von BK-Christian | 01.03.2022 | eingestellt unter: Crowdfunding, Historisch

Clash of Katanas: Kickstarter läuft

Der Kickstarter zur neuesten Erweiterung für Clash of Spears läuft erfolgreich.

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Und darum geht es:

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The power of the Shogunate is in shambles, and Japan has fallen into the chaos of the Sengoku Jidai (warring states). Daimyos lead their clans into battle, fighting to become the next Shogun, while peasants rise in revolt. But those are the problems of lords and generals, yours is to lead your men, and achieve honor and glory for your house!

Following the success and acclaim of CLASH of Spears, CLASH of Katanas is a fully fleshed expansion to play Skirmish battles of 25 to 100 models in the exciting wars of 16th century Japan’s. So sharpen your wit,  and be ready for…the CLASH of Katanas!

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CLASH is a fast paced, warband level, wargame to be played in 4’ by 4’ tables over 1 to 3 hours. It was designed to be fast and intuitive, while providing realistic feel, tactical depth and high impact decision making. After a great launch in Kickstarter 2019 CLASH has continuously grown, with expansions like Rise of Eagles and Fields of Blood, and was awarded „game of the year 2020“ by wargames illustrated magazine. (If you are new to CLASH you can see reviews, playthrough and interviews at the end of KS)

The CLASH of Katanas source book will transport you to the Sengoku Jidai wars of 16th century Japan. The rules concentrate on the later period after the introduction of firearms by European traders and also covers the Japanese invasion of Korea known as the Imjin War. It allows a great variety of factions to be played:

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This sourcebook includes new rules and traits to characterize oriental military doctrine which was considerably different from European style of warfare, despite the similarities in technology and weapons.

It includes tons of special rules for particular elements such as Shinobi, Tsukaiban, Geishas, Samurai Bushido Code, grenades, light artillery and much more.

CLASH of Katanas also includes new scenarios that expand those in the core CLASH of Spears rulebook as well as new pre-battle sequence options to fit the characteristics of the different forces in the book, such as the Tea Ceremony for Samurai armies or the Nembutsu chants for the Ikko Ikki armies and more.

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Just like with CLASH of Spears , CLASH of Katanas has been designed to achieve a balance of historical flavor and exciting game flow.  It was meticulously playtested to give you a balanced game that will satisfy both competitive gamer and historical  gamer alike.

CLASH of Katanas also comes with a great historical recount of the period by acclaimed Samurai author Terje Solum. This is a unique original text by one of the most renowned experts in the field to satisfy both the total newcomer to the sengoku period and the Samurai veterans out there!

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Do I need the CLASH of Spear rulebook to play?

Yes you do! But if you don’t have it already its available as an add on with a large discount to every pledge level or in the newcomer pledge.

Also, while the campaign is ongoing the PDF version of the rules will be offered at a special discounted price through our wargame vault store here:

CLASH of Spears PDF

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Starter Boxed Sets

Fighting Hedgehog is proud to have partnered with Zenit Miniatures to provide ready to play warbands with a variety of troops for most of the lists in CLASH of Katanas. Our starter boxed sets combine 4 different troop types and a clan hero for your 25 strong CLASH of Katanas starter force! (All miniatures are 28mm, come unpainted and require assembly)

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Pledge Levels:

We have kept the pledge levels simple to eliminate complexity and facilitate the short turn around for the kickstarter. This time you will have access to the backer kit after campaign closes.

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Stretch Goals:

We are thrilled with the massive support of our community and hope to give back by adding great stretch goals to the project.

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20K – Samurai pledges or higher (level I+) get the free PDF of CLASH of Katanas. The PDF will likely be sent before the main pledges so you can start studying the rules ahead of time !

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35K –  Kogashira pledges or higher (level III+) get one extra character per box matching the faction of the boxed set

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50k –   Samurai pledges or higher (level I+) get a free set of carboard counters per CLASH of Katanas book pledged (either in the reward or as an add on). This set of beautiful counters include actions, wounds and unloaded markers to supplement your game!

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65k Samurai pledges or higher (level I+) get a free set of quick reference play cards. The cards will cover all the new traits and equipment in the book and be a great play aid for savvy Daimyos.

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80k –  Kogashira pledges or higher (level III+) get one extra character per box matching the faction of the boxed set (charaters yet to be revealed)


To ensure effective fulfillment Fighting Hedgehog is partnering with kickstarter veteran Zenit miniatures for shipping and fulfillment. Therefore items will be shipped from Spain, with the exception of book only pledges in the Americas which we will fulfill from the hedgehog lair in Atlanta, Georgia.

All shipping charges will be calculated at the after the kickstarter ends based on the items that you have selected. The following chart shows our estimation of approximate shipping charges by region and reward. If add-ons are selected these may increase shipping.

Also be aware that some countries might impose additional taxes or custom duties. US and Canada prices are in dollars while the rest are in Euros.

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Infos zum Spiel:

Die Kampagne ist finanziert und läuft noch 19 Tage.

Quelle: Clash of Katanas


Chefredakteur und Betreiber von Brückenkopf-Online. Partner und Spieldesigner bei NeverRealm Industry. Seit 2002 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop Warhammer Fantasy (Dunkelelfen). Aktuelle Projekte: Summoners (alle Fraktionen), Deathmatch, Deadzone/Firefight (Asterianer und Enforcer), diverse Raumschiffe und allerlei Mechs.

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  • Ein tolles Projekt! Wir sind im Club schon fleißig ins Backing eingestiegen und freuen uns sehr. Grade nach den positiven Erfahrungen mit dem Clash of Spears KS kann ich die Erize-Brüder nur empfehlen. Und das Spiel ist, wenn es nur halbwegs an CoS rankommt, definitiv einen Blick wert.

    Allerdings haben wir uns fast alle gegen die Miniaturen von Kensei entschieden und nur die Bücher gepledged. Wir werden dann wohl in Fireforges anstehenden Samurai KS einsteigen. Grade weil doch einige von uns damit liebäugeln, die CLASH-Größe mehr oder weniger deutlich zu überschreiten, sind schöne neue Plastikmodelle vielleicht eher unser Ding.

    • Bin auch wieder dabei, inc dem Erweiterungsband von Cos.
      Besitze div. Kensei minis werde mir denoch deinen Tip merken.

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