von BK-Christian | 28.10.2022 | eingestellt unter: Crowdfunding, Fantasy

Champions of Sona: 75mm Resin Miniatures Kickstarter

Squidmar ist mit einer Reihe interessanter Großmodelle auf Kickstarter unterwegs.

Und darum geht es:

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75mm Resin Miniatures

The Champions of Sona kickstarter is the first of hopefully many Squidmar Miniatures 75mm releases. Consisting of the first 10 champions from the freshly created fantasy universe Sona. All miniatures are in the so called 75mm scale, meaning that the figures are about 75mm from foot to eye. Every miniature is created for and by Squidmar Miniatures, designed by some of the worlds best concept artists and sculptors. Each miniature is incredibly detailed, imaginatively designed, and bursting with character – sculpted by such renowned artists as Joaquin Palacios, Victor Aguilar and Leonardo Escobar Quintero and cast by some of the finest boutique casting services: Mindwork Games and Terrible Kids Stuff.

Not only do you get a miniature, but every character comes with a scenic base and the largest miniature is 35 cm tall. The retail cost of these never-before seen miniatures will range from 57€ to 249€, but all will be exclusively available at a lower cost through this Kickstarter – and even cheaper when purchased in a bundle! And everyone that orders 3 or more miniatures will receive a free booklet containing a Short story, artworks and biographies of all the characters. We’re also offering an exclusive Collectors Edition of the Squidmar Miniatures Kolinsky sable paint brush.

A civilisation cast out of time. Now bereft of the resources needed, its technological genius is slowly crumbling. In their pursuit of power and perfection, the elves of Eiko had long ago abandoned their ties to nature for the seemingly endless bounty offered by their scientific achievements. Weapons able to inflict terrible damage from afar, artificial limbs capable of performing astounding feats…in technology, the elves had come to believe that they could find perfection at last. Unfortunately, now many of those mechanisms have begun to fail or, in some ways worse, develop treacherous faults. Yet, only a handful of elves see a return to nature as the only hope. Most still cling to the belief that technology will yet provide their race with its desires…even in the face of personal disaster.

The Elves of Eiko

A civilization cast out of time, now bereft of the resources needed, its technological genius slowly crumbling. In their pursuit of power and perfection, the elves of Eiko had long ago abandoned their ties to nature for the seemingly endless bounty offered by their scientific achievements. Weapons able to inflict terrible damage from afar, artificial limbs capable of performing astounding feats… In technology, the elves had come to believe that they could find perfection at last. Unfortunately, now many of those mechanisms have begun to fail or, in some ways worse, develop treacherous faults. Yet, only a handful of elves see a return to nature as the only hope. Most still cling to the belief that technology will yet provide their race with its desires… even in the face of personal disaster.

Idea: Emil & John – Character concept art: Adrián Prado – Sculpting: Victor Aguilar and Alejandro Muñoz

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The Innori

There are those in Sona to whom necromancy is the darkest of magical arts. Indeed, there are some practitioners who very much follow that path and their deeds have, on occasion, become the things of nightmare. However, for many who have chosen necromancy, there is, in truth, no desire for evil or power. Especially among the humans of Sona, necromancy is — some say ironically — the very essence of life. In addition, there is a belief, not entirely dismissed by believers, that necromancy — its very nature dealing with something or someone now part of the past — gives practitioners and worshippers a feeling of continuity in a world where time has little meaning and history can be altered by a god’s simplest thought.

Idea: Emil & John – Character concept: Blochsanchez – Sculpting: Victor Aguilar, Daniel Fernandez, Leonardo Escobar Quinero – Colored Illustrations: Orniris Terensi

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The Orks of Drachonzahn

Brok guides his people on their path even though he does not claim the role of leader. Molding generations of chieftains, the elder shaman has enabled the orc race to grow and thrive during the worst of times. Still, he has foreseen a future when one day he shall not be there to watch over the orcs and so he has begun to set into motion events that will not only see to the dominance of his kind over others, but still turn the gods’ attention to other matters. Diverting their interest from Drachonzahn has become a tremendous part of the shaman’s work of late and done most often at the expense of outsiders and other races.

Idea: Emil & John – Character concept: Danny Cruz – Sculpting: Joaquin Palacios and James W Cain – Colored Illustrations: Orniris Terensi

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Die Pledges:

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Additional arts & Videos:

There’s a lot of amazing artists that have been helping us out with amazing art, videos and paint jobs for this project! Here’s some simply fantastic paint jobs we just need to share!

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Most of the packages will be shipped from Sweden with DHL Express. We’ve selected this service because they have a great track record and deliver the packages to your door in 1-4 days world wide and with tracking. Depending on how many miniatures you order the shipping price and time of delivery will vary.  Down below is a graph with shipping estimates. Note: final prices may vary slightly. All shipping will be paid through the pledge manager AFTER the campaign is over. Shipping is NOT included in the backing pledge.

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The reason the shipping is estimate and not yet set is because shipping companies charge us a fuel surcharge, which at the moment is very high. We do not know that that exact price will be until the campaign is over. Shipping orders will be fulfilled according to what miniatures and orders we have available to send out – and not how early you pledged.

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Taxes and import fees:

All prices on displayed on this page are set. Orders from the EU have VAT added but not outside the EU. As there is no system for us to deduct VAT based on in specific countries via Kickstarter, the prices have been adjusted and an average cost applied for all countries. While we would love to have a system in place, we’re small organisation of enthusiasts who have made this project for the love of it so sadly it is unfeasible at this time.

Import fees:

Each country have different rules and regulations on import fees and tariffs. We recommend researching your countries specific rules for importing packages from Sweden. Note: UK, Canada and South American countries always charge import fees.

Die Kampagne ist finanziert und läuft noch 18 Tage.

Quelle: Champions of Sona – 75mm Resin Miniatures


Chefredakteur und Betreiber von Brückenkopf-Online. Partner und Spieldesigner bei NeverRealm Industry. Seit 2002 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop Warhammer Fantasy (Dunkelelfen). Aktuelle Projekte: Summoners (alle Fraktionen), Deathmatch, Deadzone/Firefight (Asterianer und Enforcer), diverse Raumschiffe und allerlei Mechs.

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  • Die Designs sind schon schick,
    die Promobemalung klasse.

    Aber irgendwie will sich da kein „Haben will“ Gefühl einstellen.

    Vielleicht Kickstarter Fatigue oder sie sind zu sehr an Minis die es schon gibt das sie im Rauschen unter gehen.

  • Handwerklich top gemacht, aber irgendwie generisch Fantasy ohne direkt eine Bekannte IP zu bedienen. So sind es *nur* schicke Minis von Vielen. Der Ork Schamane gefällt mir ziemlich gut, aber mit Porto knapp 100 Euro ist schon eine Ansage.

  • Das ist weder generisch noch lieblos. Eher im Gegenteil.
    Da steckt so viel Leidendchaft und Professionalität drinnen – schon abgefahren…

    LG Ralf

  • Generisch, lieblos und überteuert. 3 davon und du hast den 3D printer zusammen und damit Zugriff auf unendlich Großmodelle und Büsten.
    Der Squidmar hat sich nun einfach nach ner großen Wachstumsphase seines Channels mit zunehmend reinem Entertainment content ohne Tiefgang, dazu entschlossen die knapp 1/2 Millionen Subs zu richtig Cash machen. Im Leben kosten Minis nicht so viel, das ist einfach Mark-up.

Die Kommentarfunktion ist geschlossen.