von BK-Christian | 19.10.2022 | eingestellt unter: Brettspiele

Cool Mini or Not: Assassin’s Creed Brettspiel

CMoN haben ein neues Brettspiel angekündigt.

CMON Assassins Creed Brettspiel

CMON Set to Adapt Ubisoft’s Assassin’s Creed for Tabletop RPG

CMON is proud to announce that Assassin’s Creed®, Ubisoft’s video game series which celebrates its 15th anniversary this year, is coming to the world of tabletop roleplaying games for the first time via CMON’s publishing imprint, Guillotine Press. The licensing agreement will give players exciting new ways to explore the vast world and time periods of the video games as they enter the Animus, searching for long-lost secrets and Pieces of Eden to aid them in their long fight against the Templars.

Overseen by CMON’s Head of IP & RPGs, Francesco Nepitello (The One Ring RPG, Zombicide Chronicles RPG, Dune: War for Arrakis), players in the Assassin’s Creed roleplaying game will create and play as Descendants, modern-day characters whose ancestors were famous Brotherhood assassins of old. Players will also create and play as several of those same Ancestors, one for each time period they’ll visit in their missions by entering the Animi Network. Guiding their adventures is the Animus Operator; it’s their duty to set the scene and guide the players through the game.

Fans of the video game can expect a deep dive into a wealth of lore and history pulled directly from the series‘ core line, as well as the over two dozen spin-off games. Assassin’s Creed and roleplaying fans can expect a deluxe set of the books, along with numerous game supplements and enhancements, like character miniatures, detailed maps, and game aids.

“Bringing Assassin’s Creed to tabletop RPG is an exciting challenge with near endless potential,” said Francesco Nepitello. “The video game’s highly original premise — combining modern-day reality with period adventures, offers such an incredible opportunity for us to bring players a variety of gameplay that is unprecedented in most RPGs.”

Guilherme Goulart, CMON’s VP of Production, added, “Bringing Assassin’s Creed to tabletop RPG is a dream come true. Not only is it an incredibly fun and action-packed video game series with millions of fans all over the globe, but it also features a deep, dense and richly designed world that begs to be explored. We really want to take advantage of that and push this RPG line as far as it will go. It’s a great honor to be able to work with Ubisoft and utilize the groundwork they’ve created in order to provide a brand new way for players to experience the never-ending struggle between the Templars and the Brotherhood.”

„There are a lot of game developers at Ubisoft whose passion for game design and world-building sparked from playing board games and pen & paper RPGs. We are so happy to have the incredible team at CMON on board to develop this project and can’t wait to give our fans the opportunity to build new adventures and be the heroes of their own Assassin story,’’ adds Aymar Azaizia, Transmedia and Business development Director at Ubisoft Montréal.

The Assassin’s Creed Roleplaying Game is slated to be available for pre-order in 2023.

Quelle: Cool Mini or Not


Chefredakteur und Betreiber von Brückenkopf-Online. Partner und Spieldesigner bei NeverRealm Industry. Seit 2002 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop Warhammer Fantasy (Dunkelelfen). Aktuelle Projekte: Summoners (alle Fraktionen), Deathmatch, Deadzone/Firefight (Asterianer und Enforcer), diverse Raumschiffe und allerlei Mechs.

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  • Der Titel ist etwas irre führend. So wie sich der Text liest handelt es sich doch um das was man hierzulande eher als Pen&Paper Rollenspiel bezeichnet, oder irre ich mich?

    CMON ist ja nun schon etwas länger auch auf dem reinen tabletop RPG Markt tätig.

    • Hätte ich auch so verstanden. Ein Minilastiges Brettspiel gab’s ja erst. Das muss ich bei Gelegenheit endlich mal testen.

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