’s as good for leveling cities as for country yard drives. Cygnus can also maintain and pilot UM-64 Deployer when the crew needs to set foon on the ground… or a desert.. or a moon.

Commander Crux’s strategy often involves the deployment of the modular Field Base. At all times, Star Ops is in the process of selecting new recruits and empowering its ranks. More often than not, these Grunts do not survive a single mission but if you look carefully, you will see that everyone from the entire main crew was one at the beginning. Receiving a constellation codename is the dream of many. Now you can get one, too, and live the high-risk high-reward life of the Star Ops operative!

Stay Cyber and Cheers,
CF Team

Quelle: Cyber-Forge Miniatures Patreon

BK-Herr Kemper

Mostly Harmless. Im Hobby seit den 80ern..... Spielt: Infinity (Nomads & Aleph), Warmachine (Khador & Mercs), BattleTech (Alpha Strike), 7TV Adventures, In Her Majesty's Name, Dust, Batman TMG

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  • Ah gut scheint wieder ein generischer BS Monat zu werden den man gut auslassen kann.

    Der März hat mich fast wegen des Geländes interessiert, die minis waren mir irgendwie zu „unbegeisternd“ und die Fahrzeuge, ne lieber nicht.

    Mal sehen vielleicht wird der April ja doch noch aber Titanforge ist trotz ihres erfolges doch eher so unteres mittel.

  • Ich gebe mittlerweile Print Minis den Vorzug. Die haben eigentlich jeden Monat super Sachen.

    • Ja die sind richtig gut,
      das Gelände gefällt mir sehr und seit sie wieder mehr SciFi als Diesel Punk machen.
      Nur den Scale der Figuren bekommen sie nicht so gut hin aber das kann man ja korrigieren…

      Bin sehr auf die Mech Werkstatt gespannt

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