von BK-Herr Kemper | 04.04.2022 | eingestellt unter: Fantasy, Patreon

Cobramode: April

Cobramode zeigt die April-Modelle.

Cobra Mode April 22 2 Cobra Mode April 22 3 Cobra Mode April 22 4 Cobra Mode April 22 7 Cobra Mode April 22 8 Cobra Mode April 22 9 Cobra Mode April 22 10 Cobra Mode April 22 11 Cobra Mode April 22 12 Cobra Mode April 22 13 Cobra Mode April 22 14 Cobra Mode April 22 15Cobra Mode April 22 5 Cobra Mode April 22 6 Cobra Mode April 22 1

Cobramode – April Neuheiten

March was a bit of a rough month with the many file updates. We actually had some CobraMode Birthday minis that were supposed to come out, but because those files came in at the same time as the April minis needing to be supported, Atlas has been swamped doing the supports. But don’t worry, they’ll be available on MMF through your shared objects along with any corrected files. You’ll get the Redeem messages through your MyMiniFactory inbox when they’re ready.

Thank you so much to all our patrons, both for your patience and your support. As we grow into a bigger Patreon, we’re still finding our feet and trying to manage everything while staying true to our roots. I’m going to be honest, there are a lot of moving parts in our day-to-day operations; we have several freelancers, partnerships, and people we rely on, not to mention responding to Patron questions and concerns, advertising, and keeping track of social media, all while one collection is getting sculpted and prepped for 3d printing and another is being designed and concepted. Calling it multi-tasking is understated at best. But I wouldn’t trade this job for the world, and I’m so glad that Erin and I are able to do this. It’s all because of the support of our Patrons that we can create our quirky universe and share it, and for that we are so grateful! Please keep sharing the Cobra love on social media, posting your prints and paints, and sending us your kind comments. It really helps us to get through the tough parts of this work!

For April, we’re trying out something new and exciting for our patrons: Loyalty Bonuses! Anyone who has ever been subscribed for 3 or more months (can be non-consecutive), will receive a special Bonus model, The Budgerigar! This platy pirate ship has a removable bottom so you can set it flat on the table, or you can put it on a stand to display it in all its glory. Sculpted by Heriberto Valle from Capsule Chibi, we commissioned him to make us something really special and he didn’t disappoint! From now on, any patron who has 3 months of patronage will receive this model. If you don’t have 3 months yet, staying in the patreon for the appropriate number of months will do the trick. For now we’ll use MMF to distribute it, so it should start appearing in peoples‘ MMF accounts around mid-April. Every month I’ll be adding new emails to the MMF shared object as people reach their 3 month mark.

Of course, what’s a pirate ship without a crew? We have a whole cast of merry troublemakers, including our fearless Captain, an artillerist, a swashbuckling octopus with a mild platy-partner, and peg-legged bard pirate. Not to mention the mischeivous monkeys operating the mortar! Unfortunately the ship was made at the same time as a the crew, so we weren’t able to make it accommodate all the minis. But perhaps the fair Budgerigar has been beached and our crew is on land, to go with the fabulous bases and terrain scatter this month!

Lore for this month:

Ushar – Boondaburra Pirate
When she left home to search for adventure, Ushar fell in with the wrong crowd and ended up working on the decks of The Budgerigar. A pirate ship of ill-repute, Ushar has had some difficulty fitting in; she’s naturally honest and earnest, and isn’t much use in battles. As a result, she was paired up with Niba, a surly octopus who does her fighting (and most of her drinking) for her.

Niba – Octopus Pirate
Niba was originally a prisoner of another pirate ship, having been pulled onboard inside a net full of fish. Kept aside for food, the crew sorely underestimated her. The Budgerigar met this ship on the open waters and engaged her crew in battle, but found Niba had already killed the captain and taken his hat and sword for her own. Now the veteran of a hundred sea battles, Niba is considered an experienced and valuable part of the crew.

Ragas – Boondaburra Pirate
Ragas is a salty old pirate, who lost his leg long ago in a raid. It hasn’t stopped him from swashbuckling with the best of the crew, though. His real passion, besides raiding, is playing the concertina. He’s become quite proficient at it, and his music keeps the crew of The Budgerigar uplifted even through the toughest of times.

Siduri – Boondaburra Captain
The dashing, daring, captain of The Budgerigar, Siduri is prone to giving impromptu inspirational speeches. This Captain of the last 20 years is quite successful at motivating her crew with her grand visions for the future. They may not always understand her lofty language, but she’s never steered them wrong.

Gesi – Boondaburra Artillery
Gesi and his trusty pet goat, Uri, operate the handheld artillery for The Budgerigar’s land forces. Whether it’s protecting their secret pirate cove, or attacking a port, Gesi and Uri make a great team.

Monkey Mortar
Part of what makes The Budgerigar such a successful (and dangerous) pirate ship is the presence of Monkey-operated Mortars. The nimble monkeys are trained specially to load, aim, and shoot the mortars at enemy ships, and make quick work of even the toughest opponents.

The Budgerigar
An ocean sailing ship in the Boondaburran style, The Budgerigar is so named for how the wind whistles in her sails. Originally part of the Boondaburra Navy, she was stolen by Captain Siduri and retrofitted to be a pirate vessel. She has several distinct features, such as the official Boondaburra figurehead and emblem of the Royal Family, and 4 depth charges that can be released to destroy or deter pursuing ships. Although she’s seen better days, The Budgerigar is still a fine and fast ship, and beloved of crew and captain.

Ein Patreon-Monat kostet 10,00 USD + VAT.

Die Modelle der vergangenen Monate sind bei My Mini factory MMF erhältlich.

Link: Cobramode Patreon

BK-Herr Kemper

Mostly Harmless. Im Hobby seit den 80ern..... Spielt: Infinity (Nomads & Aleph), Warmachine (Khador & Mercs), BattleTech (Alpha Strike), 7TV Adventures, In Her Majesty's Name, Dust, Batman TMG

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  • Ich kann mit diesen Schnabeltieren nichts anfangen, aber ich muss doch jeden Monat aufneue die Energie und Sorgfalt bewundern die hier demonstriert wird.

    Die Sachen von Cobramode sind schon schick

  • Ah schick. Wir spielen mit dem Junior eine D&D Variante mit erwachten Tieren. Da freue ich mich immer über neue Figuren.
    Da landen 1,2 Figuren vermutlich in meinem Drucker.

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